How to get over someone fast is not an easy problem to deal with. It is especially difficult if you were not the one who wanted the relationship to end. But even if you were the one who wanted to break up, getting over your ex is no easy thing to do. And the longer you were together, the harder it will be. While there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, here are a few things that will help you move on more quickly.
Keep in mind that these methods are meant to speed the process along and may seem unpleasant, or even cruel. Please understand that is not the intent of what follows. The idea is to help you get on with your life and be happy again.
In part, what you're gong through is a grieving process. You will have to face many emotions, and some will be more sever than others. The first one is denial. You may refuse to believe that you have really broken up, or you may kid yourself that it's only temporary, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Accept that it has happened.
One of the best ways to make this easier is by getting rid of any reminders of your ex. That doesn't mean you have to throw them away or sell them. It just means you should get them out of site until you are in a better place emotionally. To be fair, you may feel like everything reminds you of your ex. You can't live in a home with nothing in it, so what should you do?
If this happens, the trick is to start by getting rid of the things that have the strongest emotional attachment; the items that remind you of your ex the most. The stronger the memory, the more important it is to get rid of. Remove them from your sight. If you have to, store them at a relative's house. While you don't have to, depending on the item, you may choose to throw some things away.
As mentioned earlier, you don't have to get rid of anything for good, but if you are able to sell any items that remind you of your ex, you can use that to your benefit.
First, be sure that you are able to sell the item legally. If it's something you purchased together… then be careful; you may not have the right to sell it and could end up in trouble. Assuming it is okay, go ahead and sell whatever items you can. Then, here's the cool part, by something special for you with the money. To make it even more effective, buy something your ex wouldn't let you have when you were together.
There is one other main method for how to get over someone fast. And that is to start dating other people again. You are not doing this to make your ex jealous. Also, don't feel guilty about dating; you are trying to get on with your life, to be happy again. Following the tips above will help you to do just that, and to do it quickly.
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