If you’re asking yourself how to make my husband love me again, you have probably just about reached the end of your tether when it comes to your marriage. It's tough to have to live within a bad marriage, but if you approach things in a healthy way, you may just be able to help re-establish the love and affection the two of you once had.
One thing to keep in mind is that even though you are the one asking the question your husband probably feels the distance between the two of you as well and hopefully will be just as willing as you are to make some changes. If he's not willing you are in for an almost impossible skirmish.
I am in a great marriage now, but the first time around... not so much. My ex husband was very challenging and not very giving. He was what I call an 'emotional cripple'. He was too insecure to be my friend and consider us to be equals (actually we weren't equals, I was much better than he was in virtually all facets of my personality, I just didn't understand it at the time so it was like open season. I know that sounds vain, but it's true). He would demean me in front of his family and our kids. Thankfully, he finally left with some bimbo he met at a bowling alley.
So, if your husband is an emotional cripple too, I would recommend you try counselling, though it won't work if he isn't willing to try, but it's a place to begin.
Another thing you need to be careful of is the propensity to over compensate when things start to fall apart. It's a common thing for women to be the healers and that can include a marriage that needs healing. Women will often try too hard and just come off as needy and pathetic. This can create a vicious cycle where your husband pulls away, you cling to him and he pulls away even more. You get the idea. Don't try to over compensate when problems show up. Just try to calmly talk to him to figure out what's going on.
The other tact that many women take when things start to cool down in their marriage is that they try to protect themselves from the 'inevitable' pains that they think are coming and they pull away too. This can really create trouble. The best thing for both of you to do is talk, honestly and openly. Discuss what is going on; what each of you is feeling and why you are pulling back.
It may be hard to see with all the silly macho posturing a lot of men do, but they really aren't that dissimilar from us, they just want to be loved and appreciated. If your husband has started to pull back it could be that he just doesn't feel the warm fuzziness coming from you that he used to. Maybe it's just that you've been besieged at work or with the kids, but if the two of you can't discuss this issue it can spiral.
The answer to the issue: how to make my husband love me again is; actually, he probably still does but you are both caught up in your own issues and just can't see it. It's time for the two of you to talk, maybe with a counsellor. Once you do, you'll probably find that you're not that far apart after all.
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All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!
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