
Saturday, 18 June 2011

4 Tips On How to Get Him to Fall in Love With You

Tired of dating? Want to move your relationship to the next level? How to get him to fall in love with you? Well, if you go about it in the right way, you'll greatly increase the chances of making it work out just the way you hoped it would.  Of course, your idea of what exactly the 'next level' is and his may be two different things. Your idea of the next level may be marriage; to him it may just mean living together, or vice versa.  Make sure that when you talk about the next level that you clearly define what that means exactly, for you.
Here are some easy steps you can follow that may help 'push' things along:
1. Talk to him. Tell him what you want. Be careful how you approach this because you don't want to sound whiny or needy (if this is something you really want and you really feel strongly about it's easy to sound a little desperate if you're not careful).  Again, don't just tell him you want to take things to the next level, be clear on what that means to you.
2. It’s important that you don't push the issue. It's great to bring it up after all; you can't expect him to read your mind can you?  You just have to make sure that you're going to be able to accept whatever he wants without getting upset.  If the two of you have been together for a while and this topic has never come up it's almost a sure bet that he isn't interested in taking things to the next level, if he were he would have already brought it up (of course, it's possible that he's just shy or afraid to bring it up because he didn't know what you'd say and he got scared).
3. If he isn't interested in making any changes then have an adult, calm, conversation with him and ask him to explain what he means.  Does he mean that he can see the two of you moving forward sometime in the future, but he's just not ready right now? Or does he mean he doesn't see your relationship going much further than it is right now? These may be tough questions to ask, and tough answers to hear, but it's important that you find out where he's at when it comes to your relationship.
4. If the two of you have the same basic idea of where the relationship will go, you're just not on the same page when it comes to a time line, than that's actually ok.  At least you both see the relationship heading in the same direction. If your guy doesn't see any future in the relationship you're going to have to face a really tough decision: stay or go.  Many women will stay and think that they can change his mind, and maybe you can, but you shouldn't. Even if you can talk him (or threaten him) into moving the relationship along, is that really the best foundation for a future? You had to force someone to be with you?  No so much, it'll be hard but you are better off just moving on.
Many people find themselves in a great relationship and they want to take things to the next level, whatever that may mean to them.  If you want to stop dating and move up to the next level you can follow this advice on... how to get him to fall in love with you, and move things along a bit faster.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Friday, 17 June 2011

How to Get Your Wife to Love You Again

If you and your wife have been together for a while you may find that the excitement is gone and you're just not sure she even loves you anymore.  At times like these the one thing that keeps going through your mind is: how to get your wife to love you again?  The truth is that this situation can be very common in any longer term relationship. Just because your wife isn't as affectionate as she once was doesn't necessarily mean that she doesn't still love you.  The two of you can regain what you've lost.
Over time people change. We all do.  The problem is that when it comes to a relationship two people may not change in the same way.  For example, if you and your wife loved to party every night of the week, but lately she just doesn't seem that interested, yet you still want to go, this is a classic sign of two people who are maturing at different rates. In a case like this there may not be anything you can do.  It might be best to just end the relationship and find someone who shares your interests.
Sometimes though the changes may be unsettling but they don't have to be home wreckers. If you and your wife can talk and find some common ground you can not only re- ignite the passion in your relationship you can also find great new ways to spend time together.
Sometimes it's best to start at the beginning, as much as possible.  More than likely you've changed since you and your wife have been together, and maybe not in good ways. Take stock of the way you act and the way you treat her. Can you honestly say that it's the same as it was when the two of you first met?  Do you still do all the little things (hold the door, tell her you love her, compliment the way she looks, etc.) as you used to do? If not, why not?  She would still like to hear that. 
Did you get lazy? Do you still workout the way you did when the two of you first met? Do you like to go out and do the things the two of you used to do, or do you just want to lounge on the couch and watch TV. She might simply be getting bored with you because you have become bored with life.
When the two of you first met did you have a lot of dreams and ambitions?  Do you still? If not, you may have lost some of the passion you had for life and that may have been one of the things she found so attractive about you when you first met.  Most people are unaware that ‘Drive’ and ‘Sex Drive’ are intrinsically linked. It might be good for you and your relationship to find some of that passion and ambition again. You don't want to get in a rut; it's not good for anyone or your relationship.
If you're wondering: how to get your wife to love you again, you can start by evaluating your relationship. Honestly answering these questions can be a great way to start.  Once you know the problem you'll have a much better time of coming up with solutions. Find new dreams for you both and give the both of you something to work towards and achieve. Nothing is sexier than success, no matter how small a victory, it always sets off that great feeling that perks you up and re-energises you and the people around you. We love people for how they make us feel so make her feel great.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Win Back The Woman You Love Dating With Sugar and Spice

When you decide that it's time to win back woman you love dating than you're going to have to figure out the best approach, and that can vary depending on why she left.  Did you end things and now you've come to the realization that you made a mistake and you've changed your mind? If so, that will require one type of approach. Did she leave you? Did you cheat? Did she cheat?  All of these different scenarios will require a slightly different approach to get the best results.
For the most part, if you ended things and now you are having second thoughts it's usually best to let her know that you made a mistake. There's really no reason to wait. You broke up with her; she may still love you, time to find out. Of course, be aware that you may have to do a lot of grovelling and begging, but in most cases she'll be happy to take you back (assuming you weren't a huge jackass when you ended things).
If she broke up with you just because things weren't going well, than your best approach is to give her a little space and after a period of time contact her as a friend.  Try to spend time with her and have fun, remind her of the great guy she fell in love with. Don't push to get back together, take it slow. Try to forget that the two of you ever had a relationship and just act as you would when you first meet someone new.  She may find that she has missed you and this reminder of how fun you are may just be the little push she needs.
If she broke up with you because you cheated, you owe it to her to make darn sure that it won't happen again. Be warned, infidelity is very hard to get past (just take a look at all the celebrity divorces recently) Once you've trusted someone and they've betrayed you it can be almost impossible to allow yourself to trust again. This is the hardest of all the scenarios to get over, though if handled properly you may have a chance.
If infidelity or some other form of abuse was the reason behind the breakup, you may increase your shot at reconciliation if you attend some counselling.  Nothing will go further to show her that you are truly sorry and that you've truly changed than to go to counselling. And don't just make it a game either, if you've screwed up you should make changes, you can be a better man.  Don't just pretend that you care and that you want to change... really care and really want to change.
So step one is to figure out why she left in the first place and then determine the best way to win back woman you love dating.  No matter what you do, make sure you keep your ego out of the mix. Be straight forward and honest and if you're not sure you can commit to her and the relationship 100%, just let her go.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

How Do I Get My Husband to fall in Love with Me Again?

If you want to find a way to not just save your marriage but to make it unbelievable again, like it was in the beginning (or maybe even better than it's ever been before) you are probably asking: how to get my husband to fall in love with me again, what can I do?  The truth is that there are many things you can do and they will all help you with your marriage and make you a better rounded, happier person at the same time.
Everyone changes over time.  That's not a bad thing; the only thing that can be bad is if those changes aren't positive changes.  If you've lost sight of the person you were when you and your husband first married you might have turned into some boring housewife without even knowing it.  It's really easy to let go of some of what makes us 'us' as a relationship progresses.
When you and your husband first met you probably had a lot of friends, hobbies, work goals, etc. Do you still?  If not have you gotten bitter about some of those 'lost opportunities'? Could it be that you are actually taking some of that frustration out on your husband?  These are all things you need to seriously consider.
If that has happened without you realizing it, it's actually pretty easy to overcome.  Just take a long look at yourself and determine if you are bringing as much to the relationship now as you did in the beginning. It might have been you that started to disconnect and your husband’s coolness could simply be a result of that.
Do be careful to not go too far the other way.  While it's important to try and maintain some fun and intimacy in your relationship, especially if it was you who kind of lost track of it to begin with, it's not your sole responsibility. You and your husband have got to be equal partners in rebuilding your love and trust. 
What things did you and your husband do when the two of you first got married? I realize that you can't go back in time and you might be a lot busier now with kids and careers, but there must be some elements of that earlier time that the two of you can try to recapture.  Instead of a week long trip skiing, how about just an overnight in a local resort town, even if you can't get away overnight because of the kids, how about a sexy 'booty call' in the middle of the week in the afternoon (with your husband of course!)? Talk about spicing things up!
And don't forget, it's not all about sex.  If the love life isn't what it used to be than you might want to try to add some more fun, but just spending time together talking and laughing about unimportant things can do wonders. For a short time forget about the kids, the bills, the careers, the new roof you need and just enjoy some time playing.  When was the last time you and your husband just played and acted silly?  Try it... it can do wonders for both of you.
There, you have your answer to the question:  how can I get my husband to fall in love with me again?  It's not that hard, just remember the fun the two of you used to have and try to have a little fun again.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

My Husband is having an Affair What Do I Do?

Sadly many women find themselves in this situation and as crossroads in your life go... this is about as serious as it gets. How you deal with your husband having an affair and what you do next, depends on your circumstances and your strength of character.
We always find out more about ourselves in times of trouble. You are of course feeling hurt and your ego has taken a massive blow, but at this time you have to remember that in most cases it isn’t your fault. Men have affairs for many reasons and it isn’t always just sex as men can sometimes be as emotionally complex as women. From an early age men are encouraged to be strong and society frowns on men showing their emotions even today and in most cultures around the world. It is difficult for men to deal with emotional noise.
In most cases men have affairs because their ego needs massaging and this can be because of a dreadful childhood or a previous relationship with someone that made them feel useless. Unfortunately, when we begin a relationship it’s not just with that person but with every experience they have had. For a man to settle down and stay faithful to one person he has to be in a place mentally where any previous anxieties or insecurities due to being made to feel useless have been resolved. He needs to be at peace with himself, confident and emotionally strong and usually this is taken care of in a man’s teens or early twenties. The problem arises when these things haven’t been worked through in adolescences.
If your husband didn’t sort these emotional issues out before he met you... you will always struggle to make him happy until he is at peace with himself. You have to remember that this is his problem and his issues and there is very little you can do so don’t take what has happened to you personally. If he is still needing to massage his ego, no matter how hard you try, you will never be enough... no one would!
So your husband is having an affair what do you do? Firstly, you need to concentrate on you... especially if you have children and you need to decide on whether you are willing to forgive and give him another chance or not. If he isn’t completely at peace with himself and feels the need to massage his ego he will fall prey to any woman that flirts with him or makes an advance towards him and sadly there are women out there with ego issues of their own that love to prey on men that are vulnerable.
To win your husband back and stop him from having affairs in the future you need to be able to sort out those issues he has, and you need to be able to massage his ego to the point where he doesn’t want or need anyone else. So you need to ask yourself... can you do that. Do you even want to do that? We fall in love because of how a person makes us feel, can you make him feel fantastic again, does he make you feel fantastic? If neither of these things is achievable you really have no alternative but to move on.
If you feel you could make your husband feel good about himself and you would be happier with him than without him there are many books and video courses that can teach you how to work through these issues. Just bear in mind that you can’t live a happy life with miss trust and insecurity so only embark on this healing process if you feel you will be able to trust him in the future once you have worked through his issues.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

How Do I Get My Wife to Love Me Again

No one wants to see their loving marriage dissolve into indifference. It can be a painful thing to watch, it can also leave you feeling utterly helpless and unable to stop it. If you just don't feel the love anymore and you want the answer to the question: how do I get my wife to love me again, than there are a few things you can try. There is no guarantee it will work, sometimes by the time you ask the question it's already too late, but you've got nothing to lose by giving it a try.
Marriage can be a weird relationship. The longer the two of you are together the more comfortable you can feel with each other but at the same time there is more of a chance that the two of you will grow in different directions.  This is a very common problem and since it happens slowly, over a period of years, it can be very easy to miss the signs until it's too late.
That is the first thing you should do, try to identify how you've changed since you and your wife have been together. Have the changes you've had been positive or negative? For most of us, we can say that a lot of the changes are negative. We used to have big plans, dreams and ambitions, but now we come home from work and veg out in front of the TV until it's time for bed. Boring... If you used to be full of hope and promise and now you seem like you've given up, you may simply not be the same man your wife originally fell in love with.
The sad thing is that not only may your wife not feel the same way about you now; you may not feel the same way about yourself. If you've just given up on your dreams you are probably unhappy with yourself deep inside. Try to rekindle some of those passions, it will make you happier and remind your wife of the man she fell in love with all those years ago.  It's a win... win.
Have you let yourself go?  If you used to be fit and strong but now you're pudgier than toned, maybe you should hit the gym. It will be good for you and it might help rev up her enthusiasm a little bit too.
Do you treat your wife the way you used to? Probably not... We can all fall into the trap of taking our partner for granted; the longer you are together the easier it is to do. She may well do the same thing to you.  Try to get back to some of the patterns of behaviour you used to have in the early days of the relationship.  If you used to get her flowers every now and then 'just because' it may be time to start that tradition again.
Don't make things harder than they have to be.  The answer to the question how to get my wife to love me again, might be as simple as going back in time and acting more like the man you used to be rather than the man you've become. It might just be good for both of you.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage

Is keeping romance alive in marriage possible? I don't know, what did you do...  I don't mean to sound glib when you are in pain, but getting someone to forgive and love you again will depend on a lot of factors, not least of which... what caused the problems in the first place.  Getting to the root of the problem has got to be the first step you take to keeping romance alive in marriage.
Keeping romance alive in marriage might be tough, or impossible, due largely to what happened to kill the romance in the first place. How long has the love been disappearing?  For example, if you have been married for some time and you haven't treated your partner very well throughout your marriage, they may not love you anymore, and that may just be that. Love can end.
Think of a garden, if you don't water it and nurture it the only plants you're going to grow are weeds. Your marriage is similar. If you've spent the past several years of your marriage completely oblivious to your partner and their needs and you haven’t shown them that you care about them and love them, than the love they felt for you might already be past the point of saving.
If the difficulties are a little more recent, and not all your doing, you will usually have a better chance of keeping the romance alive and rekindling the love the two of you once had.  With the economy so difficult right now a lot of families are really feeling the tension of money issues. If that's what's happened to you and your partner you need to slow down and think about what's really important. I know, you've got people calling, you've got food to buy and there is never enough money. But in the long run, this will just be a blip on the screen. Your marriage should be the one thing that you can count on for the rest of your life. Try (even though I know it's hard) to always remember that.
One of the simplest things you can do to win back your partner's affection is to remind them, with actions and not words, of the person they fell in love with in the beginning. It's easy to let life get in the way, we can lose our sense of humour and romance and then everything else starts to fall apart.  Try to evoke a little of the magic the two of you used to share.  It can be something as simple as a walk together in the local park, just some time together to unplug from all the crap that may be going on in your world.
There are many reasons why keeping romance alive in marriage can be hard, most of them are silly and can be fairly simple to overcome once you realize what they are.  For you people who are asking: is keeping romance alive in marriage possible... the answer is yes, all you need is a good strategy and compassion. Don’t be afraid to get help if necessary... it will be worth it in the end.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

Sunday, 12 June 2011

How to Win Your Husband Back By Dating

No matter how desperate you may feel and how hopeless the situation may seem, you can win your husband back dating in most cases. True, not all marriages can be revived and not all marriages are worth saving, but in many cases getting back together with the man of your dreams is just a matter of a great strategy and determination.
Sexist as it may sound, men are driven by ego.  Of course, some men are worse than others but for the most part a man likes you to stroke his ego (hey, I said ego!) which is why you have to be careful how you go about the process of reconciling with your ex. If you're not careful all you'll end up doing is giving him a huge ego boost and making a fool of yourself.  Many guys would love the idea of having the ex follow them around begging for scraps, especially if she broke up with them, make sure that you don't fall into that trap with him. Even while you are trying to win him back, always keep your dignity intact and if he isn't giving as much as he's getting, move on, it's just a game to him.
Here are a few things that you should try to win him back:
1. First of all, if the marriage has just broken up recently, wait.  Don't go trailing after him telling him how much you miss him and love him, especially if he broke up with you. It's best to let him stew for a while until he realizes that he misses you.  That's when you can let your feelings be known... not before.
If it's been a while since the breakup and he's had enough time to get to the point where he realizes he misses you, then you can contact him casually and see if he'd like to meet for coffee or lunch as friends.  I know I used the dreaded 'F' word, but its best that you keep everything very low key or you may scare him away. What you're really trying to do in this step is to spend time with him to remind him of all the fun the two of you used to have together and of the fun loving, free spirit he fell in love with when you two first met.
2.  While you are waiting for enough time to pass make sure that you don't obsess about him and getting him back. I know this will be tough, but you have to face the fact that things may not work out the way you want. You have to have a backup plan, and it shouldn't be to get revenge on your ex husband by dating that hot guy you work with. 
A good backup plan would be something that you can do no matter what happens between you and your ex. Something that will move you forward in your life and help you accomplish some worthwhile goal.  It doesn't matter what it is as long as it meets those two criteria.  It can be anything from a new haircut to taking a world cruise, to going back to school. Just as long as it's positive and will move you forward in your life.
We’ve been kind of conditioned to think that the really good things have to be complicated and hard, that's why many people reading this article may be sceptical and ignore this advice on how to win your husband back by dating, don't make that mistake. Just because this advice is simple doesn't mean that it isn't effective too, in most cases it will work like a charm.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!