
Monday, 20 February 2012

6 Things to Avoid For Getting an Ex Back

If you have just broken up from a relationship, whether it was a long marriage or just a few months of dating, either way you are probably feeling bad about it and wondering if there is any way to get an ex back.  Most people will wonder this when they break up from a relationship but are still in love with their ex and the good news is that there are things that you can do to get your ex back.  Along with the many things that you can do, there are also many mistakes that you can make, so here are some of the things you should avoid if you want to rekindle that lost love.
1. Don't constantly harass their friends.  It is tempting to harass your ex's friends to find out what she is up to or if she is dating anyone else.  This is just annoying to her friends and as such they will probably just complain to her about you and not have anything good to say.
2. Don't stalk your ex.  Don't follow her around or turn up at her favourite hang out spots.  Don't sit in your car outside her house and watch her every move.  Don't text her 500 times a day telling her you love her and want her back.  If you stalk her all you will do is annoy her and perhaps even begin to scare her and you could end up getting in trouble with the law over it.
3. Don't harass your ex's new partner.  If she is seeing someone else don't harass him and try to cause trouble between them.  Don't try to convince their new boyfriend that she'll never love them as much as she loves you, this will only make you look desperate and sad.
4. Don't call your ex's employer.  If your ex is avoiding your calls don't try to get her to talk to you through her boss.  Also don't call her boss to ask questions about her.  All you will achieve with this is to get her in trouble and possibly even lose her job.
5. Don't call her every change you get.  I know you just want to talk to her and try to work things out but if you call her constantly she will get sick of it and even angry.  She might just need some space right now so you need to give her that.
6. Don't use anything they say against them.  You won't win any fights by bringing up every little thing she said or did in the past and use it against her, particularly if you exaggerate things and make them much worse than they actually were.
These six points are things to avoid when you are trying to get your ex back.  You want to get her back, not drive her further away so be careful in your approach.  You want to give her some space and use that time yourself to decide what approach to take. It can be difficult playing the waiting game, but it will be worth it in the end.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

Why Do I Want My Ex Back - Here’s why

It can be really tough when you are going through a break up and you will feel hurt and wonder how you will ever get over your ex.  As time passes and you still miss your ex a great deal you will begin to wonder if there is anything that you can do to get your ex back.  Before taking any steps to get your ex back you need to ask yourself the question "why do I want my ex back?"
This is a question that many people ask themselves when they find themselves in this situation.  I'm sure you will have friends that tell you to let your ex go and move on with your life, but it isn't always as easy as that.  This is someone that has played a very important role in your life and it is difficult to just let them go.  Even though part of you thinks that this is the right thing to do, there is another part of you that just wants them back.
If you are asking yourself why you want your ex back then you need to consider what has happened between you recently.  When you are going through a break up you face all sorts of emotions and often you just aren't thinking clearly so you need to clear your head and try to look at the situation clearly.  You need to understand your feelings and try to distinguish between real feelings and feelings that are getting mixed up because of your current emotional state.
You need to ask yourself if it is this person that you really want back or is it the idea of a good, solid relationship that you want back.  Relationships take time to build and it can be devastating when they fall apart and sometimes the emotions that you feel are caused by the fact that the relationship has failed rather than missing the actual person you were with.  You need to ask yourself if this person really is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.  Is it the person that you want back or is it a relationship that you want back.  You need to search deep into your heart and soul to find the answer to this question.
When you have cleared your mind and thought through everything carefully then you will know where you stand.  You will know whether your mind is playing tricks with your emotions and that you really don't want this person back but instead it is the idea of a relationship that you miss.  Or you may have decided that you really do love this person and want to spend the rest of your life with them and so you want to do whatever it takes to get them back.  If this is your choice then you have a big task ahead of you but if the two of you were meant to be together then you should be able to work it out.
If you really want your ex back then get in touch with them and ask to meet up for a coffee or go out to dinner to talk things over.  Let them know how you feel and that you would like to give the relationship another go.  There will be some changes that you may need to make because if the relationship has ended there must be some problems that need working through.  If you are both willing to work through and resolve any problems then you might be able to make this relationship work.  Just remember before taking any action toward getting your ex back that you really need to be sure by asking the question "why do I want my ex back?”
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

How to Win Back Lost Love - Don’t Make It Harder Than It Is

Trying to get back together with someone following a break up can be a difficult task.  You are not alone being in this sad position of losing the one you love and wondering if there is anything that you can do to win back lost love. Perhaps you were the one who ended the relationship on the spur of the moment following a fight, but now that you've had time to think about it you have realized that you made a big mistake.  There is no guarantee that you can win back your ex but there are some things that you can do to help increase your chance of success.
Firstly you need to remember that you are your own person and need to learn to live your life on your own.  This is often a big mistake that people make when in a relationship is that they give up their own individuality and forget how to enjoy life on their own.  To really love someone else you need to love yourself first so if you can enjoy yourself on your own then you are ready to enjoy yourself with someone else. 
Next, look back on your relationship and think about what went wrong.  What exactly was it that caused the break up?  Was it something that happened as a one off situation that you over reacted to or had the relationship been showing signs of trouble for a long time?  If you can find what went wrong with the relationship then you can take steps to fix it.
You need to be sure that you want to get back with your ex for the right reasons.  Do you really love this person and want to spend the rest of your life with them or do you just like the idea of being in a relationship?  There is no point trying to win back lost love if it is just for the sake of being in a relationship, you really need to be in love with the person.
It is possible that your lost love has moved on with their life and if this is so then you may need to be careful in your approach.  This doesn't mean that you can't win them back but it might need a different approach.  If you approach your ex with their new partner and try to get them back then they may think you're a little crazy.  You also shouldn't approach their new partner and make threats or even constantly tell them how she should be with you and not him.  It would be best to get your ex on her own and discuss the situation with her and if she has any feelings left for you at all then she should be willing to discuss the situation.  If she has no feelings for you anymore and is in love with this new person then you will need to let her go and move on.
People change over time so if this relationship ended quite some time ago then the person you were once with may have changed and not be the same person you were in love with.  You may think you want her back and when you get to know her again you may realize that you don't love this person anymore.  You will also have changed over time and the two of you may not be a perfect match anymore.  It is possible that you could fall in love with each other again so it is worth a try but just remember that you have both changed so things might not be what you expect.
You will need to take time to rekindle the relationship and get to know each other again so don't go rushing into anything.  If you are realistic about the situation there is no reason why you can't win back lost love and have a happy future together.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

Is It Possible To Get a Woman Back - If You Work At It?

Break ups are hard and most of us have been through them at some stage.  Some guys can act like real jerks when it comes to breaking up or perhaps act like jerks beforehand which has caused the break up.  They may not mean to act like jerks, it's just their nature, but if you have acted like a jerk and as a result lost the woman you love then it has become a problem.  Women will also put up with bad behaviour for so long and then they won't take it anymore.  So if you want to get a woman back maybe it's time you stopped acting like a jerk!
Of course you don't want to change the person that you are to suit anyone but if the way that you act hurts or offends others then perhaps it is time to change.  Here are some tips on how you can get a woman back even when you've acted like a big jerk.
1. Many men think of women as their property or as objects so the first thing you need to do is change the way you think about women.  Women are people and have feelings and they deserve respect.  A relationship won't work if you don't respect each other so it's time you started showing her some respect.  When you think about it, you are the one here looking for advice on how to get a woman back so that just goes to show that perhaps you didn't treat her with respect.
2. Change the way that you treat women.  It is more than just changing the way you think about women but you also need to change the way that you treat them.  Don't be a jerk every time you are around women, instead act like a gentleman.  You should treat all women this way regardless of whether you are trying to win them back or not.  If she sees you interacting with another woman and being a jerk then you will lose any chance of winning her back.
3. Forget about the macho image.  You don't have to be the best at everything and you don't need to prove a point all the time, practice being humble and demonstrate restraint when required.  Trying to be the best all the time or to act like you are better than everyone else only makes you look like a jerk.
4. Admit to her that you were a jerk.  Don't try to cover up what you did wrong and don't get angry if she says you acted like a jerk.  Being able to admit that you are wrong is a big point toward getting a woman back.  Tell her you realize you were a jerk and apologize for it.
5. Give her space.  When a relationship ends a woman needs some space to think about things.  Don't rush straight over to try and work things out, you need to give her some time and some space.  If you try and force her to talk to you when she isn't ready then you are just acting like a jerk again.  It's all about respect so if she needs some time then you need to respect that.
6. When she is ready to talk to you then you need to show her that you have changed.  You can tell her you've changed but words are just words, it is much more effective if you show her.  Actions speak louder than words remember so she needs to see for herself that you really have changed.
If you want a serious relationship to work then it's time that you grow up and stop acting like a jerk and if you can do that then you should be able to get a woman back and start over.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!