
Saturday, 22 January 2011

How to Win Love Back and Stay Together For Good

If you are serious about answering the question how to win love back, you need to go and get a copy of The Magic of Making Up. In this book, Mr Jackson will explain to you the various reasons why we fall out of love with our partners.  More importantly he shows you the techniques you can employ to get your groove back.  It is never too late to try to rediscover the passion and love you felt for your ex partner.  From this book you will learn how to communicate properly.

He will go through certain things like when you are trying to sort out a problem you should always use sentences starting with I rather than you.  "I feel hurt when you come home late from work" is a lot better than "you are always late home from work".  The first is explaining how you feel and should lead to a discussion about whether the working late can be fixed and if not, how you can work around it.  But the second sounds like an attack and if you deliver it just as the person walks through the door after a long day, it is easy to see how it can escalate into an argument.

Often we say things in the heat of the moment that either aren't true or are an exaggeration of how we are really feeling.  An example would be when you are fed up with your partner but you tell them you hate them. You don't really hate them as a person but perhaps their behaviour is a problem. When you are in the middle of a relationship that isn't working as well as it could, it is very easy to get caught up in a cycle of blame. You hold the other person responsible for everything that is going wrong. This isn't fair nor is it likely to be true.  All too often, it is both parties that are causing the problems.  Unfortunately one or other of you will have to be brave enough to take a stand and try and sort it out.  Leaving it to fester will lead to the end of your partnership and often this is exactly what happens.

When you have already split up and are trying to win your lover back, you need to go back over the last few months or even year of your relationship and see what went wrong. Ask your ex to meet up with you and be honest about your reasons. Don't expect them to read your mind and know that you want to rekindle the love affair.  Also don't expect miracles either. You didn't break up overnight so you are unlikely to be able to fix all your problems overnight either.  But given the right attitude and some good luck and great advice, you should soon know how to win love back and be happy again.  What have you got to lose?  A little bit of pride is a small price to pay to get your lover back now isn't it?

Friday, 21 January 2011

Are You Thinking I Am Still in Love with My Ex

Perhaps you are thinking I am still in love with my ex but it is hopeless as they don't love me.  How do you know that? Perhaps they regret the break up as much as you do.  Unfortunately when two people split up, they can let things drift between them rather than trying to reconcile and rediscover their former passion.  There are a number of reasons why. They may feel hurt particularly if they were the one who were dumped.  They may feel that they will only make a fool of themselves if they try to get their ex back.  There are even some people that believe all break ups happen for a reason and therefore the relationship is best left finished.

Well I am happy to say that most if not all of these beliefs are garbage. It is extremely unusual for two people in a long term relationship to break up and not have any feelings left for the other person.  Yes it is natural to be hurt regardless of who was the "guilty" partner. It is also completely reasonable to be scared of making the first move to reconcile.  But think about this? Would you rather sleep with your pride or your lover? 

Letting someone you love out of your life forever because you cannot bear the thought of him or her rejecting your advances is silly. Life is difficult enough without standing in your own way of happiness.  Sure they may knock you back but at least you will know that you gave it everything and not spend the rest of your life wondering what if.  Imagine you don't do anything now and you bump into your ex lover in twenty years time.  On this future occasion he or she admits that they never stopped loving you and have wanted you back in their life all this time. Wouldn't you just kick yourself? Yet this is exactly the scenario you are risking by not being prepared to make the first move, admit you think you were wrong to break up and that you want to give things another go.

Come on now, what do you stand to lose?  Really when it comes down to it do you want to waste time thinking I am still in love with my ex or do you want to grab life with both hands, find your ex partner and tell them how you really feel. If you want some hints and tips on how best to approach them, try reading the Magic Of Making Up.  The testimonials on the sales page will tell you how often the hints in this diamond have worked.  You have come to a crossroads in your life and the next move is up to you.  You alone have to take 100% responsibility for your actions or lack of them and the results.  Don't listen to your family or your friends.  Think about what you want and how your life will look if you never get your ex back.  Now make a decision and go for it.  Don't live a life of regret due to misplaced pride or thinking you "know" the answer to how someone else feels.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Saving a Relationship the Easy Way

If you are interested in saving a relationship go and buy The Magic of Making Up now. This book is written by a happily married man who gives you cheerful down to earth practical advice on how to save your marriage or partnership. Just have a look at all the testimonials he has had to see that his advice works and fast.

Whether you want to save your marriage or are talking about saving a long distance relationship, you need help. You could try marriage counselling or even doing a course like relationship rescue. But for most of us, we don't want to air our dirty laundry in public; even if it is with someone who has heard it all before or at least something similar.

We want to cure our relationship woes in private. How do I know? Why would there be shelves full of books on dealing with relationship problems if we were all ready to use counsellors. There is a billion dollar industry involved in producing books, DVDs and courses on how to fix your own partnership issues. 

This would not exist if there weren't loads of people willing to pay good money for these products. Unfortunately while there are some great books out there some of the material produced will do more harm than good. So you need to be careful what you read and whose advice you listen to.

Men and women are wired differently. It is not just cultural but physical differences in our brain that we are trying to overcome when communicating with members of the opposite sex. On average women have a more developed hearing and language centre in their brain which may explain why traditionally they make better communicators.

Men are programmed to fight first and ask questions later.  This again is a result of genetics and not a judgment on men. You can perhaps understand why it is difficult to discuss the problems you may be experiencing. But you have to learn how to communicate properly or you will either end up alone or even worse, incredibly lonely while still involved in a relationship.

A great partnership means that you have to share common interests. You have to be able to trust each other and have the facility to discuss how you are feeling without being worried about retribution. You both have to be allowed to be honest even when what you are saying is not what the other person wants to hear. This is not the same as you have the right to hurt one another. Wanting to inflict emotional pain on your partner is not one of the hallmarks of a successful relationship.

The good news is that you can learn how to do all these so long as you have a good teacher and they don't come much better than Mr T W Jackson. Saving a relationship will be easy once you get his book. What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Do You Need a Relationship Rescue Service

Are you wondering if you need a relationship rescue service? Are there warning signs that not all is well in your love life? Perhaps your partner is being evasive or non attentive? Perhaps they are busier than normal and not available to go on dates if you are not yet married or come home early if you are?  When you are with them, do you get the feeling they would rather be anywhere else?

Before you panic there could be a million reasons why your partner has gone a little cold on you.  He or she could be worried about their job, money or a health issue. They could have a friend going through a rough patch and be trying to help them. It doesn't mean, necessarily, that they don't love you.

In his book, The Magic of Making Up, T 'Dub' Jackson talks about being able to communicate properly. This is one area that can be improved in almost all relationships. Did you know that most couples break up not because of infidelity but because of a lack of communication? They simply can't or won't talk to one another.

The problem is that if you do not chat openly about your concerns or worries about your relationship, seeds of doubt are grown and suddenly these seeds become huge bushes. While they were seeds, they would have been relatively easy to work out but now they have grown out of proportion, they become a lot more difficult to deal with.

If you suspect there is an issue in your partnership you need to deal with it as soon as possible.  Ask your partner to meet you for a drink or a meal on neutral territory. If you have kids get someone to baby-sit as this is important.  Meeting on neutral ground means you are more likely to have a reasonable discussion than a full blown argument.

Don't attack him or her or accuse them of anything.  Simply talk about how you are feeling in general terms trying very hard to keep any blame out of the equation.  Give them a chance to talk and explain their feelings.  Even if it is your relationship that needs rescuing, they may be very grateful that you have brought the issue out into the open.

Most of the time secrets are not good for relationships.  The people who have been together for forty years will tell you that it takes hard work, mutual trust and respect to keep love alive. By trying to keep the lines of communication open between you as a couple, you go some way towards developing the trust and respect that you need to survive.

Stop second guessing yourself today and take some action. You and only you can resolve this and it won't happen by putting your head in the sand.  Get a copy of the magic of making up, read it and then speak to your partner. Only by taking action can you prevent a relationship rescue service being required.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

How Do I Get My Girlfriend Back

If you are wondering ‘how do I get my girlfriend back’ you are not alone. This is something that almost everyone goes through in their life. Almost all circumstances can be altered with the right strategy and a little determination. In this article I will give you a better understanding of what’s going on and what you need to do in order to get your girlfriend back.

First of all, don’t pester her or stalk her. Give her space and make sure that when you bump in to her it appears to be exactly that… pure chance and fate. Girls are great believers in fate and things happening for a reason. They are much deeper thinkers than us and because of that, more sensitive and aware than us. Don’t lie to her or string her corny lines. Women see right through that stuff.

You have to be aware that although most of us are very advanced and sophisticated, we are still human and consequently organic. A lot of what we do and the way we react is controlled by instinct and nature. For instance we like symmetry and find it attractive. Simply because it means that everything is where it should be and there aren’t any defects so the more symmetrical your face the prettier you are and the more likely you are to have healthy babies. We find chaos unattractive because it doesn’t make for a stable life and we feel that we have no control and that makes us nervous and insecure. Insecurity is just our subconscious ringing little alarm bells of danger.

So order and symmetry are essential in life and this is why a lot of especially young men upset there better half without even knowing it. Young men are generally chaotic and unreliable. To win back your girlfriend you will have to show that you are not chaotic and that you can provide a stable relationship, security and fulfilling future. This is why most women go a bit wobbly over a big strong man. He is only attractive because he offers security and he looks like he would protect them against anything. When you have been around as long as I have, you know this of course isn’t necessarily so. I have met some quite scary little men in my time.

You do need to be aware of what your girlfriend needs from you and if you tick those boxes you will make her feel great. We stay in relationships because our partner makes us feel great. This is why you will sometimes see guys that are pig ugly but have a gorgeous little woman on their arm, because they know how to make that girl happy. It’s not always money although that is part of security so obviously it is attractive to some women.

The answer to the ‘how do I get my girlfriend back’ question is simple… make your girlfriend feel special like you did when you met her. Resolve any issues standing in the way and show her what a great life you can make together. That you are an adult that can be trusted and relied on and don’t be lazy, take care of yourself and remember it’s the little things that matter. Taking out the trash and putting an arm around them when they need it without needing anything in return. Let her know you really care for her and not just lust after her.

Of course I can’t help you get her back in one article but if you take in what I have said and get a greater understanding of what is actually going on you will have a better chance of working out a strategy that will get your girlfriend back for good.

If You Have a Bad Relationship - Self Help Techniques May Not Work

If you are in a bad relationship self help techniques may not work unless you seek the right type of advice. If you walk into any bookstore you will see shelves of books written on relationships. They will cover all topics and be written by men and women; some of whom will have very impressive credentials.

But how do you know they will work? How do you know that these same writers are themselves happily involved with someone? Quite frankly I believe you have to be in a great relationship before you can help other people with theirs. After all you don't go to a nun for sex help do you? So why ask a single person how a partnership should work?

You need to use self help books like The Magic of Making Up i.e. a book written by a real person, who is very happily married and writes to help real people just like you; with similar relationship problems. You want someone who cares whether you and your partner make it or not. Someone, who will answer your emails, should you wish to ask them a personal question because just sometimes the books don't always cover everything.

Any relationship can be improved. There is no such thing as a 'perfect one' just as no human being is perfect. But you can have a great relationship with your existing partner. They are probably Mr. or Ms. Right for you, just you have hit a couple of hurdles you need some help in getting over.

Self help marriage counselling may be an answer for those of us that don't want to sit down with a stranger; to discuss the intimate details of our relationship. But unless you know where to start and what to look for, you probably aren't going to achieve much more than another argument. The problem is that when you are involved in the situation you often can't see things from the other person's perspective. It is important that you learn as it takes two to tango as the old saying goes.

You will have to deal with painful issues and discussing these will take patience and practice. For example, sex may be causing an issue between you but it is often very difficult to discuss making love. Both of you may feel embarrassed or ashamed and annoyed that this subject is coming up again.

So before you dive into sorting out your relationship, make sure you have done some reading and thread carefully while you apply what you have learned. Take things slowly and don't let your discussions turn into an argument. If things get heated, walk away and cool down. You cannot make the other person speak to you, so if they are not into a chat at that time, then leave it, and wait for a couple of days. Usually you will find that your partner is just as eager as you are to sort things out. Pick your moment before applying the relationship self help approach.

Monday, 17 January 2011

How Do You Get Over a Broken Heart without Therapy?

There is no easy way of getting over a broken heart and there are no easy answers. But there are things you can do to make the process easier so you can manage without expensive psychotherapy. How you tackle this depends on your circumstances. Whichever you may be the dumped or the dumpee there are certain things that are always prevalent and will help you deal with this difficult time successfully.

There is plenty of information on how to get over a broken heart online that can help you cope with the massive upheaval of divorce or a relationship breakdown. There are websites with free articles and even videos that will help you cope with the bereavement phase that you are going through. Because that is exactly what it is… bereavement, when a long term relationship ends. Your heart is heavy and you have trouble breaking the sadness and coping with day to day routines.

Distraction is the key to surviving any emotional trauma and this doesn’t mean going out and partying or doing recreational substances to excess. This will not help anything and just encourages you to avoid rather than resolve the issues in your life. Many people in this situation bury themselves in work and of course this is a very productive thing to do. I did this when my fifteen year marriage collapsed but the problem with this is it can make you unwell and ultimately do long term damage in much the same way as over excess as mentioned earlier.

You need positive distraction rather than negative destruction of your health and mind. Whether you dumped your ex or they dumped you, some things are constant and that is your health and wellbeing. This is a great time to take care of yourself as you have no excuses or relationship distractions to stop you designing a fitter healthier YOU regime. Join or visit the gym and take a look at your diet and see if you are eating properly or exercising enough. Try and entice a friend or relative that you know cares about you to join you. It’s a whole lot easier with moral support. Make sure it’s a positive person whose life is fine as the last thing you need is someone telling you all there problems when you are trying to deal with your own.

Whatever happens in your relationship you will need to be fitter and healthier as you tackle your uncertain future. Make sure you keep positive people around you and keep your mind occupied at all times. Try a new hobby or buy a new Xbox game if that’s your bag and challenge your mind in some way. So that when you lay down at night… your are mentally tired and ready to sleep. Lying there dwelling over what might have been has no use and adds no value to your life and cannot be changed. All you can change is the future.

If you are still in love and feel that your ex still loves you but there are issues getting in the way then you have a good chance of winning them back and this is the best way of getting over a broken heart. If you want to win back your ex, there are many places online where you can get help. is one such place. Remember the future can be re-written but the past cannot. So concentrate on the future and don’t dwell on the past.

Whether you are going to work towards getting your ex back or getting over a broken heart, you need to take care of YOU and make sure YOU are best prepared for the rest of your life. As Spock used to say “live long and prosper”!

How to Get Back With Ex - When It Seems Helpless

Are you wondering how to get back with ex partner? There are many steps you can take with the most important first one being to ask yourself are you sure this is what you want. Sometimes we try to get back with our old partner because quite frankly the dating game is difficult.

The devil you know is easier than the one you haven't yet met. Also if you have children or share a home mortgage breaking up is more difficult than if you have recently met. That being said, most people break up for all the wrong reasons and it is a real pity when they don't get back together. It is difficult to quantify the number of relationships with potential, that don't get a chance to mature and deepen, because of someone's pride and/or a silly argument, so don't let that happen to you.

So if you want your partner back what can you do? The old theory that absence makes the heart grow fonder isn't always true. You could easily say that out of sight out of mind applies instead. Why? Familiarity has a powerful affect on attractiveness i.e. the more familiar you are the more attractive your partner will find you.  This explains why the initial physical attraction between two people often disappears and is replaced by something a lot deeper and longer lasting. After all beauty tends to fade as you get older.  So the trick to getting your ex back is to bump into them very often but not to the extent where they think you are stalking them.

When you do meet make sure that you are smiling and look like you are having fun. You want to show your ex that he or she is missing something fantastic and being miserable won't do that. On the other hand if you project an image of happiness they will wonder why they were stupid enough to let you go. Make sure you keep up plenty of eye contact as all the studies say that this can boost your attractiveness factor. But again keep this in perspective and act naturally. You do not want your ex thinking that he has just landed on the set of Fatal Attraction.

Forget about fancy chat up lines and the other games that people play in the dating game. If you want your ex back, why not just tell them. Apologize if you were in the wrong and say that you would like to give the relationship another go. Sure they may not want to and your pride may be a little damaged; but surely it is worth taking the chance. If you really want something in life you have to go and get it. As it says in Magic of Making Up, there is very little that a relationship cannot weather and be improved by experiencing so long as both of you are adult enough to move on.   Now you know how to get back with ex, off you go and put this advice into action.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Are You Studying Relationship Psychology

Are you studying relationship psychology in a bid to discover why you and your partner don't appear to be getting on very well? If so I would suggest you stop before you end up driving yourself nuts. 

There are a huge number of relationship philosophy and psychology books out on the market but every one you read appears to contradict the others. In a recent interview, even Dr Phil, the relationship expert, admitted that most therapist and counsellors don't know how to fix a partnership. Sure they will give you the theory and the reasons behind some types of behaviour, but whether that sorts out your particular problem is more a matter of luck than anything else. Often they come from a background of broken relationships, but you won't know this as your counsellor never divulges their personal details to their clients.

Every partnership is different and while some issues between men and women i.e. who wants more sex, who does the most housework, who earns the most money, who minds the kids more often; can be similar. However at the end of the day the issues you are facing are as a direct result of who you and your partner are.

Does that mean you can't find help? Of course not but you don't need a relationship psychology course to do it. What you need is a great self help book that will help you to communicate and relate to your partner better. Something for both of you to read and share. 

I suggest the Magic of Making Up as it is written by a man which is rather unusual to start with. Mr Jackson is very happily married and committed to helping his clients either become that way or remain that way. You only have to read some of the comments from his readers to see what impact the book had on their lives. Perhaps you have come to the end of your partnership, as I am not going to lie and say every relationship can be saved, but at least wait before making your decision until you read this book. Then you will be armed with the knowledge to make the right decision for you, your partner and if appropriate your kids.

It takes guts to admit that there are issues in your partnership that need working on. It is so much easier to put your head in the sand and hope that they will go away. But the sad fact is that most won't disappear for good. They may go away for a little while but they will come back and perhaps even worse than before. Problems have a way of developing a life of their own if they are not dealt with quickly and efficiently.

You and your partner have invested a lot in each other and so you should be willing to take one more step to try to prevent a breakup. So forget about studying relationship psychology and instead concentrate on making each other happy once again.