
Saturday, 4 June 2011

How To Win Ex Boyfriend Back With Dignity

When you want to win ex boyfriend back you may feel as if you have to lower yourself and lose your pride. Your pride may be hurt as it is, due to the breakup, however there is no need to damage your pride even more. You should be able to win ex boyfriend back and keep your dignity intact. You may feel that you have to beg him to come back, however there are other things you can do.
If you were the one that was dumped that may have hurt your self esteem. If you broke up with him, then you may feel you have to beg for forgiveness. That may not be what is needed to win ex boyfriend back. If you wish to rekindle your love, try to put the elements into place that drew you to each other in the beginning. Make yourself visible to him. Allow him to see that you are the same person that he once loved. If he does not take notice, it may not be such a bad thing after all. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. If another horse is available, they may appreciate what you are offering.
If you are the one that did the breaking up and now you feel it was a mistake, be honest and let him know. Tell him that he has a right to be angry and that you do not expect him to come back to you. Let him know that whatever happens from this point on is fine with you. Let him know that you feel that you made a big mistake and apologize for hurting him. Ask for his forgiveness but do not beg.
Begging is not the way to win ex boyfriend back. Do not ask to get back together. Let him know that you are not expecting a second chance because you do not feel that you deserve one. However, do tell him that you wished that things had turned out different. Say what you need to and walk away. If he has any interest in you still, then let him be the one to make a move. It takes character and courage to admit that you made a mistake and the same amount to handle the consequence.
If he is truly special, he will take notice and will want to reunite. If the result is supposed to be marriage or a long term relationship, it will happen. The secret is to make him feel involved and as if he is the one doing the pursuing. You need to make him want you again. It may seem difficult and even humiliating but you should be reassured that there is a way to win ex boyfriend back and keep your dignity in the process.

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Friday, 3 June 2011

How to Get Lover Back In Love with You

Usually the beginning of a love affair is the brightest of a romance. Things seem exciting and new and both lovers wonder if this is "the one”. This period in the relationship is called the honeymoon. It never seems to last long enough. After a while something goes wrong and the other is asking how to get lover back in love. When reality sets in, you come to be disappointed and then realization that things are not as great as they seemed and this may not work out. The perfect relationship they thought they had at one time is not as perfect as it was before.
Sometimes it takes years before they finally realize that the coals are now stone cold. Usually this is when the relationship is in danger of a break up or divorce. Some aren't willing to let that happen and they seek help. Getting advice on relationships from someone who has experienced the same problems may help you and your lover out. Ask a professional about how to get lover back in love.
You will most likely get advice such as communicate more often, go on vacation and maybe reminisce the past.
This really shouldn't be a new thing... relationships are like a delicate balance. You both have to contribute or the relationship is going to fall apart. You don't need to have these long discussions about what’s going on or something that may start a fight between the two of you. Keep discussions small. Maybe even talk about your day. Ask open ended questions that require more than just a "yes" or "no" for an answer.
Go On Vacation with Each Other
This can be a great bonding activity for the two of you. Perhaps you could try going somewhere where the both of you use to go earlier in the relationship, or maybe somewhere new. A short or long trip, it doesn't really matter. Either way good could come of it, this is a great step towards acquiring information on how to get lover back and possibly your romance might re-spark.
Reminisce the Old Times
Why not take the walk down memory lane and think about all the things the two of you did in the past. Visit places that had a significant meaning when things were exciting and fresh. Play an old song or a movie that the two of you use to listen to and enjoy.
You could do more things however these are just a few of the basics in exploring your options on how to get lover back. In order for this to work, you will need to make everything seem like random events.

Click Here... To get FREE down to earth advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples find love and happiness!

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Seeking Guidance in Christian Marriage Counselling

Many couples who strive to follow God's will and seek His guidance will use Christian marriage counselling services when they are faced with difficulties in their marriage. When a marriage is going through difficulty a marriage counsellor can be good for any type of couple. If you are a Christian then it would be beneficial to seek marriage counselling from someone that has the same beliefs as you do. The problem with your marriage may be an inability to relate to one another. Or there could be more serious issues such as lying, pornography, or adultery.
For whatever reason, it is extremely important to seek the advice of a counsellor so that you may help yourself to help your marriage. A secular marriage counsellor may give good advice, however it may not be guidance that comes from the word of God. There are numerous choices in counselling that you could turn to before you end up divorced. The best way to avoid divorce is Christian marriage counselling. Most churches have family and marriage counsellors on their staff and some may even have a counselling centre. Many types of counselling services may be offered, but Christian marriage counselling is what you need. They will be able to help solve problems with your marriage and strengthen your marriage and your relationship with God.
A decent Christian marriage counselling program will be able to help you and your spouse become closer as well as draw both of you closer to God. With the help of the marriage counsellor your priorities will become apparent once again, and as a couple you will be able to focus on the things that are important to both of you. If you are having problems in your marriage, it is very important that you not hesitate in seeking help. It will be harder to fix your problems, the longer you wait. This is not the time to be in denial. It is important to get your marriage back on track and Christian marriage counselling can help with that.
The most difficult thing for you will be convincing your spouse that counselling will help your troubled marriage. You may even have to seek the advice from a counsellor on how to get your spouse to go to counselling sessions. Either way, there is a lot at risk. During counselling some issues may come up that are not comfortable to talk about, however facing the problem and talking about it will help. You may need to learn humility as you could be the source of some of the marriage issues. If you are a Christian and having marriage difficulties then a Christian marriage counselling program could be your saving grace.

Click Here... To get FREE down to earth advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples find love and happiness!

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

How to Get Ex Girlfriend Back Easily

How to get ex girlfriend back all depends on the circumstances. Who left who? Did she leave you? Or did you leave her? What was the reason for breaking up? How it is the romance came to a grinding halt? Why did the relationship end? And what do you want to do about it?
If it was she who left you, how to get ex girlfriend back is to find out what it was that she didn't like about you that caused her to break up with you. Was it because you treated her poorly? Maybe it was because you didn't deserve her or thought you didn’t, so you need to make some new choices. The choices won’t be simple. This is a great time to put yourself under the magnifying glass and think about the way you appear to others.

What did she complain about before she left you? Review those complaints and maybe ask others if they agree. How will you ever get ex girlfriend back if you don't want to take the extra step to get her back?
Or did you leave her? Maybe you made the mistake of letting her go and you want to get her back; you just need to realize how bad you hurt her. You need to find out if she hates you because of what you did. Maybe she needs a little time away. Let her have some time alone. You shouldn't be too far away but you shouldn't stalk her either.
You need to prove to her that you made a mistake in dumping her and you won't do it again. The best way to accomplish this is to give her the space and gain her trust back slowly. You made a mistake, and as with every mistake you now have to deal with the consequence. If she's worth it to you... you’ll do it.
If the relationship didn't hit it off because it dissolved, let her know you want to get back with her. She needs to know she's special and you are willing to work hard to get back with her. If she believes you and you'll work hard she may get back with you without any further convincing and she'll be back in your arms.
The best way of how to get ex girlfriend back is to be honest and open in communication, don’t lie or cheat. Don't just look at her mistakes, look at yours too and do something about them. You can't change her but you can change yourself, and when you do she'll love you more and that’s how to get ex girlfriend back and resume your relationship.

Click Here... To get FREE down to earth advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples find love and happiness!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

After Relationships Help - Do and Don’t Do

If you're reading this article, I guess you've just got out of a relationship. It doesn't matter if it was a mutual decision, your decision or if the decision was made for you, it's still a very difficult thing to go through. Most of us would like to end the suffering and pain (and maybe guilt) as soon as possible but many people turn to the wrong things and the wrong people to help them get over a breakup. Avoid making the mistakes that will only add to your pain in the long run, use these after relationships help tips so you can move on quickly and with your dignity.
When it comes to handling a breakup there are two distinct lists you need to follow: a list of what to do and a list of what not to do.  If you follow both lists you can move on a lot easier. Here are the dos and don'ts:
Enjoy yourself.  Have fun (as much as possible at least). Even though it may seem impossible if you surround yourself with a good group of friends you can actually have a little fun during this time, you just have to let yourself. Allow yourself to be distracted and don't hang on to your pain, try to learn to let it go or at least learn to put it (and leave it) in the back of your mind. Spending time with your pals doing fun things can help you accomplish that goal.
Go for that makeover you've been thinking about.  Now is a great time to focus on you in a positive way.  It may be time to get n shape, move, learn a new skill, take up a new hobby, get some new clothes, or just get a new hairstyle. It doesn't have to be big it just needs to be something that will make you feel more positive about yourself and the future and give you a reason to smile.
Only allow yourself to think about your relationship from the standpoint of what you can learn from your mistakes.  This is not the time to wallow and obsess over every conversation and all the endless what ifs. This is the time to analyze what went wrong and what you can do in your next relationship to make sure you don't repeat the same mistakes. This may mean that you redefine the type of person you become involved with in the first place.
Don't try to talk your ex into getting back with you. Even if there is a chance that the two of you can reconcile some day, you need to give things time so you can be sure you are getting back together for the right reasons and not just because you're afraid of being lonely. Give it time.
Don't rewind every conversation and every comment to death. As I said above, any time you think of your relationship it should be from the standpoint of what can I do better next time and not, what should I have done differently this time.
Don't hook up with everyone you find. That is not fair to you or the new person in your life. They don't deserve to feel like they are second string just because you are hurting.  Just keep your social interactions restricted to family and friends and put the romance on hold for a while.
In all aspects of life we can be challenged to find the right path and to do the right things. This is very true when it comes to finding constructive things to do to help you move on after relationships end.  By following the simple common sense advice above you will greatly improve your chances of moving on more quickly, with less pain, and with less baggage. Don't make things harder than they already are, use your head while your heart is mending.

Click Here... To get more advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples have successful relationships! He's very down to earth and man... does he know his stuff!

Monday, 30 May 2011

What to do After a Relationship Has Ended

If you and your ex have parted ways and you're not sure what to do now after relationship is over, I've got a few ideas.  Losing a loved one can really send your world into a tailspin. It can be especially bad if there was infidelity or you were blindsided and didn't see it coming. No one and nothing can completely take away the hurt; only time can do that, but there are many things that you can do, that will help you centre your time and attention onto more constructive things rather than just focusing on your hurt. Keeping your focus forward instead of backward can at least make it seem like you are healing more quickly. 
The things that you completely and definitely should not do after a breakup are:
1. Go out and drink (or do drugs) and stay in a trance for days or weeks on end. This won't help anyone.
2. Go out and hook up with anyone you can find. Again, this may help ease the pain but it will only make you feel worse once you’re on your own again.
3. Try to beg your ex to take you back.  If it's over, it's over. Nothing you can do and if your ex isn't interested in reconciliation, there's nothing you should do.  Hold your head up and move on.
Now that you know what not to do, here are some things that you should do. Again, these can help ease the pain but in a constructive way that won't leave you with a lot of regrets:
1.  Spend time with supportive, upbeat people.  No one is suggesting that you start dating, you shouldn't, but that doesn't mean you can't go out for lunch, coffee or to the movies with your friends so you don't sit at home and wallow.  Having loving supportive people around will help, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.  Keep your alone time to a minimum in the start.
2. When you are alone, and thinking about the past, make sure to use this as a constructive time. Don't just think about the 'what ifs' instead try to figure out what changes you can make to make yourself a better person. This will pay dividends in all aspects of your life, not just your romantic life (which believe it or not, isn't over, it's just on a little break).
3. Work on you. If you've been meaning to change your hairstyle, go on a trip, take a class, or get in shape, what are you waiting for? This is a great time to take on some positive new challenges in your life. It will force you to think about the future and not dwell on the past.
4. Always try (no matter how hard it can be sometimes) to keep yourself focused on the positive.  Try to look at your future as a wide open canvas that you can create anything you want.  If you can train yourself to think like this the breakup won't seem as painful and you may even find yourself excited about the potential the future holds.
Hey, let's face it, break ups suck. There's no way around it. But we will all go through it at one time or another so anything that you can use to help get over it more quickly and move on with your life is a blessing.  Just use these tips on the do's and don'ts of what to do after relationship has ended and you'll be on the right track.
Click Here... To get more advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples have successful relationships! He's very down to earth and man... does he know his stuff!