
Saturday, 3 September 2011

Can I Get My Boyfriend to Love Me Again?

Can I get my boyfriend to love me again?  What a tough position to be in. It's unbearably hard to be in love with someone who doesn't seem to still be in love with you. This situation is even worse when that person is your boyfriend, the one person who is supposed to love you unconditionally.
It's just a sad reality that sometimes couples drift apart. Even though it's sad, it can also be overcome. It's easier to overcome if the relationship has just gotten stale than if there has been infidelity or some other really serious issue.  If there have been serious problems like cheating and/ or other forms of abuse you might want to re-evaluate your desire to get your boyfriend to love you again. If there has been abuse than what the two of you shared, wasn't really love in the first place.
At that point therapy would be in order. If your boyfriend abused you and you want his love again, there are some very serious issues that you have going on that need to be addressed. Find a good therapist, one that you like and trust, and spend as much time as you need to figure out why you think so little of yourself that you would want to return to an abusive man and an abusive relationship. 
Sometimes it's just a case where both of you get so stressed out with day to day life that they forget to 'be in love' with each other. The little looks, the small caresses tend to go by the wayside when life gets too overwhelming. It doesn't matter which partner stops doing if first, eventually you may both be remiss in your affections to your partner, and each of you may then conclude that the other doesn't love them anymore.
Assuming there were no serious issues in your relationship, one of the first things you can do is to find out whether or not your boyfriend really has fallen out of love with you. You may be surprised to find that he actually does still love you but that those feelings have just gotten pushed aside for one reason or another.
Your boyfriend may well be wondering how he can get you to love him again!  To find out if this is the problem, and to overcome it if it is, the best thing you can do is to free up some time. I know, many people would say they just don't have any free time, but in a lot of cases that's not entirely true. We tend to feel the need to take care of everyone and sometimes we have to teach ourselves to just walk away. You may find that in order to free up some time you'll have to let go of some of the commitments you either volunteer for or just can't say no to, your relationship is worth it. 
Once you've found a way to free up some time for yourself, ask your boyfriend to do the same.  From that point on the two of you can use this time to reconnect with each other. Get to know each other all over again. Spend time together, without the kids, and just remind each other of the love and fun times you used to share. In most cases it is all still there and these 'reconnecting times' will allow it to begin to flow back.
So, yes, in answer to your question: can I get my boyfriend to love me again, the answer is yes.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Will He Ever Love Me Again? Signs He Might!

"Will he ever love me again"?  If you're in the uncomfortable and painful position where you are asking that question you'll be happy to know that the answer can be yes. Of course, there are never any guarantees but it is very possible to regain the love and passion the two of you once shared.
If the problems in your marriage are more of a 'drifting apart' and not so dire, it may be a little easier to get that loving feeling back. Another thing you should consider is, are you sure he doesn't still love you?  Just because the two of you are not as close it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't still love you. It could just be that the two of you feel the pressures of day to day life, and not that your love has died.
One of the biggest things that will determine what you need to do to rekindle your love will be what went wrong in the first place.  Did you treat your husband badly, cheat on your husband? If you did one of these more serious things it will take longer and be much harder to regain his love and trust.
If you can find a way to spend more, and more meaningful, time with your guy you'll be able to remind your husband of the woman you are and why he fell in love with you the first time you two met. It's very important to try to spend time together where you don't discuss work, the kids, your in-laws or anything else. The two of you need to get into the two of you.
So, what do the two of you do while you're together?  It doesn't matter. As long as the two of you do something that both of you enjoy and you do it together. It's not enough for you to tag along with your husband when he goes bowling or for your husband to follow you around the mall. You have to do things that both of you enjoy.
Ideally, this together time won't be in a large crowd but rather a more one on one setting. If the two of you like to go dancing then so be it, but it's even better if the two of you like to go some place that's quite so you can talk and really get to 'know each other' all over again.
Look, if you want to know “will he ever love me again" I can't answer that question for you, no one can. I can tell you that if you go about it the right way you may be able to regain his love and maybe even make your marriage better than it's ever been before.
If you've really made a huge mess of things you may need to find a good counsellor who can help you figure out what mistakes you made as well as why you made those mistakes.  If you don't figure out those things you're just going to make the same mistakes over again, even if you do get back together.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Will She Love Me Again? It’s Easier Than You Think!

Love isn't that easy to kill. It generally either takes a lot of time or something really bad to kill a strong, deep love. Unless you've really been a jerk to your girl by treating her bad, hurting her physically or emotionally or cheating on her, there's a very good chance that she still cares and all you have to do is to remind her of that fact.
Lost your girl? Want to know "will she love me again"? I don't know, but I do know that in many cases it's not only possible to get your love back... it may even be easier than you might have thought. One thing you need to consider: are you sure that she doesn't still love you? It's highly possible that she still has feelings for you but because of one thing or another she just doesn't feel comfortable showing them.
If your love has just faded because of neglect, as opposed to outright abuse, it's generally a lot easier to get it back. In many cases all that needs to be done is to spend some quality, one on one time together. This doesn't necessarily mean sexually either. A woman needs to feel like you love and appreciate her as a person, not just someone you like to fool around with.
If you treated her like crap you should seriously consider talking to someone and getting help. If you cheated on her or abused her you need to face the fact that there is something wrong... with you. Take some time to get the help you need so that you can be a decent human being. Not only will your girl be more likely to get back with you, but she will be happy she gets back with you instead of regretting her decision to take you back.
Spend time doing things that are enjoyable to both of you, things where you can not only connect with each other but also communicate with each other. Taking a nice long drive in the country where you can talk, taking a walk, playing a round of golf. Whatever! It doesn't matter what it is as long as the two of you both like to do it and you will both have a chance to talk and be 'together'. This isn't the time for group activities.
Spending time together like this is a great way to let her remember the love she once felt for you, a love that is probably still there but it just got a little buried. Don't make the mistake of thinking these times only have to be a few times a year (think birthdays and Valentine’s Day). The two of you should spend this one on one time together at least a few times a month, if not more.
A healthy sex life is great, and most people (men and women) would consider it a very important part of a good relationship, but there are other ways to connect with your girl and you have to make sure you achieve balance in your relationship. Balance your sexual intimacy with your emotional intimacy (a lot of guys seem to really not get this, make sure you're not one of them).
So, for those guys out there who want to know "will she love me again", just realize that it is very possible to not only get back what you've lost but to make things better than they ever were before. Man up, follow this advice and you'll make both of you very happy.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

How to Save Your Relationship - Are You A Couple?

If you really want to know how to save your relationship, you need to figure out what the heck being in a couple is all about. Being a couple is not about remaining independent and doing things only for you. It is about sharing everything in your life with that one special person you chose to spend your life with.
Too often people get together and then immediately start to think they are in trouble or feel trapped and do not know how to handle these feelings. Then they start to feel guilty because they are having these feelings and mistakenly assume that when you get together you should automatically know how to be together.
If you think about it that is just the silliest thing you could do. Question: Did you know how to ride that bike before someone taught you? How about walking and talking? You had to learn that too right? So, what makes you think that you know how to be together? Who taught you how?
Oh sure, your parents can be a role model for you but if their relationship wasn't good and they didn't know how to be together, what have they taught you? Not much of anything except how to do it all wrong.
If this is the case then learning how to save your relationship is of utmost importance. Where do you start? Start by talking to each other. Remember when you first met? You used to talk about anything and everything. What happened? What changed? The only thing that changed is the fact that the two of you got together.
Why should this be a problem? You love each other right? Well, of course you do. That is never the problem. The problem is the high standards you or your partner has that neither one of you can live up to. Relationship is all about making compromises and learning to become a partnership.
The best way to become a partnership is to talk things out all the time. Do not make the mistake of assuming you know what your partner is thinking or how they will react in any given situation. Ask them. Never take them or how they feel for granted. This will only cause more problems.
If you have just recently been married and you have encountered these problems already or you have been married for several years and are old hats at these problems, you can still help yourselves and make things right. Make a commitment to each other that you both will try harder to communicate better.
I know sometimes I forget that my partner is a human being and has thoughts and feelings and perceptions of their own and that I am not the only person in the relationship. I also know that we do communicate effectively most of the time but when one of us decides we know best that makes it difficult to make decisions together especially if the one who thinks they know the best will not listen to reason.
If you love each other but do not like each other much these days, you need to start nurturing your relationship and treating each other with respect. You need to get back to the point where your relationship comes first and the two of you feel connected. Clearing up any misunderstandings and hurt feelings is good advice on how to save your relationship.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Monday, 29 August 2011

Saving a Marriage - Tactics That Make It Happen!

What are the best ways of saving a marriage? Well, that kind of depends on what the problems in the marriage are. Are the problems major or minor? Are you working together with your spouse, or all on your own?  These are questions that need to be answered before you can figure out the best tactics to fix your marriage.
The more willing and able you and your spouse are about working together to fix the problems, the higher the likelihood you'll be successful. It's not easy, actually it's virtually impossible, to be the only one who is working on fixing the troubles in your marriage. If  both of you are mature enough to make whatever changes need to be made, than you'll be able to not only fix your marriage, you'll be much better people in all aspects of your life. 
First things first, you can't fix a problem until you locate the problem. What are the major issues in your marriage? This may seem like an easy thing to answer, but it's not. In reality it's tough to cut through all the garbage and baggage that has accumulated over the years and pinpoint the real issues. Sometimes the real problems are buried so far under the inconsequential things that they're hard to recognize.
This step alone can take some time. It may help if the two of you find someone who you both trust to help you work things out. Many people are very intimidated by going to a therapist. I think it's because they are a little afraid of what they might hear. They don't want the therapist to think of them as a bad person, so they just don't go at all.
That's the wrong attitude to have. Do you want to be right or do you want help
Saving a marriage? You decide.  You're not perfect, no one is. The therapist might help you identify some of your less desirable character traits. And, no, this may not be fun to hear, but isn't it worth it in the long run to become a better person and a better spouse? Don't you want to find the happiness in not only this marriage but in your life in general? Sometimes it will take some honest soul searching to get there. It's worth it.
Start with you. Your spouse probably has some issues they need to deal with too, but you can only change you. Hopefully they will be amenable to making some changes of their own, especially when they see you moving forward in your life, but you can't force them. All you can do is to make the changes you need to make and hope for the best.  Don't get distracted by the foibles of your spouse and use them as an excuse to not make any changes. Focus on you for now and hopefully your spouse will make the changes they need to make.
Saving a marriage can be possible, but it really needs to be a team effort. If both of you aren't on the same page the battle will be a lot tougher to win.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Free Marriage Advice - Can You Depend On Family and Friends?

Where do you turn when you need free marriage advice? Well, there are several options available to you. You can do some research on the internet to find what you need to know or you can read a book. If you do not find what you need there, you can find someone to talk to. There are therapists out there who focus on marriages and the problems that can go along with them.
Usually though, before any of the above takes place people who find their marriage failing... get free marriage advice from friends and family. As misguided as this may be it is a step taken by a lot of people. When things start to go bad you tend to look to anyone and everyone for help and people you trust top that list.
Take the advice you get from friends and family with a grain of salt though, every situation is different and your situation is no exception. Advice you get from friends and family may not work for your situation and could confuse things even further.
More than free marriage advice, what you need at a time like this is straight forward, sound advice to help you figure out a bad situation. Trust your instincts when it comes to the advice you find on the internet and in books, too. If it doesn't sound good do not try to use it to fix things between you and your spouse.
So, what is the biggest reason why people have problems in their marriage, lack of communication or lack of effective communication techniques? People just do not know how to talk to each other. Good communication techniques can be learned and if you want to save your marriage you should do whatever it takes to learn them.
Do not make fixing your marriage harder than it has to be. No one is born knowing how to be a good communicator. There are classes you can take at your local community college or you can go see that therapist and they can help you learn what to say and how to say it so your spouse will listen and engage in the conversation.
When you learn to communicate effectively you can handle anything that comes up in your life including fixing your marriage. When there is no communication, something that started out to be a small misunderstanding could easily be blown out of proportion and become the thing that destroys a once good marriage.
It is so easy to fall into a dynamic that is unhealthy in your marriage due to ineffective communication. Once the dynamic changes in your marriage it is not so easy to change it back and your marriage may never be the same even if you do learn the right things to do.
If the damage has been done and you are looking for free marriage advice... remember to trust your instincts and do what is best for you and your spouse, it will be worth it in the long run.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!