
Saturday, 7 May 2011

Why Is My Boyfriend Acting the Way He Is - 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

Long and serious relationships can often be difficult to deal with and to understand. Both parties need to take the time to work through issues to understand what is going wrong in their relationship, and what they can do to fix it. Both people in the relationship need to work to fully understand the other to have a successful relationship.

There are plenty of different girlfriends that ask, 'why is my boyfriend acting the way he is?’ While these women are often confused, they fail to take the time to truly understand what is going on in their relationship. These four questions to ask yourself may help you to better understand why your boyfriend is acting weird, or if you are simply worrying about nothing.

Have You Been Acting Differently?

One of the first things that you should look into is your own thoughts and actions. Take the time to think about the way that you have been acting to your boyfriend. Have you been acting weird or different? Your boyfriend's actions and changes may be a direct result of your own actions and changes.

Is He Stressed?

Think about all of the different things that your boyfriend may be going through. Is it a stressful week at the workplace? Is he dealing with family issues, friend issues, or college issues? Your boyfriend may simply be stressed, and may be acting differently because of that stress.

Did You Miss an Important Date?

We can all be forgetful sometimes, missing dates and events that may be important to the people that we love. Think about the last month or two; did you miss a date or event that was important? Your boyfriend may be acting weird because he feels as if you do not care about things that are important to him, or dates that are important to him.

Have You Talked to Him About It?

The most important thing for you to do is to talk to your boyfriend about the way that he is acting. He may be able to tell you that he does not mean to act differently, and that there is nothing behind it. He may also tell you that there is something wrong, helping to bring the issue to light. Talking to your boyfriend about how he may be acting weird is the best way to approach the situation.

It is important for you to work to better understand your boyfriend and his actions. Some will find that their boyfriend is not acting weird, and that they are simply worrying about nothing. There are others who will find that there boyfriend is acting weird, and that a simple conversation will help to bring the problem to light. Taking the time to ask these questions to yourself will make it easier for you to answer the question of 'why is my boyfriend acting the way he is?’

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Friday, 6 May 2011

5 Interesting Ways to Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend

At some point in your relationship, you are going to do something wrong. You are going to make your boyfriend upset, mad, or sad, and need to work to rectify the situation. Some people will simply say sorry, hoping that their sincerity comes through. Others realize that they need to do more to make sure that their loved one knows that they are sorry.

These five interesting ways to say sorry to your boyfriend will help you to apologize in new and unique ways. Apologizing in different ways will help to show your boyfriend that you are sincere with your apology. It will also show him that you are willing to do whatever you can to make sure that you make up for your wrong doings.

1. Make Him a Card - A simple hand-made card can make a simple apology special and important. This type of apology is perfect for girlfriends that need to say sorry for small, almost insignificant issues. This apology helps to bring a cute and thoughtful feel to the apology without making the apology or issue too serious.

2. Buy Him Gifts - One of the best ways to apologize is to bring your boyfriend something he enjoys. Men used to do this by purchasing their girlfriends flowers when they said sorry; girlfriends can do the same. Buy your boyfriend some of his favourite small items, foods, and beverages. This small gesture wills how that you are serious about your apology.

3. Make Him Food

If your boyfriend is still a little mad at you for a small issue or problem, make him food. The fact that you are taking time out of your schedule to make him food will show him that you want to make sure he is happy.

4. Take Him Out

Want to say that you are sorry in a relatively new way? Take your boyfriend out to dinner. This is the perfect gesture for relationships that feature a boyfriend that always pays. He will enjoy the experience, and will be willing to accept your apology.

5. Give a Full Body Massage

This is the perfect apology for those who have done something relatively big, and are working to get back in the good graces of their boyfriend. If he will allow it, light his favourite candles. Use very special massage oil that will relax yet excite him. Don't forget to caress and massage his toes and fingers. Then let the moment go where it will go.

You need to gauge the thoughts and feelings of your boyfriend, along with the severity of your actions, to understand the correct way to say sorry. While some of these interesting ways to say sorry to your boyfriend may work, others will completely miss the mark, hurting the situation further. Take the time to understand the right way to say I'm sorry, as it will help both you and your boyfriend to move on from the issue.

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Thursday, 5 May 2011

Three Helpful Relationship Quotes

The subject of love and being together provide a near endless supply of relationship quotes. Some are funny, such as "Love Stinks" by the rock group the J. Geils Band; some are pithy like the old adage "love is blind". It sometimes seems as though everybody has a thought or two to share about relationships.

Some people may roll their eyes at such sayings, but it's a smart person who will take such sayings and try to apply them in a positive way to their own lives. What follows are three quotes that have a little more substance to them; each is followed by a few thoughts about what they mean.

Ursula LeGuin is the renowned author of the Earthsea series. She shares the following quote about love: "Love doesn't just sit there like a stone; it has to be made - like bread, remade all the time, made new." What a wonderful way to look at it! Love isn't something that you fall into and then remain complacent about. No, it takes work, but, just like baking bread, it's pleasant work. And the results are aromatic and satisfying. On the other hand, if this idea doesn't appeal to you, then it's a good sign you are not with the right person for you.

Even the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle weighed in with a relationship quote of his own when he assuredly noted, "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." There's a lot of truth there. Being willing to make sacrifices, or put the other person first all hallmarks of love. That sounds great, but in reality, most people would consider themselves lucky if they found such a deep and lasting love as that; where they truly feel like one. And, yet, that's the true nature of love, even if it doesn't seem like it, even if it never reaches that level...the possibility is always there.

"Our greatest joy and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others", is a thought expressed by self-help guru Stephen R. Covey, author of many books on effectiveness, including several on inter-personal relationships. The loss of a loved one, breaking up, and other traumatic events create the worst pains we as human beings go through. It's a fact of life. While relationships can be the source for such intense pain, they are also the source of our most positive feelings. Ultimately, the potential of so much pain is more than worth the wonderful feelings only relationships can provide.

Of course, those are only three of the nearly endless relationship quotes that have been written over the centuries. You can find many more by doing a simple online search for them. The trick though, is to not just read them, but to give them some thought. Once you do that, the next step is to apply them in a positive way to whatever relationship you are currently involved in.

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me? How To Know For Certain!

It sure is great being in a relationship. You two are happy together and getting along fine. Then something happens. All of sudden you're not all that happy, and, ultimately you break up. To be direct… breaking up sucks. While you may want to get back together, you may be wondering "does my ex want to get back with me?" Knowing the answer to that question makes it much easier to settle on what you will do next. So, how can you tell?

The simple answer is to watch their behaviour. If they show some interest when they are around you, if they talk to you in a friendly manner, or are even a bit flirtatious, then these are all positive signs. However, it's not sufficient to know for sure. Maybe they have already moved on, but want to show you and others that there are no hard feelings over the break up. The trick is to not assume they want to be with you again, but rather to step back from them a bit and see how they react. It's sort of like playing hard to get, but to a lesser degree.

See, when you accept any positive signs as proof of them wanting to get back together, you run the risk of pushing too hard. Play it cool instead. As you back away, literally or metaphorically, take note of how they react. Do they stop their positive behaviour altogether, do they keep coming after you, or do they turn on the charm even more? The better you are at reading their reactions, the better your chances of making things work out. Even they are not giving you the right signals that can help you determine your next steps.

After a break up it's common for both parties to miss each other. Even if it was a bad break up, just not being with the other person can leave each of you feeling an empty spot in your lives. How much time you spent together and how happy you were will have a strong influence on how tough these feelings of loneliness are. Naturally, the lonelier each of you is, the more appealing the idea of getting back together will be. In other words, if you want to patch things up, there's a good chance that your ex will want to do so also.

While this all sounds pretty straight forward, there is a catch. There are some case where an ex will display all of the encouraging signs mentioned above, and will chase you as you try to move back. But they are just playing game. Maybe they need the attention, maybe they want to tease you as a underhand way of getting even with you. Whatever the reason, don't be let down if you misinterpret their advances. Just be aware that it is a very real prospect.

The final step to answering the question, "does my ex want to get back with me?" is by accepting their advances. If you have read the previous signals clearly, then this step isn't nearly as risky as it may sound. Besides, it's the only way to know for sure. And if it leads to getting back together and being happy, then it's unquestionably worth it.

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Tuesday, 3 May 2011

How You and Your Ex Get Back Together

You were so blissful together, but then something occurred and now you're apart. If you really want to get back together with your ex, then you're going to have to do some soul searching. It isn't easy to be entirely truthful with yourself, but that's what you have to do.

You need to make your mind up if getting back together will really make you happy, and you also have to come to a decision if you'll be able to do things right if you do. After all, you don't want to break up again. It's normal for us to only remember the good times after breaking up, but you have to look at the bad times to, you need to be objective and practical.

Apart from the myth that Hollywood likes to put up on the silver screen, most relationships that split apart are not worth saving. That may be hard to hear, but we're dealing with reality. If your ex and you spent most of your time arguing and being unhappy, as opposed to being happy together, then you will probably be better off finding someone that's a better match for you.

Apart from arguing, violent relationships are usually better left in the past. If you or your ex were physically, psychologically or vocally abusive then it's probably time to move on (there are always exceptions, of course). But if your relationship with your ex was a good one, and they weren't abusive, and they were of sound mind, the following should help you get back together with your ex.

Nobody likes a pest, so don't be aggressive; you may just push them away for good. If you're always trying to communicate with your ex; whether by email, telephone or tracking down there location so you can talk in person, you are overdoing it. Not only will it look desperate, but it will be annoying, and you want to create positive connections, not negative ones.

Don't plead or make empty promises. It's easy to think about how doing so will win your ex back. You picture yourself making the perfect appeal, pouring your heart out, will never be able to accurately forecast how your ex will react, good or bad. You can't change what went before. You can make an apology, ask for forgiveness and be earnest, but this alone won't get you back together. You also need to prove that you are serious. Having a plan for how things will be better in the future will go much farther than weeping about the past.

Live in the here and now. Nobody is saying you should forget about the past. In fact, it would be smart to learn from it. But, you don't want to go so far as to live in the past; that's a fantasy world. Instead, focus on current realities and work on rebuilding your relationship from there.

If you are serious and ready to get back together with your ex, then give them some room, don't plead or make unfilled promises, and stay entrenched in the present. These things will surely advance your reputation as far as your ex is concerned, and you will keep your self-respect as you move on the way to a more contented life together.

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Sunday, 1 May 2011

How To Get Over Someone Fast The Easy Way

How to get over someone fast is not an easy problem to deal with. It is especially difficult if you were not the one who wanted the relationship to end. But even if you were the one who wanted to break up, getting over your ex is no easy thing to do. And the longer you were together, the harder it will be. While there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, here are a few things that will help you move on more quickly.

Keep in mind that these methods are meant to speed the process along and may seem unpleasant, or even cruel. Please understand that is not the intent of what follows. The idea is to help you get on with your life and be happy again.

In part, what you're gong through is a grieving process. You will have to face many emotions, and some will be more sever than others. The first one is denial. You may refuse to believe that you have really broken up, or you may kid yourself that it's only temporary, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Accept that it has happened.

One of the best ways to make this easier is by getting rid of any reminders of your ex. That doesn't mean you have to throw them away or sell them. It just means you should get them out of site until you are in a better place emotionally. To be fair, you may feel like everything reminds you of your ex. You can't live in a home with nothing in it, so what should you do?

If this happens, the trick is to start by getting rid of the things that have the strongest emotional attachment; the items that remind you of your ex the most. The stronger the memory, the more important it is to get rid of. Remove them from your sight. If you have to, store them at a relative's house. While you don't have to, depending on the item, you may choose to throw some things away.

As mentioned earlier, you don't have to get rid of anything for good, but if you are able to sell any items that remind you of your ex, you can use that to your benefit.

First, be sure that you are able to sell the item legally. If it's something you purchased together… then be careful; you may not have the right to sell it and could end up in trouble. Assuming it is okay, go ahead and sell whatever items you can. Then, here's the cool part, by something special for you with the money. To make it even more effective, buy something your ex wouldn't let you have when you were together.

There is one other main method for how to get over someone fast. And that is to start dating other people again. You are not doing this to make your ex jealous. Also, don't feel guilty about dating; you are trying to get on with your life, to be happy again. Following the tips above will help you to do just that, and to do it quickly.

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