
Thursday, 5 January 2012

How to Win Love Back for Good

Being in love is a magnificent thing. Unhappily, it sometimes happens that our romantic affairs come to an abrupt halt. Yes, we are talking about the dreaded break up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we saw it coming, but break ups have a cruel habit of happening suddenly. Then we are left with a full plate of harmful emotions, and we don't even know how we'll get through the day.
Sound familiar? If so, then you know what it's like. You feel irritated, sad, let down, puzzled and maybe even a bit responsible. In spite of all of this, you still think about how to win love back. The good news is that it is possible to do just that in the majority of cases. With that in mind, here are some things you can do to help get your lover back.
Be honest. Even though a break up may result from any number of things, one of the underlying reasons is lack of trust. It doesn't matter if this is based on actual experience, or if it's just imagined. Whatever the case may be, both of you have to work on trusting each other if you ever want a chance of getting back together. This honesty applies to you, your lover, and the relationship. Besides, honesty is always easier in the long run.
Be happy. How can you be happy after you have just gone through a break up? That's a fair question, with simple answer. We're not talking about being all giddy and jumping up and down like a kid at a birthday party. Instead, just be happy...a calm kind of happy. Be happy you have what you have, be happy when good things happen to your lover, be happy that you have a plan to get your lover back.
Learn to listen. The problem with a lot of people is that they think they're listening when they're only hearing. Then, once they hear the talking is stopped, they say what they wanted to say. However, listening is more than that. To really listen, you have to focus on what your lover is saying, make sure you know what they meant, pause, then respond based on what they've just said. To be blunt: hearing leads to arguments, while listening leads to understanding.
Think positive. This doesn't mean you should live in a fantasy world where you and your lover never broke up, or in a world where everything is perfect and lovely. But it does mean you should do things with positive expectations. For example, if you want to ask your lover to meet with you so the two of you can talk, positive thinking would tell that your lover will agree to meet you. The right mindset is vital to getting back together, so do your best to use it.
If you want to know how to win love back, then following the tips of above are an excellent start. Stick with it, and keep trying and you will have a happy ending before you know it.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just too complicated?
Click Here and find out how to recapture that romance, happiness and lasting love!

How to Get Back with Your ex Husband after a Break Up

Ah yes...falling in love, isn't it wonderful? Sure it is! Being in a loving marriage is a great place to be, but it's a sad fact of life that it can also come to an end. All too often it happens without warning, and that only makes it worse. Perhaps you have recently gone through a break up and are sad because it's over. Well, there may be some hope. The vast majority of people in similar situations have been able to patch things up. So, if you are wondering how to get back with your ex husband... read on!
You can't kid yourself that it's going to be easy. You can't kid yourself that you shouldn't take it seriously. Chances are good that your feelings are all messed up right now... that's perfectly normal. Go ahead and take some time to work through those emotions, but don't get stuck on them. If you want to get your ex husband back, then you're going to have to have a clear head from here on out.
One thing that will help you to clear your head is to break off all contact with your ex husband for a while. This won't be permanent, but it has to be long enough so the two of you can work through some of what happened. There will come a time when the two of you can work through it together, but you each need to come to terms with it on your own first. Just so we're clear, 'no contact' means no emails, text messages, telephone calls, relaying messages through mutual friends, and no bumping into them "accidentally".
You need to spend some of this alone time taking care of yourself. Sure, you may feel rotten, but consider what type of person your ex husband is more likely to want back. Is it somebody who is well-adjusted, confident, and has healthy self-esteem; or is it somebody who's depressed, doesn't take care of themselves and is mad at the world? Go out with friends and live your life. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally.
The other thing you need to do during this alone time is to figure what went wrong. What led to the two of you breaking up? If you want to get back with your ex husband, then you have to go through this process (and it is a process). You have to get to the root causes of the problems you had has a couple. It's not enough to say arguing led to the break up, for example. Instead, you need to get to the cause of the arguing. This step may be somewhat painful, but it is necessary if you want any chance of getting back together.
Once these steps are complete, you can get in touch with your ex husband again. Discuss the things each of you has been thinking about while you were apart. Make a plan to fix what went wrong, and be willing to stick with it even when is seems hard, doing all of these things will put you on the right track to get back with your ex husband.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too complicated?
Click Here and find out how to recapture that romance and happiness!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Sweet Things to Do For Your Husband

In a perfect world, marriages would be made up of two parties contributing their equal share. However, the reality is that most marriages are somewhat unbalanced; this is normal. However, problems can arise when we start thinking that the other person should be the one doing all of the romancing.
A lot of times (though not always) its women who think it's the responsibility of the man to make romantic gestures. There's nothing wrong with wanting your man to do romantic things, but you also have to be careful that you don't have unrealistic expectations. If you do, then you are setting yourself up to be let down. Also, it's only fair that you should do things for your husband as well, as a way of making sure things are balanced out. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
Buy him things. You don't have to buy expensive gifts to show you care. Think about the things he likes and then buy a gift that's related to that in some way. Of course you need to know something about your husband for this to work. The more thought you put into it, the better.
Cook for him. There is an old saying that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. No, this isn't in reference to some strange medical fact, but instead highlights how much men typically like having a good meal cooked for them. That isn't intended to sound sexist, as women enjoy good food, too, but you get the point. Cook your husband one of his favourite meals and sit down at the table to enjoy it together. He will enjoy his meal and appreciate the effort you put into it.
Spice things up. Now, this type of advice normally refers to the bedroom, and it's good to spice things up there once in a while, but anything you can do to get of a rut can work wonders in your marriage. While there may be some comfort in falling into a routine, it can get old before too long. So, let your husband know that you care by mixing things up a bit.
Massages feel so good! People are under a lot of stress in the modern world. This often makes itself known in the form of muscles tension. It's not always easy to relax with all of the pressures coming at us from different directions. Giving him a nice soothing massage after a hard day at work doesn't take long, but he will feel great...both because he's less tense and because he knows how much you care for him.
Doing these things for your husband is a great way to show him that you love him. Of course you would appreciate it if he returned the favour once in a while, too. But be careful! You should be doing these things because you want to, not because you are expecting something in return. Showing him you care will help to make your marriage stronger, and that's always a good thing.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!

How Can I Tell If My Husband Really Loves Me

Being in love is a wonderful thing. But not being sure if your husband loves you makes things really tricky. Yes, there are times you are convinced that he loves you, but then there are times when you're not so sure. It's enough to drive you nuts! See, if he does indeed have feelings for you, then you're ready to commit to him and stay with him forever. On the other hand, if he doesn't really care for you deep down, then why waste your time investing in a one-sided marriage? At the very least, you can try to get him to love you if his feelings aren't all that strong for you at this time.
All of this can be really confusing, and that only makes it harder. Fortunately, there are some signs you look for to tell if your husband really loves you or not.
Buying gifts: If he surprises you with random gifts, then that's a good sign. It may be a somewhat superficial way of expressing love, but a lot of guys have a hard time expressing it any other way. So, accept his gifts graciously and know that it's his way of showing you that he cares for you.
Listening: It's great to have somebody that you can really talk to. Perhaps your husband just has awesome communication skills and has always been a good listener. Either way, if he is listening to you then it shows that he loves you enough to care about what you have to say.
He knows you. We're not talking about him knowing your name or being able to recognize you in a crowd. One sign that your husband really loves you is if he knows a lot of the details of your life. What was your nickname in grade school? Did you have childhood pets? Where did you grow up? What are favourite and least favourite foods? What makes you sad? Happy? Angry? What do you like to do? And the list goes on and on. Generally speaking, the more he knows, the more he cares.
He treats you well. If your husband gives you the occasional massage, cooks you dinner, willingly goes shopping with you, or does anything else just to make you feel good, then that's a very strong sign that he cares for you.
Planning a future: A guy is usually only going to talk about the future if he loves you or more specifically your future together. If he's talking about having a family someday, buying a house, or maybe even looking ahead to where the two of you will retire, then you can take that as a sure sign that your boy really loves you.
While all of these are good signs, they are just signs. Maybe he already does one or two of these things or maybe none at all. He can still love you either way; he just may have a different way of expressing that love. However, the more of them that describe your husband, the better.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!