
Saturday, 2 April 2011

Ending a Relationship Gracefully

One of the hardest things you will ever have to deal with is the breakup of your relationship; it can be even harder if it's you that has to do the breaking up.  Most people think it's more difficult to be the one who is dumped, but in reality finding the best way of ending a relationship gracefully, is very difficult.   
If you've reached the point in your relationship where it's just not working anymore, and you're getting fed up with dealing with the daily stresses, there are some things you can do that will make it a little easier on everyone involved when you break up with your partner.

The first thing you need to do is stop blaming yourself or each other. More than likely there is enough blame to go around, but it's important to find a way to let go of your anger, disappointment and frustration, so that you can move on.  It's common for people to want to blame their ex since this can make it easier for them to leave, but in the long run this strategy can backfire.  If you spend too much time playing the blame game it can be virtually impossible for you to move on and get over your anger and hurt... and that will only hold you back longer. 

If you let go of the need to 'be right' and 'get your fair share in the settlement' you'll be able to move on more quickly.  Couples can easily lose sight of what's really important... to end the relationship with as little additional pain as possible. Instead they fight over who is going to get the silverware from aunt Sally.

If you want to make things easier on both of you, make sure you don't let your emotions get the better of you.  This highly emotional time will make it very easy for you to want to lash out and let your ex have it by calling them every name in the book, but if you do, all you'll end up with is guilt. It will just make you feel bad, and look bad. Better to take the high road than to dive into the gutter. Take the high road and you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and move on more quickly which is what you're really going to want to do.

It's easy to get caught up in feelings of failure, but again, it's not what you want to hang on to.  Instead realize that people change and that you are both somewhat responsible for the breakup of the relationship and be willing to move on.  The more balanced you can stay at this point, the less baggage you will have to carry into your next relationship... and the rest of your life.

Ending a relationship gracefully is possible, and though there are times when you feel like getting as mean and nasty as possible, in the long run it will only make it easier for you to move on and have a great life, and great relationships.

Get FREE Advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples get back together... The Magic of Making Up

Friday, 1 April 2011

Guaranteed Tips to Get Back Together

It can really stink to realize, after the breakup, that you still love your ex and you wish you had never ended the relationship.  This can be so painful for not only your ex, but for you as well.  It's never easy to admit when you've made a mistake and you might wonder if your ex can ever forgive you and if there is any hope for the two of you to be together again.  The goods news, is that yes, in many cases it is possible to reconcile no matter how hopeless it may seem.  Here are some guaranteed tips to get back together that have worked for thousands of couples for many years and will work for you too, if you follow them.

One thing you need to do before you start following these steps is to make sure your motives are pure. It's very easy to fall into the trap of mistaking loneliness or jealousy for a desire to be back with your ex. These things can sneak up on you and you may not even be aware that that is what is going on.  Take time to make sure that the reason you want to reconcile with your ex has nothing to do with the fact that you don't have a date for Saturday night or that your best friend just told you that your ex has a new person in their life.

OK, now that you've spent some time analyzing your feelings and you're sure that the only reason you want your ex back is because you think the two of you can have a great relationship and you still love them, follow these steps:

1. Give them space. Do not contact your ex in any way.  It's important that you both have breathing room so that you can each miss the other. If you are constantly contacting your ex, you aren't giving them reason to fear that they may have really lost you.  It's that fear that will make them more receptive to giving things another try.

2. Take stock of the person you are and what you need to change.  This is tough because no one likes to face their own bad traits, but it's imperative if you want to have a good relationship in the future, even if it's with someone new.  There is no point going from one relationship to another (or back to a previous relationship) dragging the same bad habits with you. If you do that, you will just leave a trail of destruction that will cause you and your ex a lot of pain. Figure out what you need to change about you, and then make those changes.

3. While you're spending time trying to improve the person you are, spend time with the people you love doing the things you love to do.  This is not the time to sit around feeling sorry for yourself; it's the time to live your life to the fullest, no matter how hard that may seem at this point.  This will remind your ex of the person they fell in love with in the start.

These guaranteed tips to get back together have worked for many people and if you're willing to use them, they can work for you too.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

I Want My Wife to Love Me Again - Avoid These Mistakes

There are some marriages that manage to go through small problems with ease. There are others who seem to have an incredibly tough time getting through their marital problems. Occasionally, those who go through these issues may feel as if their partner does not love them any more.

There are some who give up on their relationship when they feel as if their partner does not love them anymore. They ask for a divorce because they feel as if their relationship cannot be salvaged. This is incredibly unfortunate, as there are many marriages that could be saved by a simple change of action and change of heart. If you say that "I want my wife to love me again" there are a few things that you need to make sure that you avoid. Avoiding these actions will help you to win back your wife’s love.


If you want to win your wife back you need to make sure that you stop nagging her about small issues. You have bigger fish to fry in your relationship; you need to let some of the smaller things go as you try to work on the larger things. You may realize that the small things that upset you are not enough of a problem for you to even talk about.

Failing to Listen

One of the worst things that you can do when trying to win your wife back is to not listen to what she has to say. Talk to her about what you hear her saying to make sure that you understand what she is talking about. If you do not listen, she will feel that you are not taking the issue seriously.


Try to avoid arguing with your wife as you try to get her to love you again. Arguments simply cause animosity; the more trouble there is in the relationship, the less likely she is to fall in love with you again.

Discuss Divorce

If you are planning on working with your wife to win back her heart, avoid the topic of divorce. If you talk about the possibility of a divorce, your wife will see that you do not care about relationship and will stop thinking about you. While it may be ok to give her space, avoid divorce talk at all costs.

Some of these topics may seem trivial, while others may seem incredibly obvious. Unfortunately, some will attempt to win back the heart of their wife while missing the obvious, and ignoring the trivial. You need to make sure that you are approaching this situation correctly if you want your wife to love you again.

If you can truly say, "I want my wife to love me again", you will have no problem following this list. If you are willing to do anything for your relationship, and are willing to change your actions and behaviours, you have a shot at saving your marriage.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Can I Make Him Love Me Again - 4 Things to Avoid

Can I make him love me again? This simple question is asked by multiple girlfriends and wives as they realize that their love might be lost. As more and more couples go through issues, more and more question whether or not the love is still in their relationship.

If you are questioning the love your husband or boyfriend has for you, you need to make sure that you understand the issues that they have with your relationship. When you understand these issues, you can work on repairing your relationship and winning back the love of your boyfriend.

If you are trying to win someone back, you want to make sure that you are approaching the situation correctly. There are certain actions that you are going to want to avoid. If you fail to avoid these actions, you may wind up harming your chances of winning back his heart.

Avoid the Norm

If you want to make your boyfriend or husband fall back in love with you it is important to switch things up. By trying new things or approaching things with a new attitude, you breathe a breath of fresh air into your relationship. This new and different feel to the relationship may be enough for him to consider love again.

Avoid Confrontation

If you think that your boyfriend or husband does not love you anymore, you should avoid confrontation. Arguments will simply make your position worse, as he will feel less inclined to fall back in love with you.

Avoid You

It can be easy to think about how the changes in your relationship are affecting your own thoughts and feelings. With that being said, you need to avoid making the entire situation about you. Make the situation about him to let him know that you are thinking of his needs and not of your own needs.

Don't Avoid the Topic

The worst thing that you can do when trying to make your boyfriend or husband fall in love with you again is to avoid the topic. If you know that there are problems in your relationship, you need to confront them. Avoiding the topic will simply put off the inevitable; you need to discuss your issues if you want to have any chance of getting back into his heart.

While people tend to think of the things that they need to do in order to win back the heart of their man, they fail to think about the things that they shouldn't do. More often than not, the things that you don't do will speak louder than the things that you actually do. If you are asking yourself, "can I make him love me again", you need to avoid these four things. By doing so, you are giving your relationship a second chance.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Can I Make My Wife Love Me Again - 4 Steps To Success

It can be easy to feel lost and confused when going through marriage problems. While you may understand the cause of your relationship problems, it can be hard to figure out how to fix them. If you have to ask, "can I make my wife love me again", you need to work to win that love back.

There is a step-by-step process to winning back your wife's love. Without this process, you will not be successful. These four steps will help you to get through your marital problems from start to finish. They will help you to understand what you need to do to fix your relationship, and will help you to get your wife to love you once again.

Identify the Problems

The first thing that you need to do is to identify the problems in your relationship. Think about all of the things in your relationship that have made you unhappy, but also work to think of the things that you may have done wrong. A relationship is give and take; you need to admit fault while also bringing up your own concerns.

Talk to your Wife

The most important step for you to hone in on is the second step, talking to your wife. You need to work to understand exactly what has upset her, and what has caused her to lose her love for you. While the answers may sting, the truth will help to fix your broken relationship. No matter the issue, hear what she has to say.

Work On Solutions

The third step, working on solutions, needs to be done together. Working on a solution with your wife will help to show her that you are serious about changing your relationship for the better. This small act may give her the encouragement that she needs to feel love for you again. Be sure to consider all options and be sure that both parties agree to the solutions.

Follow Up

The final step, following up, is incredibly important. Simply talk to your wife after a small period of time to check in on the changes that you have made. Ask her if she is happy, or if there are new things that need to be worked on. Following up on the solutions that you have made is the only way to know that your problems have been sorted out and that her love has been regained.

It is important to follow these steps from start to finish for each problem that you find in your relationship. It is extremely important for you to understand that these are the problems that your wife sees in your relationship. If you try to argue them or fight them, she may not believe that you are willing to make the changes necessary to save your marriage. If you have to ask, "can I make my wife love me again", you need to follow these steps. Without them, you will not get back into the heart of our wife.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Can My Wife Love Me Again - 4 Tips To Win Back Her Love

Marital problems are not few and far between. Marital issues are had in nearly every marriage, causing sleepless nights and long arguments along the way. While some can deal with their marital problems easily, others have a hard time getting through their problems.

These couples may find that they fall out of love with each other. While this can be a serious detriment to the relationship, it does not have to be the end of the relationship. If you are willing to win the love of your loved one back, you can easily salvage your marriage. Those who are willing to work on their marriage need to ask themselves, "Can my wife love me again?" These four tips will help you to figure out whether or not you can get her to love you again.

Ask Her About Your Issues

If you want your wife to love you again you need to listen to the things that she does not like about you. Listen to what she does not like about your personality, and what she does not like about your actions. If you are willing to change, this may be the key to getting back into her heart.

Take Her Out

One of the best things that you can do when trying to win back the love of your wife is to take her out. She will love to be taken out and treated like a queen. Take her out to her favourite restaurant, her favourite places, and out to do her favourite activities.

Buy Her Meaningful Gifts

Small, meaningful gifts can do a world of good for your relationship and may help you to win back the love of your wife. Make sure that these gifts have strong personal meanings, and give them to her at random times.

Let Her Know How You Feel

In the end, the best thing that you can do to get your wife to love you again is to let her know how you feel. If you talk to her about your emotions and about how much she means to you she may have a change of heart.

If you want to win back your wife's love you need to make sure that you understand her emotions. Take the time to talk to her, and really listen to the things that she says to you both in and out of the serious conversation. These conversations will help you to approach the issues that she has, and will show her that you are attentive to her thoughts and feelings.

By being honest, taking her out, and buying her things, you are showing her the full spectrum of your emotions. You are showing her that you really do care, and that you are willing to do what it takes to win her love back. If you are asking yourself, "can my wife love me again", you need to use these four tips. These are the tools that you need to be successful.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Can My Husband Love Me Again - 5 Tips For Winning Back His Love

Most marriages will have to deal with marital problems on a regular basis. No relationship is perfect, and will need to go through problems, arguments, and issues to stay strong. Unfortunately, some of these problems and issues get out of hand. Some will even ask themselves, "can my husband love me again?” If you find that you are going through problems that are this severe, you need to take action.

This action can be broken down into multiple tips. These various tips will help you to get to the heart of the problems in your relationship. They will also help to show your husband that you care about his feelings, wants, and needs. If you are trying to win back the love of your husband you need to use these five tips.

Listen To His Problems

If you want to get back into the heart of your husband you need to listen to his problems. Talk to him about what has made him upset and truly listen to what he has to say. You may realize things you never knew about your own actions.

Listen To His Solutions

If you want your husband to love you again you need to listen to the solutions that he offers. These solutions will give you clear insight into how he sees himself falling back in love with you. If you want to be successful you need to listen to these solutions.

Reflect on Your Own Actions

Take the time to reflect on your own actions in the relationship. If you understand what you have done wrong it will be easier for you to change. The quicker that you can change the quicker you will be able to fix your relationship.

Show Him You Care

One of the most important things that you can do when trying to win back your husband's heart is to show him that you care. Small gifts… date nights, and romantic gestures will show him how much you care about him.

Give Him Time

The most important thing for you to do is to make sure that you understand the feelings of your husband. You need to know that they are thinking about and what bothers them, but also need to know why those things bother them. The more that you understand your husband the more successful that you will be.

Take the time to work with these five tips. They will help you to fully understand the situation, and will help you to approach the situation in the best way possible. If you have to ask, "can my husband love me", your relationship is obviously having issues. If you fail to approach these issues with these 5 tips you will not win back the love of your husband.