
Saturday, 10 December 2011

Add Some Romance By Sweet Talking Your Man

Women are very lucky in they hold the ultimate weapon - sweet talk.  When we use sweet talk combined with our natural grace and style, we can impress a man and have him hooked.  If you don't think you have the skill of sweet talking, don't worry, you can acquire that skill quite easily.  Sweet talking a man is really simple and any woman can do it, you don't need to be well-bred and 'proper' to be able to sweet talk, all you need are your words, some flirtatious body language and you will have that man right where you want him!
Here are some tips for you to learn the skill of sweet talking:
1. The first thing you need to do is learn to listen when your man is talking and respond with the right comments at the right time.  A man feels comfortable with a woman that is attentive when he speaks and he will also be quite impressed with this.  By creating this comfort level you are creating a sound base for your relationship.
2. You need to have the right modulation in your voice when sweet talking a man.  You don't want to say something sexy in a rough or boring tone, rather, when you are sweet talking him you want to use a soft and seductive tone.  A soft and seductive voice will have a comforting, calming effect on him.  It isn't only the words that you way that are important but also the tone of voice that you say them in.
3. When you have a calming, romantic moment don't ruin it by talking about politics or something completely unrelated to the moment.  Once you start talking about something unrelated or even boring you will ruin the romantic mood and the moment will be gone.  When you are having a romantic moment your conversation should always stay on romantic talk.  You can talk about things like your dreams; ask him about his dreams or fantasies.  These romantic moments don't have to be confined to the bedroom either, you can talk romantically while strolling along the beach or having a picnic.
4. When you are using sweet talk on your man try to use flirtatious body language.  You can also add some humour to your sweet talk as long as it is still along romantic lines and not the hurting type.
5. When you talk romance always have passion in your voice, but at the same time if the conversation seems to be going too long then you might want to break the mood and shift the conversation back elsewhere.  Sometimes a romantic conversation can go on too long and then become a little boring, so if there is nowhere for the conversation to go then it needs to change.
6. When you are sweet talking your man you need to stay focused on him and don't get distracted by anything going on around you.  When you are talking to him, look into his eyes so that you have his full attention also.  This will bring a joint romantic conversation where you are both interested in nothing else but each other.
7. Don't be overly proud with your man or it will show in your talk and could spoil the moment and the relationship.
8. When sweet talking your man it can be effective to whisper 'sweet nothings' in his ear.  This will encourage the romance in him and will bring for a very romantic moment.
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Tips on How to Find the Perfect Man

Have you been longing to find the perfect man but just don't have much luck in the man department?  Does it feel like men are just not interested in you?  Are you the only one in your friend group that doesn't have a man?  Perhaps it's time you developed some new skills that might help you to get a date.
It is actually possible to acquire new skills that can help you to overcome the obstacles that you face when trying to find a man.  You can make some mental and physical changes, become more motivated, plus a few more ideas and you will be on your way to having that special man in your life.
You may be thinking that it's always the man’s fault that you haven't found the right man, but you also need to consider that it could be something that you are doing.  Perhaps you are very shy and find it difficult to approach a man or initiate conversation.  When you first meet a man, he doesn't know the real you and only see's the outer girl, so he may not realize that you are very shy and might mistake your shyness for being a bit snobby or stand offish.  This can possibly turn a man off and he may never get to know the real you.  It isn't easy meeting new people, particularly of the opposite sex, if you are a shy person so this may be the first obstacle that you need to overcome.
Look at your body language
You need to consider your body language and behaviour as these could give the wrong message to a potential partner.  If you are shy and withdrawn, men may see you as not approachable, but if you are outgoing and friendly then it will be reciprocated by any man you meet.  Shyness can often be mistaken for pride and coldness, although that isn't who you really are, this is what your body language and behaviour may be portraying.
You might be a great person who is friendly and caring and that is fantastic, but a man needs to know that to be attracted to you.  You need to build up your self confidence so that you can show the 'real you' to everyone that you meet, rather than them miss out by not getting to know you better.  If you have been rejected a number of times you may be thinking that you aren't good enough or attractive enough, but chances are that you are attractive and a great person and it may just be your body language that is letting you down.
Look at your past
Think about your past and the times when you have received compliments about your beauty, your skills, and your personality and so on.  I'm sure if you think about it you will remember occasions when you have received compliments and all of these compliments are proof of your worth.  Whenever you are feeling low in confidence and lacking self esteem, think back to a time when someone complimented you and it will give you a boost.
Put in an effort to be extra friendly
Even though you really are a friendly person, your shyness and lack of self confidence may stop you from being outgoing and as friendly as you could be.  Put in an effort to be friendly more by doing simple things like smiling at a stranger, greeting people with a 'good morning' or helping someone whenever you have the opportunity.  Try to do these little things as often as you can and you will soon become more comfortable talking to strangers.  This is a big skill for you to use to meet a nice man.
You need to develop the skill of initiating a conversation with someone and by saying hello and smiling at a stranger is a good place to start.  You can also ask questions about a product you want to buy instead of just picking it up and buying it.  By asking questions you are initiating a conversation with the shop assistant and helping to develop your new skill.
It is a matter of practising and developing your social skills to overcome your shyness and be a little more outgoing.  Men will soon look at you in a different way and will be more likely to approach you and begin a conversation.  You will soon find yourself having more fun, being happier and others will see you happier and they will enjoy your company.
When you develop your social skills you will soon find yourself fighting men off and will have the pick of the bunch.  It isn't always easy to change the way that you are, but with a bit of practise you will soon have the skills you need.
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Wednesday, 7 December 2011

What Should You Talk About With Your Husband?

Love is such a fantastic feeling, but at times you will find yourself doing things that you might not enjoy doing.  One thing that can sometimes be difficult in a marriage is knowing what to talk about with your husband.  Men aren't always the best communicators and they often don't like to participate in conversation unless it is about something that interests them, but how do you know what might interest him?
The longer you are in a marriage the more you will get to know your husband’s interests.  When you know what his interests are you should initiate conversations based around his interests.  You might even want to do some research about the topics he is interested so that you know what you are talking about when you converse with your husband about the topic.  This can become difficult if it is a topic that you yourself are not interested in but sometimes you might have to bite the bullet and discuss his interest just to have a good conversation with him.
Let's take a look at some topics that might possibly be of interest to your husband:
1. Sex.  Sex is a topic that all men are interested in and I'm sure your husband isn't any different.  You can talk about sex in general or sex between you both.  You can share your feelings on how you enjoyed sex with him or even discuss different positions that you like or ask him what he likes.  I'm sure your husband will enjoy this conversation and by discussing sex you will also get to know what each other likes and this can keep your sex life strong and exciting.
2. Cars and Motorbikes.  There aren't too many men that don't like either cars or motorbikes or both.  This might not be a topic that you are particularly interested in but they will surely be impressed if you show interest in the topic.  You could talk about cars or motorbikes in general, or your husband might have particular interests with a particularly type of car or motorbike that you can learn more about.
3. Food.  You have probably heard the saying 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach', well men love to eat and they enjoy food, so this is one topic that they might be interested in.  You may need to find out what particular foods he likes and then he may have interest in the conversation about those foods, cooking and recipes.
4. Travelling.  Most people like to travel, both men and women so this could be an interest that you might share.  If your husband has travelled or has dreams to travel then this can be a great topic for conversation.  You can discuss places that you have travelled to in the past and places that you would like to travel to.
When looking for interests to talk about with your husband, you will want to stay from emotional conversations.  Men are never comfortable talking about feeling and emotions so you will soon lose his attention if you talk about them.  Although there are occasions when feelings and emotions need to be discussed, you don't want to use them for general conversation topics.
If you are initiating a conversation about an interest he has, but you don't have much knowledge about, just ask him questions.  He will be glad that you are showing an interest and that you want to learn more about the topic.  It also makes the conversation easier as he will do a lot of the talking when answering your questions.
When you are talking to your husband you want to pay attention and not get distracted because you are bored with the topic.  Even if it is a topic that you aren't really interested in, don't make it obvious to him that you really aren't interested.  The longer that you are in a marriage, the easier conversation becomes, so just be patient and soon the conversations will flow easily.
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Monday, 5 December 2011

Giving Gifts To Keep The Marriage Alive

When you are in love you are living on cloud nine and enjoying every minute of it.  To keep that love alive it can be nice to give your husband a gift every now and then.  When a relationship is reasonably new it is sometimes difficult to think of gift ideas as you might not know him well enough yet to know just what he likes.  There are so many different types of gifts to choose from but how do you know which type your husband will enjoy?
There are two categories of gifts that you can buy for your husband.  Firstly you can buy him something that he would like to have and the second category is gifts that he would find useful.  Within both of these categories you are sure to find something that he would love, whether it is something to suit his needs or his wants.  You should try to choose a gift that will also suit his personality.
When choosing a gift for your husband you need to change your way of thinking and don't buy a gift that suits your tastes.  Your taste of gift might not match his taste so you need to remember that you are buying for him and need to choose a gift that will suit his tastes, even if it is something that you don't particularly like all that much. 
One tip for choosing a gift is to consider his interests.  It is much easier to buy a gift if you know his interests as you can then shop for something along those lines.  For example, if he is interested in football you could buy him some football gear or even a book or DVD about football.  If he is a businessman and is passionate about his business, then perhaps you can buy him something for the office.
If your husband loves the outdoors and is very adventurous then you can maybe buy him some equipment to use for his adventures or perhaps even a ticket for an adventure like hot air ballooning.  It really makes it much easier to buy for your husband if you know what he likes to do or what he is passionate about.
If you know his interests but are still unsure about what to buy him, then you can do a search on the internet for his interests and you will find many gift ideas and suggestions.  If you don't really know what his interests are then you can always search the internet for the general question 'gift ideas and suggestions for my husband' and you will get some good results.  It certainly does make it easier though if you have some idea of what he likes or what he needs.  If you buy a gift that is completely unrelated to his interests, needs or personality then that may reflect on how much attention you have shown him.
If you don't know his interests or passions then think about his personality as a person’s personality can also give you lots of ideas for gifts.  If you are creative you may even consider making him something which will have sentimental value when he knows that you put the effort into making it.
If you aren't creative, there are places where you can have gifts made.  It could be something as simple as having his name engraved on a pen if he is a business man, or a football shirt with his favourite player’s number put on the back.  Try to combine your creativity with his personality and interests and you have a winning combination.
The main aim of giving your husband a gift is to express your love and affection toward him so it really doesn't need to be anything expensive or too outgoing, something simple is often the best.
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Romantic Ideas for Your Husband

All new romances start off very amorous and exciting, but after a while the romance fizzles a little and you can soon find yourself wondering where the romance went.  If you would like to keep your love life alive then start thinking about some amorous ideas for your husband.  Although it is nice if your husband is the amorous one, but if you are amorous toward him you will find that he will return the favour and be more amorous with you.  You can plan romantic moments or you can be amorous on the spur of the moment and it is often these spontaneous passionate moments that have maximum effect.
When thinking of something romantic try to think outside the box and be a little creative.  If you open up your mind to new ideas you are sure to come up with many exciting, amorous ideas.  Your husband will love any little amorous gestures that you come up with.
Continuing romance in your life will help your marriage to stay strong and your love life to remain alive and exciting.  Your husband will enjoy being romanced and will love you or making the effort to shower him with romance.  I'm sure he will soon be showering you with romance and the candle you have for each other will continue to burn brightly.
When you are bringing romance into a marriage it needs to be done with love, passion and sincerity.  If you see being amorous as a chore then it just won't have the same effect as if you are amorous with passion.  You don't have to plan a big three course candle lit meal to be romantic; often it is simple little gestures that bring the most romance to a marriage.
Even if you feel that your husband is romantic enough so you don't need to worry about being amorous, this isn't true.  You should also show romance to him and not leave it all up to him.  He will love to receive romantic gestures and surprises from you and with you doing this he will likely continue to shower you with romantic gestures.  When both parties in a marriage participate in romance it will keep the romance in the marriage alive.  If you want to encourage your husband to be more amorous here are some steps that might help:
1. Let your husband know how you feel and that you would like to see some romance from him.  Ask him how he really feels about you and then let him know that you would like to hear him tell you from time to time.  He can be amorous just by telling you how much he loves you and expressing his feelings.  Tell him that you know he loves you but you still like to hear it from him.
2. Encourage your husband to express his feelings in the presence of others as this truly is a romantic gesture that shows you that he truly loves you and is not ashamed of it.
3. Your husband should ask you how your day went or if you enjoyed your meal.  Little questions like these that show he is interested in your feelings and comfort are very amorous and make you feel special.
4. Your husband should listen when you have any problems that you want to talk about and he should offer advice and help you through any rough times.  This shows that he is concerned about you and your feelings and will always be there for you when you need him.
5. Your husband should be respectful of your likes and dislikes and work around them to some degree.  He should be well-dressed and well-mannered to keep you happy and keep your romance alive.
6. You will want to receive lots of hugs and affection from your husband so that you feel loved.
7. He should offer you comforting words at times when you need to hear them.  He can't solve all your problems for you but he should be there to comfort you when required.
Not all men are romantic at heart and some need a little encouragement to be amorous.  You will find that if you do these things to him he will likely reciprocate and do them back to you.  When you both treat each other with affection and romance you will continue to have a happy and healthy marriage for a long, long time.
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How To Spice Up Your Marriage – Make Him Smile!

There are many ways that you can spice up your marriage and one great way is by using sweet comments that will make him smile.  Little romantic quotes will go a long way to spice up your love life and you will soon find your husband becoming more romantic toward you too.
There doesn't need to be a specific time of day to use sweet talk, you can tell your husband sweet things at any time or any place.  In fact, it doesn't always need to be said, but you can also write a note with a sweet quote and leave it somewhere where he will find it when you are not there. 
By using sweet quotes in your relationship you can help to relieve any nervousness or anxiety about a new relationship.  If you feel nervous saying sweet things, then you shouldn't because it will actually relieve your nervousness in the long term and also his.
When trying to think of sweet things to say to your husband you should first consider your feelings toward him.  Grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down your feelings and emotions that you have when you think of him or when you are with him.  Your heart will tell you how you feel and these are the things he wants to know so use your own feelings to come up with some sweet comments to give him. 
Not many men will admit that they want you to say such sweet things to them, but they do enjoy hearing them and they will bring a smile to his face and his love for you will grow.
Here are a few examples of little sweet comments that you can say to your husband:
v  My life is so much better since I met you.
v  My world is empty when you aren't with me.
v  You are the sunshine of my life.
v  It's been said that you only truly fall in love once, but I don't believe it. Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.
v  Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over.
v  Thank you for your sweet, sweet love. You'll never truly know just how happy that you make me and how much I love you.
v  Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.
v  If I know what love is, it is because of you.
v  You are my endless love.
v  Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.
v  You had me at hello.
v  You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae.
v  There must be something wrong with my eyes; I can't take them off you.
v  You must be from out of space because I can see the stars in your eyes.
v  Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
v  I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day I find it is the day I'll stop loving you.
v  My heart smiled when you kissed my lips. What a sweet surprise.
v  You are the prince in my fairytale life.
v  You are so sweet to me; you take the place of icing on my cake.
v  Baby you are the whip cream on my hot fudge sundae.
v  You are the olive in my martini.
These are just some examples to help you get started; some are corny but you can choose what suits your relationship and sense of humour, often some quote will just come to you when you least expect it and these are often the best.  Otherwise you can search the internet to find many more quotes that you can use.  Whenever you want to get your husband in a romantic mood, and then try using some of these sweet quotes and you will soon have him relaxed and full of romance.
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