How to mend a broken heart? Well, there are several things that you can try, but ultimately the best way is to save your relationship and this will depend on the maturity and commitment level of both parties in the relationship.
It's not going to be easy and if you aren't both up to the challenge, it will be even more difficult. No matter where you are now, your relationship can be saved if you go about it in the right way.
Saving your relationship basically boils down to three basic steps: figure out what the problems are, figure out if your partner is on board with trying to make things work, and figure out how to fix those problems.
In theory it seems pretty easy, doesn't it? The reality is a little different though.
Here is each step in a lot more detail;
1. Figure out what the problems in the relationship are. I don't know you and I don't know what issues you two are facing but I do know that no marriage in the country actually ended just because one person left the toilet seat up or that the other squeezes the toothpaste tube from the top instead of the bottom.
All of these things are just the symptoms, not the causes. Over time most relationships can develop resentments. Someone did something that hurt the other. Often times they don't talk about the hurts, but they just keep adding up. After a while the resentments add up and you start getting mad and bickering about all the frustrations.
The longer this cycle goes on the harder it can be to pinpoint the real issue. That is why getting a therapist to help the two of you sort things out might be a great idea.
2. Now that you've got an idea of what the true issues in your relationship are, are you both willing to work together to find a fix? If both of you aren't on board 100% to working on the relationship it won't work.
It's just not possible for one person to do all the work in the relationship. It might work for a short time but in the long run the partner who is doing all the work will get resentful.
3. Now that you've gotten through steps one and two, on to step three. You need to figure out how to fix the issues in your relationship once and for all. Again, at this stage a therapist might be able to help you out. Sometimes we are just too close to see the solutions that may be right in front of our face.
The two of you working together like this on a problem is great for your relationship. If you really think about it, it's probably one of the first times the two of you have really worked together in a long time. That is a good step in the right direction.
How to mend a broken heart? These tips can help you and your partner pull your relationship back from the edge, as long as you follow them. Use these tips on the how to mend a broken heart by getting back together.
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