You should feel comfortable enough in a marriage to be able to ask your husband any question, even if your questions or comments are really about sweet nothings, you should both enjoy them. You don't want to spend your whole life together talking about the serious stuff in your marriage or your husband will soon get bored, so you want to keep the marriage light and fun at times. It is good to sometimes just throw in some fun questions that might confuse your husband a little but will also get a laugh from him.
Life is meant to be enjoyed so having a bit of fun within your marriage will make it more enjoyable. You may even find that your husband enjoys the funny questions so much that he will start asking you some.
Here are some examples of fun questions to throw into your marriage:
v Will you still love me when I'm old and grey?
v What would you do if I punched you in the face right now?
v Do you want 10 children or 15 children?
v What's your favourite thing about our marriage?
v What's the silliest name you'd call a child?
v What is the worst date you ever had?
v What is your favourite movie that you never get bored of watching?
v Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
v What are the five material possessions you will like to save, if your house is on fire?
v What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
v What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
v Is there anything in me that you will like to change?
v If you are given an option to be born as an animal what would it be?
v Who is your favourite superhero?
v If you found a magic lamp, what will be the three wishes that you will ask for?
v Have you ever been attracted to a person of the same sex?
v Do you have a secret sexual fantasy?
v What is important for you in life - money or love?
v Tell me about an experience in your life that you can never forget.
v How will you describe yourself in five words?
v Were you ever attracted to any of your teachers?
v What are your future plans?
v If you are marooned on a deserted island, what one thing would you take with you?
There are just thousands of fun questions that you can ask your husband and have a bit of fun with him. Having a bit of fun in your marriage will strengthen your marriage and bring you and your husband closer. You can also find out some very interesting things about your husband by asking these fun questions. When you are comfortable asking and answering fun questions then you can be truly happy together knowing that you aren't hiding anything.
A bit of fun and flirting is great for your marriage and will bring you closer and strengthen your love for one another.
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