
Monday, 13 June 2011

Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage

Is keeping romance alive in marriage possible? I don't know, what did you do...  I don't mean to sound glib when you are in pain, but getting someone to forgive and love you again will depend on a lot of factors, not least of which... what caused the problems in the first place.  Getting to the root of the problem has got to be the first step you take to keeping romance alive in marriage.
Keeping romance alive in marriage might be tough, or impossible, due largely to what happened to kill the romance in the first place. How long has the love been disappearing?  For example, if you have been married for some time and you haven't treated your partner very well throughout your marriage, they may not love you anymore, and that may just be that. Love can end.
Think of a garden, if you don't water it and nurture it the only plants you're going to grow are weeds. Your marriage is similar. If you've spent the past several years of your marriage completely oblivious to your partner and their needs and you haven’t shown them that you care about them and love them, than the love they felt for you might already be past the point of saving.
If the difficulties are a little more recent, and not all your doing, you will usually have a better chance of keeping the romance alive and rekindling the love the two of you once had.  With the economy so difficult right now a lot of families are really feeling the tension of money issues. If that's what's happened to you and your partner you need to slow down and think about what's really important. I know, you've got people calling, you've got food to buy and there is never enough money. But in the long run, this will just be a blip on the screen. Your marriage should be the one thing that you can count on for the rest of your life. Try (even though I know it's hard) to always remember that.
One of the simplest things you can do to win back your partner's affection is to remind them, with actions and not words, of the person they fell in love with in the beginning. It's easy to let life get in the way, we can lose our sense of humour and romance and then everything else starts to fall apart.  Try to evoke a little of the magic the two of you used to share.  It can be something as simple as a walk together in the local park, just some time together to unplug from all the crap that may be going on in your world.
There are many reasons why keeping romance alive in marriage can be hard, most of them are silly and can be fairly simple to overcome once you realize what they are.  For you people who are asking: is keeping romance alive in marriage possible... the answer is yes, all you need is a good strategy and compassion. Don’t be afraid to get help if necessary... it will be worth it in the end.

All you need is a successful relationship strategy so Click Here... and watch this FREE video tutorial from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples have a happy and lasting relationship!

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