
Friday, 12 November 2010

How to Impress a Girl and Win Her Heart

Author: Dave Islington

Impressing a girl isn't an easy thing to achieve sometimes. Some men find this to be a real challenge. But with a little tuition and a large chunk of determination you can learn how to impress a girl and win her heart.

First of all if you want to impress a girl you need to realise if you haven't already that women are very different to us. You need to understand at least a little of what makes them tick. They are not impressed by fast driving or big cars. They are not impressed by any kind of macho man antics leading to aggressive behaviour. Women like fluffy and nice, something we don't really understand.

So you need to understand fluffy and nice but still keep your manhood in tact. This of course is a challenge for most men. A good example is crying; women like to see a man cry because it shows they care and have a softer side. But it has to be something serious and touching for the crying to be taken this way. If a man cries because someone at work is giving him a hard time; that's different and just means you're a wimp and you lose their respect and this definitely will not impress a girl.

You do need to be strong or at least appear to be strong in character and moral fibre. In heterosexuals this all stems from nature and the fact that we are deep down looking for a mate, someone to bear children with. So that we can produce the healthiest baby's, nature makes sure we are attracted to strength, health and symmetry. Hence why illness is not attractive, even Cameron Diaz looks rough with the flu!

So if you want to impress a girl you need to be aware of what is going on in the courtship and how much nature plays a part in you being attracted to each other or not. If you are attracted to someone chemical reactions take place in the body causing you to give off pheromones and she will do the same. Some people believe that because its nature there isn't any way of controlling it or influencing it. If that was true people wouldn't fall in love with people that have saved them or people they have experienced a trauma with.

History is littered with people that find themselves attracted to someone they got to know through circumstance. Work related marriages wouldn't happen and misdemeanours at the office Christmas party wouldn't get so many people in trouble. People do grow into relationships so it is possible for us to influence nature and impress a girl sufficiently enough to make them fall in love with us.

What you need to do is use nature to impress a girl. You need to show strength, loyalty, sensitivity and respect in bucket loads. With strength I mean strength of character not macho muscular strength. Show you can organise your life and take care of yourself and her. Show you are a loyal person so that she feels secure and safe with you. Show you care about the environment, the country, people, family and most of all… her. Always, always ask her opinion when deciding on anything you are going to do together.

Be courteous at all times and be polite to her friends, colleagues and family. Always offer to help when she is struggling with something but not otherwise. Too much pandering is a turn off for most modern women. Most modern women are proud of the fact that they are independent and have their own career or income. Respect this fact and show them you are there if they need you but that you know they are more than capable of looking after themselves. If you can master these simple things, you can easily impress a girl and win her heart.

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Tuesday, 9 November 2010

How To Keep Your Man Happy By Being Confident

Author: Dave Islington

Most men do not like needy women or women with low self esteem. Men don't have the patience to keep reassuring someone nor do they notice the signs that someone needs a confidence boost. It's all a bit complicated and a bit of a turn off for most men. So if you need to know how to keep your man happy it's by being confident.

Unfortunately, there is a fine line between confident and arrogant. Don't go over the top as this will be counter productive. Being confident means being positive, giving it your best and being prepared to fail but willing to try again and laughing in the face of adversity. Arrogance is thinking you are the best and not caring about how your actions affect others. Don't get the two things confused.

So how to keep your man happy by being confident… you may need to boost your self esteem. There may be reasons from your childhood why you have low self esteem and insecurities. You need to exorcise these demons. Kids that are constantly told they are useless or stupid end up being adults of low self esteem. There are many ways of boosting your confidence and creating that confident self assured appearance that everyone finds attractive.

What we tend to forget is that we are animals and a lot of what we find attractive and appealing is to do with creating the best off spring. We find strength, self assurance and physical perfection attractive because that is what makes the best mate and should we have children; the best children. So what we are dealing with is nature and it's always there in all we do. Now most of us aren't perfect and consequently what we find attractive is a person that ticks most of the boxes of the ideal mate.

This is your aim… to tick as many boxes as possible and you will feel more confident and self assured. Write a list of your strengths and those things you are really good at. No matter how important you consider them to be. Sit and ponder the list and think of at least three more. Trust me you will find them. We are all better and stronger than we realise. Because day to day we get bogged down with what annoys us and what stands in our way. These are negatives and should not be allowed to damage your confidence.

No body expects you to be good at everything, no one expects you to always get it right. If there are things in the past that have damaged your confidence, leave them there where they belong… in the past. Life is too short to dwell on negatives be they from the past or the present. We cannot change what has happened we can only change what happens next and how we approach to life from now on.

If there are things you are afraid of, confront them head on and get counselling if need be. There is nothing worse than living a life in fear. Surround yourself with positive people. If you have friends or relatives that are always moaning or whining, avoid them and if you can't, be strong and cheer them up. You will be amazed how much confidence you can gain from cheering someone else up. Try and keep company with those people that make you feel positive and cheerful.

We come this way only once so make sure you enjoy it. We are all better than we realise and we all take too much to heart sometimes. By being strong and confident you will make yourself more attractive to everyone not just your man. So how to keep your man happy… be strong, be confident and let him know you love him everyday.

How Do I Save My Marriage and Make It Exciting Again

If you are wondering ‘how do I save my marriage and make it exciting again', it's probably because you feel that it's on the verge of collapse or you're afraid you might be losing your spouses love. Most people like their lovers to be strong and reliable as we tend to lean on one another when outside situations don't go our way or when life becomes challenging.

If you appear weak and dependent you won't be of much use to your other half when they need support and reassuring. Sometimes we don't realise that we are the rock for our partner to lean on in times of trouble. If you are a push over, you appear weak and your marriage is only going to end due to lack of respect and your lack of desirability. Weakness is never an attractive trait.

Do you let your spouse organise your world? If your partner tends to organise meals and nights out, why don't you take control of this sometimes. Don't let your partner do everything for you. Make sure you have some input in the way you spend your leisure time. It's true what they say ‘a couple that plays together, stays together'. How couples spend their leisure time is vital to most relationships and usually the answer to the ‘how do I save my marriage?' question.

If you are the one that does all the organising… let your spouse make some decisions or they will get in a rut and just end up feeling useless. This lowers their self esteem and confidence. This is a classic control freak scenario… take control of everything so the other person forgets how to fend for themselves. So that when they have to think independently they don't have the confidence or drive to make a decision. If you control everything all the time, you create a dull and unattractive lover that will probably end up leaving you for someone that lets them make decisions and consequently makes them feel good about themselves.

Life and especially relationships are about balance and chemistry. If you keep the balance you keep the chemistry. There has to be mutual love and respect. You can't have this without the balance that an equal partnership can bring. Love isn't about doing everything for your lover but it's about helping one another develop and supporting one another when we need it most. You must let your spouse know you care about them everyday, but be strong and also let them know you are an individual within the relationship and you have your own likes and dislikes and your own opinions and preferences.

Love, honour and obey… my ass! This is the 21st Century… If you lose your partners respect you will lose your partner. If your spouse wants subservience give them the number of a maid service and go out with your mates. Be strong and get organised and show your spouse that they are the most important thing to you but… you are an individual and capable of making decisions and being the rock they sometimes need. The answer to ‘how do I save my marriage?' is get help if you need to but keep your self-respect and a little independence and you will surely keep your marriage exciting and alive. If you think about it, you both fell in love with independent people and you just need to be that person again.