
Friday, 14 January 2011

Tips on How Can I Tell If My Boyfriend Really Loves Me

If you have the question of "how can I tell if my boyfriend really loves me" in your mind, there is no doubt you have a tinge of apprehension and uncertainty about his love. Trust me when I tell you; you're not alone with your doubts. Many girls have similar doubts, because the signals they are getting from their boyfriends, just aren't strong enough to really answer the all important question; "Does he really love me?"

I also want you to realize that it may well not be your fault that these doubts enter into your mind. Simply because your significant other may belong, to that 'herd' of men who have extreme difficulty in showing affection. Even when they are deeply in love, it is almost impossible for them to convey it openly or even overtly to you.

When you are with him, you may have a feeling that everything is all right. But once you are out of his sight, it looks as if he has completely forgotten your existence. But once these "doubts" enter into your thoughts, they can quickly become an obsession and consume you. And the end result can destroy your relationship; with someone who does love you. Therefore it's important for you to learn the skills of reading and interpreting your lover’s signs; of his true love for you. The following are a few tips that will enable you to help you to resolve the doubts you have been experiencing

- When you are having a conversation with him, you should maintain eye contact.  If he is serious about you and the conversation, he will also look directly into your eyes. You will quickly learn he's not being distracted by the other things going on around you both and it's a sure sign of his true feelings for you.

- If your beau puts your priorities before his, you can pretty well conclude that you are special to him and he cares deeply for you.

- Another sign you can look for if he is willing to discuss his 'personal life' openly with you or even obliquely. This shows that he holds you in very high esteem and he believes you will give your moral support and advice on solving the issues. Yes, he will have his own ideas to sort these issues out; he will respect your thoughts and perhaps implement your suggestions. And when a man does that you can bet, your are more than just a girlfriend.

- As you may know, a great many men have trouble remembering those "special days." A sure sign of true feeling for you is when he will try hard to remember those special days such as your birthday, the anniversary of your first meeting with him, etc. and present you with gifts that are unique. These gifts may be inexpensive but they will speak volumes of his love towards you.

If you observe that the behaviour of your boy friend conforms to the above clues, you can conclude that he really loves you, though he is not the type who expresses it openly. These signs provide an answer to your question, "how can I tell if my boyfriend really loves me?”

Thursday, 13 January 2011

14 Cute Quotes for Your Boyfriend

You may call it insane but cute quotes for your boyfriend can keep the love fires blazing hot. Cute quotes are not just words; they convey your passion and love to your lover. They are very important because they make the love and romance stronger. If you keep whispering these cute quotes to your true love, he will feel more passionate towards you and adore you for all the love you shower on him.

What are some of the ways you can use them:

1. Making up after and argument.
2. Sweet pillow talk. (Before and after)
3. Text message in the middle of his day.
4. Leave a voice mail on his cell.
5. Post a sticky on his favourite brew.
6. Paste one on the steering wheel.
7. Stick one on the bathroom mirror.

And the list goes on and on. Just use you imagination.

Whatever may be the stage of your love with him, cute quotes for your boyfriend are sure to work wonders. Sometimes the quotes can be humorous and both of you will get a big laugh out of them.

You can find innumerable cute quotes for your boyfriend on line. And here are just a few

- When I was little I had a teddy bear that kept all my secrets, shared all my adventures and wiped away all my tears. I used to think no one would ever take his place then I found you!

- Every time I hear your voice, I hear another reason to keep you forever.

- Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life I don't have to work so hard on being happy, it just happens.

- I made a wish and *you* came true.

- If kisses were the water I would give you the sea, If hugs were the leaves I would give you a tree, But if love was time, I would give you eternity.

- Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason.

- When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams.

- if i has to choose between loving you, and breathing. I would use my last breath to say I LOVE YOU.

- When I saw you I was afraid to meet you. When I met you I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.

- I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

- We were given: Two hands to hold, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to listen, but why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else for us to find.

- Some of the greater things in life are unseen that's why you close your eyes when you kiss, cry, or dream...

- As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.

If you express your love through such cute quotes for your boyfriend, your feelings are expressed more effectively. These quotes will improve your relationship in a positive way and yes I know there are only thirteen but I didn’t want to put thirteen in the title in case you were superstitious.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

How To Develop The Basic Skills To Get A Boyfriend Quickly

Did you know it takes a little luck and skills to get a boyfriend? If you're like I was, a little shy and a bit of a wallflower, you have felt the hurt and pain because you were ignored by a boy or man you really liked. And chances are your peers, may have laughed a little, just because you didn't have the necessary skills to develop a relationship with this person.

Now here is some good news, it's really not difficult to develop the knowledge to stop being a wallflower and so shy that men don't pay any attention to you. The fact is once you have acquired the basic skills, you will realize how simple it is. A little motivation and a few ideas should be able put you on the right track.

Now before we get into this discussion in full, please understand I'm neither trying to beat you down nor the men that have ignored you. Because there is a good chance you both have to shoulder a little of the blame. You because you haven't taken the time nor the interest to develop your skills and the men because they don't take the time to see you for who you really are.

Your close friends and family really know you are a caring and giving person, underneath your shyness. However, unfortunately many men only go by the first impression, and they often times interpret shyness as you being cold and unapproachable. But with practice you can quickly work around this problem.

Let's take a look at a few things you may need to think about.

* Body language

When meeting or talking with someone do you stand with your arms crossed in front of your chest? If you do chances are you are conveying an "unapproachable" attitude. In other words, 'don't invade my space and I have no interest in you' type of thing. Wow! That is a big turnoff to anyone, much less the man you are interested in.

What you should do when meeting someone is have your arms and hands down by your side or at least if you have them crossed do so below your waist. This indicates to the man or anyone, you are open and interested in them. Making a conscience decision to do this in all conversations and you will soon develop the habit of doing so unconsciously.

* Eye contact

It's well known that most shy people have difficulty in having direct eye contact. A great many men have been taught from when they were young boys, that you should maintain eye contact during conversations. Consequently, if you don't maintain eye contact, they feel you are ignoring them and have little if any interest in them at all. Therefore make a conscience decision to maintain eye contact as much as possible.

Keep doing this until it becomes an unconscious habit for you. Once you have reached the habit stage, it will be a major stepping stone to you being seen as open an approachable.

* Smile

Did you know a sincere smile, which not only shows on your lips, but travels to your eyes, will light up your whole face and body? It's true! When a person is smiling they convey a sense of confidence, trust and openness. And men love a beautiful smile. It always causes them to take a second look.

As you can see, with a little practice, you really can develop the skills to get a boyfriend quickly. Not only will you get the man of your dreams, you will be able to keep him.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

3 Tips On Things To Talk About With Your Boyfriend

Love can be better explained by the oxymoron, painful pleasure, because sometimes you have to do certain things you don't like doing; choosing things to talk about with your boyfriend may be one of those things. The fact is men get bored with topics in which they don't have a real interest in. Which means the majority of the time it's left up to you, as his significant other, to quickly discover where his true interest lies. But Hey! Let's face it! Sometimes it's extremely difficult to get our lover to open up and tell us what they truly like.

Think about it this way, your man may be one of the ones, who finds it difficult to share his true feelings. If so you have to knock those naturally raised barriers down and earn his trust. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to talk about what he likes to do. Yes! I know what you're thinking, "Oh my gosh, what if I don't have any interest or knowledge about the topic at all?" Well, guess what girlfriend, if you want to have a protracted conversation, with your beau, you're going to have to suck it up; project some interest and at least a little bit of understanding about the topic being discussed. But it doesn't have to be a complicated process either.

One of the easiest things to talk about with your man is food. Almost everyone enjoys talking about food and beverages. And I'm willing to bet you and your man really enjoy good food and a great drink along with it. Chances are your first date involved having a meal or drink together. Therefore you know right off the bat, food is something you both have interest and perhaps a passion about. The wonderful thing about talking about food is it often opens the door for moving on into talking about another of his interest.

And music happens to be one of those open end conversations, that most men like to talk about. Once again another subject you and he both will very likely have an interest in. Even if you both have a different taste in the type of music, it is really easy to find a common ground about songs you both enjoy. The truth is discussions about music, can often lead into talking about love and romance, which in turn can lead into a more intimate conversation.

Naturally you know where I'm headed with this conversation. Yep! You guessed it; sex or you might prefer bedroom talk. Talk about a way to grab your man's attention and hold it; face it girlfriend you will have his undivided attention. You may have to lose a little bit of your inhibitions, to talk about the more intimate parts of your relationship and sex life, but it will serve you well by doing so.

These are just 3 tips on things to talk about with your boyfriend. There are many more such as reading, movies, world events, politics and hundreds of others. However, it still comes back on you to learn what truly interest your man.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Cheating Boyfriend Test 4 Types of Tests

Girls who think that their boyfriends are cheating will often turn to Internet websites to find answers to their suspicions. Most will run into a "cheating boyfriend test" that will gauge their situation, and give advice based on the information provided. It is important to take the information you find through these quizzes with a grain of salt. It is also important to be able to differentiate between the four types of tests, and how they can affect your results and your relationship.

The "Hunch" Test

The first type of test that many will run into can be referred to as the "Hunch" test. This test simply asks you questions that are based on your gut instinct. Questions on these tests will include phrases like 'Do you assume that he's or "If you had to guess, when he goes out with his friends he...". These questions are based on your hunches, and are not based on actual evidence. These tests lead to paranoia, and never manage to prove whether or not your boyfriend is cheating on you.

The "Changes" Test

Another type of test will focus on the irregularities of your relationship. The test will simply ask you about any changes that you may see in your boyfriend, or in your relationship. Questions may ask if he acts toward you like he used to, or if he does simple tasks in the same way that he used to. This test aims to gauge any irregular behaviour, but suffers the same fate as the hunch test. This test simply makes you more paranoid, and doesn’t actually prove anything at all.

The "Professionals" Test

Professional tests are tests that are designed by psychiatrists and behaviour specialists. These tests claim to give you a professional opinion on your boyfriend. These questions cause nothing but trouble; most are not actually designed or supported by any professionals. These tests simply pretend to have more clout than they actually have.

The "Personality" Test

The final type of test is the only type of test that may be somewhat legitimate for those who are trying to figure out if their boyfriend is cheating on them. The 'personality' test looks at the personality of your boyfriend. The test will not state whether or not your boyfriend is cheating on you. The answers will simply tell you whether or not their personality type is prone to cheating. This test is the most positive of them all because it gives you hints and tips about the personality of your boyfriend without assuming that he is actually cheating on you.

There are certain types of test that could be considered more reliable than others. It is important to understand, however, that no test can actually tell you whether or not your boyfriend is being unfaithful. You must simply trust that they are being faithful, or confront them about their cheating ways.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

4 Types of Cute Boyfriend Quotes

Cute quotes can be the perfect way to convey your emotions to the person that you love. These quotes will help people to put their feelings into words when they may not be able to do so themselves. These quotes can be perfect for cards, scrapbooks, gifts, and notes. If you are looking for cute boyfriend quotes, there are four types of cute boyfriend quotes for you to choose from.

Poetry Quotes

Poetry quotes can be some of the best quotes to use to convey your emotions. Poems are often eloquent, providing the perfect words to describe your emotions. If you are not good at conveying how you feel to your boyfriend, look for poems. Simply look online through different free poem databases to find poems, both old and new, that talk about relationships and love.

Movie Quotes

At first, the idea of using movie quotes for quotes for your boyfriend may seem corny. Most movie quotes are over the top, and may come across as insincere. The more you look into movie quotes, however, the more that you will realize how true they can be. Movies tend to take emotions and word them in a way that is easy to understand.

Song Lyrics

Song lyrics generally revolve around love. Most of these quotes can be directed toward your boyfriend and your relationship. The quotes are often short and simple, making it easy to understand the emotions that are being explained. Use song lyrics from your favourite singers and bands. If you are trying to impress your boyfriend, use song lyrics for their favourite bands and artists.

Comedian Quotes

Emotions can be expressed in different ways. Most will try to aim for the cute and sappy type of boyfriend quotes. Others will take a more humorous approach. If your boyfriend can take a joke, use comedian quotes. These quotes will give your boyfriend a good laugh, but will still convey your emotions fairly well. There are multiple websites online that will bring you to multiple comedian quotes.

If you are looking for humorous quotes, use discretion. While humour can be a fun way to explain your emotions, it can easily go too far. Quotes that are too funny or to insincere may ruin the cute but emotional feel that you are looking for.

These four types of cute boyfriend quotes will work in any situation. If you are giving your boyfriend a gift, include these quotes in the card. If you are making a scrapbook, use these quotes next to your favourite photos. If you want to make your boyfriend's day extra special, use these quotes on post-it notes in random places.

There are tons of quotes out there for you to use. By looking for these four types of quotes, you can be sure that you will find the best quotes for your boyfriend.

Serious Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

When you first get into a relationship, you are simply excited about your new love. You will often avoid many important relationship topics and conversations when you first fall in love with someone. With that being said, there are multiple questions and topics that should be covered by these who are in a more relationship. These are some of the serious questions to ask your boyfriend as you relationship continues to get more serious.

What Do You Think about Kids?

If you find that your relationship is getting more and more serious, you need to start thinking about your future goals. If you are dead-set on having a kid, and your boyfriend is dead-set on not having children, you may have an issue. While it may not be grounds to break up right away, it is something to keep in the back of your mind as you find your relationship to be more serious.

Is This Long Term?

You need to be upfront with your boyfriend about your wants and needs. IF you are looking for a long-term relationship, you need to tell them this. They will then be able to tell you whether or not they are on the same page.

What Are Your Thoughts on Monogamy?

It is important to be on the same page as far as monogamy is concerned. You need to ask this relatively soon. Be clear and firm about your stance on the issue, and make sure that you clearly understand their thoughts on monogamy as well.

Am I a Priority?

Talk to your boyfriend about their priority list. While you should not expect to be first on the list of priorities, you should not be last. Find out where you rank in their life to fully understand how committed they are to you and your relationship.

Do You Love Me?

This simple question may seem pointless, and may not seem serious. This question can actually have a strong purpose. When you ask your boyfriend if they love you, you are reaffirming their feelings. Sometimes, it is simply good to be verbally reassured that they love you and care about you.

Are You Willing to Work for Our Relationship?

Relationships are not easy to maintain. They require work and patience to be successful. You need to talk to your boyfriend about your relationship to understand if they are willing to do the work necessary to maintain a good and healthy relationship.

It is important to space these questions out; do not ask them all at once. While you want to have serious talks, you do not want to bombard your boyfriend with serious questions. IT is also important to keep an understanding tone while talking about these questions. An accusatory tone can ruin your relationship.

You should be asking these questions to understand your boyfriend. You need to think about serious questions to ask your boyfriend to ensure that you are not surprised by something later on in your relationship.