
Monday, 13 February 2012

How to Win Back Your Ex, Can it be done?

Most of us have been there at some point.  We are in a fantastic relationship and everything is going well but then something happens.  The next thing you know you are on your own and the relationship has ended.  This is a tough time in a person's life; there is no doubt about that.  You are left all alone wondering what went wrong.  You are hurting but time heals all wounds right?  But not everyone is happy waiting for time to heal their pain.  If you know that this break up was a mistake and this person is the one you want to spend your life with, then there are steps you can take to find out how to win back your ex.
How to win back your ex; the first thing you need to do is clear your head.  Cry if you need to and get it all out.  Go for a walk and try not to think about anything, I know this is hard when all you can think about is your ex, but you really need to clear your head so you can think clearly when you decide what action you are going to take.  Next you need to take a really good, honest look at the relationship at decide whether it really is what you want.  If it is then you need to think about what went wrong in the relationship and ask yourself if you have what it takes to put this relationship back together.
There are many broken relationships that get back together, some of them last and some of them eventually end.  So you only want to put a relationship back together if you are really sure this is what you want.  If your relationship ended over something simple that can be fixed then fix the problem and get back together.  If your relationship has been showing signs of trouble for a while then it may be harder to fix things, but it is possible.  If you really do want to win your love back then you need to work at it.
How to win back your ex; think about what went wrong with the relationship.  Did you both grow apart or was there something specific?  Were you obsessive and jealous with your partner?  Were you constantly asking her where she's been and what she's been doing?  Did she know that you didn't trust her?  These are all common reasons for broken relationships and these are issues that could take some time to deal with.  If you have any insecurity issues then you may need to see a therapist to work through them.  If this relationship is worth saving then you need to take the necessary steps to save it.
How to win back your ex; when you have found what went wrong with the relationship and you think it can be resolved then talk to your ex about the relationship and what steps you are willing to do to make it work.  If there are problems with both partners then you may need to work together to make the relationship work.  Relationships aren't always easy and they take a bit of effort and compromise to make them work.  If you are willing to do this then you can win your love back and have a long, happy relationship together.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy. Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

How to Mend a Broken Heart Proven Methods

If you are looking for a proven method of how to mend a broken heart I've got some ideas that may help. Now please understand that there is nothing you can do to completely avoid the pain of a broken heart. But doing some things may help lessen it somewhat and at least you can move on without baggage.
You see, while you are in the middle of all this pain your only thought is to find a way to get past it but one of the real dangers is that you will carry the scars of this breakup with you into other relationships.
That is not what you want to do. As you go through life you want to be able to love and trust again. That is the only way you can truly ever find happiness. It's important that you grieve the breakup of your relationship and deal with the pain so you can move on and find love again someday.
Here are some things you can do to help move on a little easier:
1. How to mend a broken heart; spend time with friends and family. Don't isolate yourself or dwell on your pain. Now, you do need to spend some time in your pain, a few days or weeks’ wallowing is ok, but that's it. After that, you have to get on with your life.
After some time you need to get out and live your life. You should not date at this point though. Just spend some time doing fun things with people who you love and who make you feel good about yourself.
2. How to mend a broken heart; if there are issues you need to deal with, maybe some behaviour that you have that you would like to change now is a great time to deal with them. It's never easy looking at the negative in you. It can be painful and scary. But it can also be helpful in the long run.
Again, it's all about making positive changes so you can move on in your life and find the peace and happiness that you deserve.
3. How to mend a broken heart; don't even think about dating at this point. You need time to deal with your pain. If you try to escape your pain you will only make it worse, only this time you will hurt not just yourself but anyone else you might get involved with.
4. How to mend a broken heart; leave your past behind. Focus your attention on the future and what it means. What are your plans? Do you want to take a class? Lose weight? Learn a new language? It doesn't matter how big or small your goals are, now is a great time to pursue them.
There is a proven method of how to mend a broken heart, it is called time. It will take time, but you can speed things up a little bit by spending time doing things that make you feel alive and positive about your future. You will still feel pain, but if you focus on the future it may help you move forward a little sooner.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

How to Get Back With Your Ex Fast

Well, I have good news and I have bad news when it comes to how to get back with your ex fast advice. Which do you want to hear first? OK, the good news first: no matter how messed up your relationship might seem right now, it can be saved. I'm not saying it will be easy but if you are both interested in making things work, you will most likely find a way.
Having both partners on the same page is huge and the difference between success and failure.
The bad news is that it's rare for this process to happen quickly. It will probably take quite a bit of time for both of you to get over yourselves and find the love and patience it will take to work together and find solutions to your problems.
So, I guess you need to stop and ask yourself a question; are you willing to invest the time and effort it will take to identify and change the behaviours that lead to the troubles in your relationship in the first place?
If you can't honestly answer that question with a "yes" it may mean that you simply don't care about your partner or your relationship as much as you thought you did and it may be time to pack up and move on.
Even if you can answer "yes" to that question, your partner has to honestly be able to answer "yes" too. It's far too common for one partner to care more about the relationship than the other. The partner who is more interested in working things out will often be willing to do more of the work.
The problem is that this won't work out in the long term.
How to get back with your ex; a relationship is a partnership and any good partnership needs to have a fair division of labour. If one partner works harder than the other, it will lead to resentment eventually.
Helping your relationship will focus mainly on identifying where the problems are coming from and how to fix them. This must start with the individuals in the relationship. You may fight over little things like not doing the dishes or forgetting to take out the trash, but that isn't the real problem.
I don't know what the real problem is but I know it goes deeper than these annoyances. The problem is, especially if the two of you have been together for a long period of time, it's sometimes hard to identify just what the underlying causes for all the resentment are.
It could be something(s) that happened years ago. Sometimes, this can be helped by enlisting the aid of a therapist or counsellor. Having an objective third party help you both sort things out can be a real lifesaver.
How to get back with your ex... you can go it alone or have someone help guide the two of you through the land mine that your relationship has become, either way you should know that you can pull it back from the brink however, getting back with your ex may not be that fast but it will be worth it.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

How to Get Over a Broken Heart the Easy Way

Going through a breakup sucks... sorry if that sounds crude but there is no way to sugar coat it. It hurts, and it lasts way too long. How to get over a broken heart; the best way I know is to find a way to let go and leave it all in the past.
Unfortunately, it's not that easy to do. You will have to deal with a lot of painful emotions and learn to control them so they don't control you.
I know you may be thinking "that sounds great, but how do I go about doing that". Well, the best way I know is to stop having any contact with your ex. I don't know the specifics of your breakup but if your ex keeps calling you and playing games with you it is even going to be that much harder.
Sometimes your ex will try to keep you on the back burner by acting as though they "might" want to get back together. That really stinks and if that is what you are going through I am truly sorry. Even so though, you need to get strong and let them know you aren't interested in their games... if it's over it’s over, if it's not, it's not; pretty simple right?
Another good way to leave it all in the past is to remove all the pictures and knick knacks that you and your ex have collected. I don't recommend that you destroy these things at this point. Some day you may decide that you don't want to keep it all, but for now just pack it up and put is somewhere safe... but out of sight.
How to get over a broken heart; another way to leave it all in the past is to try to avoid going to the same places the two of you used to go to. If possible go back to the places you used to go to before you and your ex got together.
Also, spend time with your uplifting family and friends, steer clear of the negative ones, they won't do you any good especially at this time in your life.
Taking care of you is also an excellent idea. Do things that make you feel good about yourself and good about what the future holds? It doesn't matter what that is, it may mean doing new things like taking a class or joining a gym; maybe taking a vacation.
I don't know and it doesn't really matter. Again, as long as whatever it is... is a positive and uplifting activity it will help you get over your ex and move on.
Don't even think about starting to date, you're just not ready. Give it time to mourn your relationship and get strong enough to open yourself up and love someone again.
For now, just concentrate on the best how to get over a broken heart tips I've listed above. No one can completely get rid of the pain, but these tips may make the process a little quicker and less painful.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

The Best How to Win Her Back Method Exposed

If your wife has left you would like to know how to win her back? Well, I will not only tell you how to win her back, I will also tell you the worst thing you can do if you really want her back. Now, pay attention...
The hardest thing in the world to do is to give your ex wife space. It's so easy to worry that if you don't talk to her and let her know how you feel, she will think you don't care and she will find someone else. Most of us have felt this fear at one time or another.
The fact is though that that is not the way it works. When we love another person, that love doesn't just disappear (though there are times when we wish it would). You may never fully get over someone, but even if you do, it will take a long time and not just a few weeks.
So, giving your wife a little space and time away from you won't let her get over you more quickly, it will do just the opposite. You see, part of the thing you want to do is to have your ex really miss you. It's important that she really faces the reality of life without you in it. How can she do that if you're always around? She can't. That is why you need to give her space.
Another reason why space is such a good idea is that you don't want her to think of you as a pathetic loser who will always be waiting in the wings if she decides to give you a few crumbs of her attention. It's important that you remind her of the strong man you are and not a pathetic doormat.
It is also a good idea to figure out what things you did wrong to cause the problems in the relationship. I'm not saying that all the problems were your fault, but I'm sure that you contributed a few issues here and there. Since you've got some free time on your hands, why not address those issues and make some changes?
This step is especially important if you were the main cause of problems in the relationship. I'm not talking about some issues like leaving the toilet seat up, I'm talking about the serious stuff like infidelity, lack of respect, and overall insecurities that "made" you act like a jackass and hurt your wife.
No one is perfect, and I'm sure your ex had her fair share of issues and character flaws, but for right now, concentrate on those things that you can change and at this point that is you and your behaviour.
We live in a "quick fix" society. We expect things to happen quickly and be easy. That is especially true when it comes to getting over painful situations.
It's great that you want to find the best how to win her back method and that you want to do it quickly; it's just not very realistic that it will happen quickly. Be willing to invest the time needed and your chances of winning her back will go up dramatically.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy.
Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!

Reuniting is the Best Way of Getting over a Break Up

Many of us get dumped and we're really not ready for the relationship to be over. In some cases we are the ones who do the dumping only to have regrets after a little time has passed. Whatever the situation is... reuniting is the best way of getting over a break up.
I know some of this information can seem counter intuitive, but this method has helped thousands of couples reunite while making getting over a break up much easier. After all... you don't have anything to lose at this point, do you?
So, I'll break it down in more detail and give you a step by step breakdown of just what you need to do:
1. First of all, make sure you really want to get back with your ex. Sometimes we lose sight of whether or not we really should stay in the relationship. We might feel lonely or sometimes our ego can get in the way. But make sure that the relationship is something that you should really continue with.
2. Second of all, make sure you allow your ex some time and space away from you. This is the part that will seem counter intuitive, but think about it like this; if you are still in your exes life because you are sending them texts or calling them all the time, you are still in their life.
How can they miss you and regret the decision to break up with you if you're still around? They can't. You will start to seem like a nuisance at best or a pathetic stalker at worst. Neither one of those things will make you seem irresistible to your ex. Back off and give them time to miss you and time to breathe.
3. Fix you so when you and your ex do get back together you won't just make all the same mistakes all over again. I don't know who was most at fault for the breakup, but I do know that no one is perfect and there are always some things you can improve on. Why not start now?
The worst that can happen is that you are a better person for your next relationship.
4. Once you've completed steps one and two (and several weeks, at least, should have gone by now) contact your ex. Don't sound desperate or confrontational, just be casual and friendly and try to get together with them. By now they have missed you and if you don't make it sound like you want to badger them, they will most likely be curious about what you are up to.
During this get together, keep it easy and friendly. Laugh and joke and don't talk about getting back together. Just have fun and remind them of the good times you two used to share.
At this point it's very likely that your ex will ask you to get back together, at least it's a start in the right direction. Following these steps is the best way of reuniting and getting over a break up, if you follow them.
If you want to be more successful in love or recapture a lost love all you need is a tried and tested strategy and the knowledge to capitalize on that strategy. Click Here and find out how to become more successful in your relationships or how to recapture lost love!