
Saturday, 30 July 2011

So You’ve Been Dumped and Feel Lost

So you’ve been dumped and you may feel a little lost right now. If you spend your days just walking around in a fog and nothing seems to go right you need to become skilled at how to fix it, particularly if you want to try to get your ex back. There are definite steps you can take to help you do this.
First, you need you back. If you want to try to get your ex back you need to be positive and self-assured. So, work through your pain and resentment before contacting your ex, otherwise they will feel they need to be on the defensive and you will do nothing more than alienate them even further.
So you’ve been dumped and it may take a while for the pain and resentment to dip. Take as much time as you need to experience your feelings and deal with them as they surface. Then decide what it is you want and go for it. If what you want is to get your ex back then do it. Be careful though, like I said make sure you have you back and you are in a good frame of mind or else everything you try will not work and may even boomerang.
So you’ve been dumped but you are ready to call your ex on the phone and ask if they would like to meet you for coffee and a talk. If they are willing to meet you, you need to have planned out what you want to say. This isn't the time to fly by the seat of your pants. It's also important that you don't start off by asking them, or begging them, to get back together. Now is the time to try and reconnect and remind them how much fun the two of you used to have. Be a friend!
Hopefully by this point you have addressed the issues you had, or whatever it was that caused trouble in your relationship in the past. If so, this meeting could be a great time to let your ex see these improvements with their own two eyes.
So you’ve been dumped but you want to make things work for the long haul both of you will most likely need to weigh up your habits and attitudes and make some changes. Now isn't the time to worry about that though, the only person you can change is you. For now, let that be your focus. Than when the two of you get back together and you are trying to keep things strong you can work on other issues that may be driving a wedge between you and creating difficulty in your relationship.
There is hope. No matter how much the two of you have been through you can still find a way to get back together and make things work out much better the second time. So you’ve been dumped but there is still hope for a much better future. Learn from it!
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Friday, 29 July 2011

Breaking Up and Getting Back Together

After breaking up and getting back together will not be an easy thing to do. Forgiving and forgetting past mistakes will take some effort and maybe even some counselling. Before we get to that point let's talk about things you can do on your own and together that may bring you back together first.
If whatever caused you to break up in the first place was relatively minor all it might take to get back together is a sincere apology. Saying you are sorry and meaning it can go a long way toward healing the hurt you caused. If they accept your apology then everything is not lost and you can probably work your way back to being a happy couple.
Do not rush things, however, be careful not to make things worse by appearing desperate and demanding that they take you back. After breaking up and getting back together and making it work the second time around is a process that cannot be rushed.
When you both have had enough time to calm down and let the hurt subside, then give your ex a call and ask to meet. If they agree to meet you, do not be late. Show them the respect they deserve and show up on time. Talk about the good times you had and keep things light. Do not get into any heavy conversation on this first meeting. There will be enough time for that later.
If all goes well on this first meeting then ask them to go with you to dinner or a movie. Afterward suggest a walk in the park and broach the subject of how you are feeling and the possibility of getting back together. They may tell you that they feel the same way you do or they may say they need more time to think. Respect their decision and back off for a while.
You can take away from the second meeting the knowledge that you planted the seed and gave them something to think about. Give them a couple of days to mull it over and then call them to just talk. Let them steer the conversation at this point and just be a good listener. You have stated your case and now the ball is in their court and you must be patient. If you get angry or seem desperate then the whole thing will blow up in your face and you will have to start the breaking up and getting back together process all over!
If they do not give you an answer right away, plan a fun date like going to an amusement park or something. Do not treat it like you would a normal date. Tell them when you are going and that you have an extra ticket if they want to go along. If they agree to go, just have fun, do not talk about getting back together. This will be a good opportunity to show them how you have changed.
Keep in mind that after breaking up and getting back together can be a whole new beginning for the two of you. Live each day to the fullest and do not take each other for granted. Life is too short to be without the one you love.
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Get Back Together With Your Ex - Don’t Rush It!

Want to know how to get back together with your ex? You may think that it's unworkable, but in most cases, it's not. It's always best to give your ex a little time before you talk to them. Let them cool off somewhat and spend some time alone. Many people want to rush right back in because they're afraid that if they give their ex too much time they will find someone else. And sometimes they do, but don't worry, rebound relationships rarely work out. Just give both of you some time to breathe.
Another thing to keep in mind is that unless you make some changes, things will only work out the same way and you will not get back together with your ex ever. You don't want that do you? Of course not... no one wants to repeat a cycle where they cause pain for themselves and their partner. That's why it's a great idea to figure out what went wrong the first time. By doing this you can make some changes so you don't just repeat the same disparaging cycle over and over again.
So, when trying to get back together with your ex, how do you figure out what went wrong? It will take some time and frankness. The best way is to think back about some of the arguments you and your ex had. What did you argue about? What did your ex complain to you about regarding your conduct? For example, if your ex says you never listen then that means, at least from their perspective, that you aren't really 'tuned' into them and their needs. Now, of course, this might just be their perception, but more often than not, there's some reason they believe this to be true. If you look honestly at yourself and your conduct you may see some of what they are talking about.
So, now that you have some ideas of what issues you've had, now what? Well, now you change. I know, I made that sound easy and it will take time but that's the next step. Once you are aware of the way you act, it's much, much easier to make changes. We tend to do (and act) in default mode most of the time. It's not until we actually, deliberately, choose to monitor the way we act and the things we say that we can make real changes. It will take time and practice to make these changes, but you can do it... if you seriously want to get back together with your ex. 
The really neat thing about all of this, is that not only can you get your ex back and have a great relationship with them, but you'll also be a better person.
So, to recap, if you really want to find a way to get back together with your ex and making it last this time, your best bet is to face up to the problems and find ways to fix them. Accept the mistakes you've made and learn to improve on the person you are. Once you show this side to your ex they will probably be calling you and begging you to get back together. Good luck!
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Breaking Up and Getting Back Together Game

If the two of you are playing the breaking up and getting back together game over and over and over again it is probably reasonable to say that there are issues that need to be addressed. One or both of you may have some type of commitment issues or maybe you just don’t know how to communicate with each other effectively.
If you are tired of the breaking up and getting back together game you can always just call it quits and try to move on or you can try to learn effective communication techniques and even learn to get over your commitment issues. There is someone for everyone and if you think you have found that someone then you need to figure out why you are playing these games.
Insecurities can play a big role in how we behave and my guess is that insecurities of some nature are behind the breaking up and getting back together games that are being played.
Maybe you feel you are unlovable because of something that happened when you were young. Maybe he is trying to control you and keep you running back to him every time you break up. Maybe you both just like all the drama. Who knows, but if the games are getting tiresome and you want to stop and just have a normal relationship then my suggestion is, go see a couple’s therapist and get some help figuring out what the heck you two are doing to each other.
A good therapist can help you find the origin of the problem or problems that the two of you cannot seem to get around and help you work through them. If you really want to stay together you need to learn to break the old, hurtful dynamic of your relationship and form a new, more fulfilling one and stop the breaking up and getting back together game.
You have probably worn all your friends out trying to talk to them and asking for their help in figuring things out so much that when they see you coming they cringe in fear or run away screaming because the conversation always turns out to be all about you and the most recent break up.
Try talking to each other and try to agree to go see someone who can help on a professional basis. If you are all gung ho about learning how to have a better relationship and your mate is not then go by yourself. When they see the positive changes in you after you have been going for a while then they will probably give in and start going along with you. It is never too late to learn how to be a better partner in a relationship.
If you do decide to go together the therapist will probably give you couples homework. Exercises you can do at home together to strengthen your relationship and learn how to communicate on a different level. Trust will grow and insecurities will fade. They may not go away altogether but they will turn out to be so insignificant that they will no longer have a negative effect on your relationship. You will finally be able to stop playing the breaking up and getting back together game and have a much more trusting, loving, fulfilling relationship.
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

How to Get Your Ex Husband Back Free Advice

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex husband away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "how to get your ex husband back” at every turn? Here are some guidelines that will greatly improve your chances and help you get your ex husband back.
Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what, led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly intense to get your ex husband back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely futile, and it will only make matters worse.
Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself how to get your ex husband back, then you need to stop doing these things right now.
So what can you do to get your ex husband back? Follow this strategy instead.
You are going to need to take a completely new approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex husband, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require restraint to prevent you from returning to your old ways.
During this time, your ex husband is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favour. Now your ex husband is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.
You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering how to get your ex husband back, now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how familiar mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex husband to remember why he loved you in the first place.
Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't overdo it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking how to get your ex husband back.
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Monday, 25 July 2011

How to Get Your Husband Back After Separation

How to get your husband back after separation... if you want the guy of your dreams to come back to you and what you have been doing has not worked, you need to shake things up a bit and try a new strategy.
You want a relationship that makes you feel good about yourself and that you can feel good about. Having a person beside you for all the right reasons is a wonderful feeling. When you both complement each other and you recognize you make a great team, nothing can stop you.
Then something happens and you find yourself on the receiving end of another one of many separations... how to get your husband back after separation will take strength and perseverance. One of the best ways to get him to come back to you is to be sensitive to how he is feeling and to let him express how he is feeling in his way. Do not try to get him to do things he is not comfortable with. He will only resent you more.
How to get your husband back after separation... encourage him to express his feelings openly and honestly. Let him vent his frustration about the things that caused the break up in the first place. After he vents his annoyance he may feel better and then the lines of communication can open up again and you two can have a real conversation.
Making a relationship work takes both of you. You two must be committed to each other and the relationship or else it will not work. Relationships do not just happen.
Two people meet and find they have things in common or feel a mutual attraction and decide they want to have a relationship. So they move in together and everything is wonderful for the first ten minutes. What people do not understand is that everyone is different and you need to learn how to live together.
What I mean is, one day one of you is going to do something that will annoy the other, it is to be expected. So what do you do? Like most people, you probably get a little freaked out and then start looking for other things they do that annoy you. If all these things do not get discussed and resolved they end up building up and eventually they will knock the relationship down like a house of cards and this is definitely not how to get your husband back after separation.
Men and women are completely different and when you get into a relationship you need to accept that person for who they are foibles and all. If something comes up and it will, talk about it right away. Do not make fun or make demeaning remarks when you bring it up. Whatever you think is a problem is probably something they have done this way for their entire lives. If it is a behaviour that really bothers you bring it up with dignity and respect and see if they are willing to try to change.
Be prepared though, you may do something in the future to annoy him, too, and he will ask for the same consideration you asked of him.  Learn to be lenient and make compromises and there will be no more how to get your husband back after separation issues.
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Sunday, 24 July 2011

How to Mend a Broken Heart from Love Gone Wrong

How to mend a broken heart from love gone wrong? All country western songs titles aside, this is a hard thing to have to overcome. Take heart though, it really is achievable to overcome the hurt, resentment and anger that you may feel after a breakup. It will take time and it will take a strong commitment on your part to actually feel better and get back to living your life.
I know that last sentence may sound peculiar. You may be saying to yourself, 'Well that's stupid, of course I want to get over my pain’, in a way though many people actually hold on to their pain. They may not mean to and they may not understand they are doing it, but they do it nonetheless. If you do not appreciate that's what you're doing then it can be really hard to learn how to mend a broken heart.
Make sure that you are not so hurt that you simply are afraid to try again. If you are, you really should think about finding some help. Life is too short to live in fear of being hurt. You can never really be happy and fulfilled if you are not willing to open your heart. 
A therapist can help you work through all your upset and pain and help you find ways to heal them so that someday you can move on and find love again. Which is the best answer to how to mend a broken heart.
While you are working on healing the hurt, make sure that you take the time to live.  Now isn't a good time to think about dating but it is a great time to spend time with your friends doing the things that you used to enjoy doing. Remember when you were single?  What types of things did you enjoy doing? Most of us put at least a little of ourselves on hold when we start dating someone else. It's just the way it works out. Our new person doesn't like to do something that we like to do so we stop doing it while we are with them. Now is the time to do those things. They will bring you peace and allow you to remember the person you used to be and that can really help you find out how to mend a broken heart.
Another thing you should be doing during this time is to work on the things that you have been meaning to do. Just like the things that we gave up doing when we were part of a couple, there are also things that we were meaning to do but just never got around to. Now is the time to do them. Have you been meaning to take a class, learn a new language, or just rearrange your living room?  Now is the time for a new start. Go for it. Try to have some fun. You might not think that you can have any fun quite yet but when you start doing the things you have always wanted to do you might just be surprised at how good you will start to feel.
Finding ways of being happy is the best way I know of finding out how to mend a broken heart.
All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!