
Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Coping with a Relationship Break up May Be Easier than You Think

Coping with a relationship break up is one of the hardest things that most people find themselves forced to do but it is also a very common experience so luckily you can find a lot of good advice out there. What works for someone else may not work for you but just seeing other people that have gone through the same pain and survived can be reassuring.

The first thing that you need to do is accept that the relationship has indeed failed . . . at least for now. While there is a possibility of picking up the pieces again later on, for now, you shouldn't be thinking about that. Instead, do not try to contact your ex if at all possible. Many split couples have kids involved so you will have to have some contact for their sake. But keep it to a minimum.

Once you've accepted the fact that you are really on your own now, you need to make sure that you are focusing on yourself. Take time to do those things that you never had time for while you were together. While it's important to go out with friends or family, you also want to spend some time alone. Reflect on your past relationship and how the break-up evolved. It is really never just the fault of one person in the partnership. Both parties contribute to a split.

Making sure that you take care of yourself is a huge part of coping with a relationship break up. You definitely should be eating the right foods, exercising and getting enough sleep. Try to stick to a balanced diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and fibre. Exercising does not have to be extremely rigorous but many people find that a good workout really helps them get all their stress and anger out. It also increases endorphins in your body which make you feel better. If you dread exercising, just go for a walk every day. Pick some form of activity that you can do consistently. Finally, getting the right amount of sleep is crucial. Well-rested people look better and feel better. Those who lack in sleep look worn out, and feel edgy, hungrier and depressed.

When you are taking care of yourself, your self-esteem increases and you are more attractive to others. Once you are feeling more confident, you can reassess your situation and ask yourself if you think it's worth it to try to mend your relationship. Some people decide that it's not. Others will give it a try and with their new and improved self-esteem, your odds are good although of course, a lot depends on the other person.

Coping with a relationship break up has a lot to do with mending your soul and spirit. If you can stick to a plan and rely on friends and family to help you out, you will find yourself at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, 20 December 2010

5 Tips For Dealing With Unrequited Love

Sometimes, when we love someone, they do not love us back. It can be incredibly difficult to deal with this kind of love, as your feelings are strong but unreciprocated. If you are dealing with unrequited love, you must take steps to get over those feelings. If you fail to do so, you can deal with the pain of that heartache for years. These five tips will help you to get over this unrequited love and to regain control of your emotions.

Write About your Feelings

Writing about your feelings is a simple and easy way to deal with love that is not reciprocated. Writing down these feelings is a way for you to express your frustrations and issues. People who deal with unrequited love feel as if the person they love does not listen. By writing these things down, you can feel as though you are getting your point across to someone who is paying attention to your feelings and needs.

Keep an Open Mind

It is important for you to keep an open mind when dealing with someone who does not love you back. The person may have a change of heart, and may begin to have feelings for you. They may also continue the path that they are on. You need to take both situations into consideration. Either situation is possible. You should not plan for one or the other.

Date New People

While your heart may be somewhere else, you can still date other people. Going on small dates with others may help you to lessen the pain of the unrequited love. You may realize that you feelings for that person are not as strong as you once thought they were.

Get Set Up on Blind Dates

Getting set up on a blind date can be an exciting and exhilarating experience. This is perfect for those who cannot get over an unrequited love. The blind date will not find you the love of your life. It is simply a fun experience that can help to take your mind off of the person you want that does not want you.

Write a List of What You Need in a Relationship

Write down a simple list that lists all of the things that you are looking for in a relationship. Compare the person you love to that list. This will often show you that the person you love is not giving you what you need.

It can be heard to open up about your feelings and emotions. It can hurt to think or even speak about the unrequited love. It is important for you to open up about your feelings, and about your needs. These can be key actions that will help you to get over your issues. By keeping an open mind and meeting new people, you can slowly wash away those feelings. If you are dealing with unrequited love, you need to push yourself to ensure that you are not stuck on that person forever.

5 Ways To Take Your Mind Off Of Your Ex After A Breakup

When you break up with someone, you will find that it is hard for you to take your mind off of them. It is always hard to take your mind off of your ex after a breakup. You need to make a conscious effort to focus your mind on other things to stop thinking about them. There are 5 major ways for you to do so.

Have a Girls/Boys Night

Having a night with your friends is the best way to get your mind off of someone. Hanging out with the girls (or boys) will help to bring you into a better mood. It will help you to focus on other activities. You need this distraction to take your mind off of your ex.

Give Yourself a Trip to the Spa

Spas are incredibly relaxing and peaceful. Going to a spa is an easy way to get your mind off of someone. You can clear your mind of all thoughts when you are at the spa. Simply focus on the treatment that you are receiving, and the relaxation you feel. While it may only be for a short time, the relaxation can be key to your long-term effort to get over your ex.

Cleanse Your Life (get rid of everything that reminds you of them)

You cannot take your mind off of someone if you are constantly reminded of them. You need to get rid of everything that you have that reminds you of them. Some people stow away all of these belongings. Others burn them ceremoniously. Choose the method that will help you to get your mind off of the person as fast as possible.

Go Out!

If you are trying to get your mind off of an ex, you need to get out of the house. If you stay in your house, you will simply wallow in self pity, thinking of the person that you used to be with. Going out, whether it be with friends or by yourself, will keep you from thinking about what could’ve been.


If you have the money to do so, this is the perfect time to travel. When you travel, you are caught up in the excitement of the new place that you visit. Traveling is an easy and exciting way to take your mind off of someone.

You need to give yourself something to think about when you are trying to take your mind off of your ex after a breakup. You need to do things that will consume your attention and focus. Spa trips, downtown trips, and travel trips can be an easy way to do so. These 5 tips simply give you different ways to take your focus and attention away from your ex.