
Friday, 2 December 2011

Bring Fun into Your Marriage with Fun Questions

You should feel comfortable enough in a marriage to be able to ask your husband any question, even if your questions or comments are really about sweet nothings, you should both enjoy them.  You don't want to spend your whole life together talking about the serious stuff in your marriage or your husband will soon get bored, so you want to keep the marriage light and fun at times.  It is good to sometimes just throw in some fun questions that might confuse your husband a little but will also get a laugh from him.
Life is meant to be enjoyed so having a bit of fun within your marriage will make it more enjoyable.  You may even find that your husband enjoys the funny questions so much that he will start asking you some.
Here are some examples of fun questions to throw into your marriage:
v  Will you still love me when I'm old and grey?
v  What would you do if I punched you in the face right now?
v  Do you want 10 children or 15 children?
v  What's your favourite thing about our marriage?
v  What's the silliest name you'd call a child?
v  What is the worst date you ever had?
v  What is your favourite movie that you never get bored of watching?
v  Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
v  What are the five material possessions you will like to save, if your house is on fire?
v  What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
v  What is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
v  Is there anything in me that you will like to change?
v  If you are given an option to be born as an animal what would it be?
v  Who is your favourite superhero?
v  If you found a magic lamp, what will be the three wishes that you will ask for?
v  Have you ever been attracted to a person of the same sex?
v  Do you have a secret sexual fantasy?
v  What is important for you in life - money or love?
v  Tell me about an experience in your life that you can never forget.
v  How will you describe yourself in five words?
v  Were you ever attracted to any of your teachers?
v  What are your future plans?
v  If you are marooned on a deserted island, what one thing would you take with you?
There are just thousands of fun questions that you can ask your husband and have a bit of fun with him.  Having a bit of fun in your marriage will strengthen your marriage and bring you and your husband closer.  You can also find out some very interesting things about your husband by asking these fun questions.  When you are comfortable asking and answering fun questions then you can be truly happy together knowing that you aren't hiding anything.
A bit of fun and flirting is great for your marriage and will bring you closer and strengthen your love for one another.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
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Thursday, 1 December 2011

Does Your Husband Really Love You Anymore

Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!
Do you ever have doubts about your marriage and wonder if your husband really loves you?  If so, then there is some degree of uncertainty in your marriage.  You are not the only woman in the world to wonder this, in fact it is quite common for women to feel uncertain at some point in a marriage and men aren't always the best at getting across the right messages.
A lot of women feel great when they are with their husband and they feel like everything is as it should be, but then when they are apart they begin to worry.  If they haven't called you when they said they would then you might take that as a sign that he doesn't really love you, when in actual fact he may have been busy or something came up that prevented him from calling.  When you begin to have doubts you can become obsessed with wondering if everything is OK and if your husband really loves you.
Men and women are very different in the way they show emotions and feelings and sometimes it can be difficult to read a man and know what he is feeling or thinking.  So it isn't always easy to answer the question 'does he really love me' by the way he acts.  There are signs though that you can look out for that might help you to understand his feelings and love for you.
1. Does he look at you when you are having a conversation?  When you are talking to him look into his eyes and see if he is looking back into yours.  If he does look at you while you are talking and isn't forever being distracted, then this is a good sign that he is serious about you.
2. Does he make time for you, particularly if you are having any problems or are upset?  Will he cancel other plans to be with you if you really need him?  If so, then you can be sure that he really cares about you.
3. Does he discuss his personal issues with you?  If he is having any problems and feels comfortable enough to talk to you about them then this shows that he respects you and regards you as a moral support person.  Even though he will ultimately work his problems out on his own, he will be thankful for your input and suggestions.
4. Does he buy you a gift on your anniversary?  Does he remember your anniversary?  Actually, many men don't remember those special days, but if he does then that is a great sign that he really does love you.  He doesn't need to buy you expensive gifts, but the fact that he remembers and does something special for you is a sign of his love.
The above signs are great signs for answering that question 'does my husband really love me'.  If you have any doubts then take a step back and stop and notice these little things.  These signs may be small things but they are the things that matter most.
Remember, not all men are good at expressing their love and if you're husband is one of these men; it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you; it just means he has a hard time expressing it.  So try to notice the signs and hopefully they will help to get rid of any doubts you have.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?

Does Your Ex Husband Still Like You

It can be devastating when you break up with your husband and you might be asking yourself the questions 'how can I tell if my ex husband still likes me'?  If the break up came as a shock it can be even more difficult to get over it.  Perhaps you have a fight and in your haste you broke up with him, but deep in your heart you know that the decision was hasty and probably not the right one.  It can be difficult to know if the break up is the best decision or if your husband really does still like you and if it would be worth trying to sort things out.  But how do you know if your ex husband still likes you?  Here are some tips that might help you to find out.
The first sign that your husband still likes you is if he calls you and wants to meet up with you.  It is possible that he might want to remain friends and is calling you as a friend, but it is more likely to be a positive sign that your husband is still interested in you.  If your husband wasn't interested he wouldn't be calling you at all so if your husband asks you to meet him then I suggest you do.
If you decide to meet him, don't act like you are really desperate to get him back.  Try to stay calm and let him do the talking; after all it was him who invited you to meet him.  Let him talk and listen carefully so you can find out what his intentions are and decide if he really does still like you.  Don't just make an assumption either that your husband wants to get back together because he asked you out, so don't rush in to anything, wait for him to tell you how he feels.
If you both have a group of friends that you hang out with and meet up with the group you may be able to tell if he still likes you by how much attention he shows you.  If your husband is extra friendly with you then he probably still likes you, but if your husband avoids you completely then I'm afraid the marriage may be over.  If your husband is friendly then there is some chance that you might be able to get back together.
As with meeting with a group of people, if you bump into him in a store or pub or any public place, you can tell if your husband still likes you by whether he avoids you or if the is really friendly toward you. 
If your husband says that he wants to be friends then perhaps that is all you will ever be, but not necessarily, there may be a chance that a relationship could blossom again from your friendship.  Just don't find yourself being deluded into believing that he still wants a relationship because he wants to be friends.  It can be difficult to read his wants when your husband wants to be friends, it could just be friendship or he could want more, you will need to take him up on his offer of friendship and wait to see if anything more happens.
If you feel that you or your husband made a hasty decision to break up, then why not call him and ask to meet him.  You should talk about what happened to cause the break up and discuss whether it was the right decision.  Ask him how he feels and if he still likes you, there is a good chance that if the break up was in haste that your husband might want to give the marriage another go.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Best Ways to Get Your Girlfriend Back and Keep Her

I cannot really tell you the exact best ways to get your girlfriend back, because I do not know you or why your girlfriend left. What I can do is give you some ideas that have worked for thousands of men and more than likely will work for you too.
Of course, you may have to modify this advice a little depending on your specific situation. But for the most part, this information has helped save a lot of relationships and may well be able to help you too.
For one thing, you have to explore the relationship with your girlfriend and try to identify what went wrong. The two of you were in love and compatible at one time, weren't you? Well, what changed?
In most relationships the changes happen slowly and kind of sneak up on you so answering this question may not be as easy as it would seem.
I'm not talking about what the two of you fought about that is different in almost all cases from what actually happened to make you start to resent each other. I seriously doubt any relationship on the planet fell apart because the husband forgot to put the toilet seat down, or because the girlfriend left her lingerie hanging on the shower rod.
These are the things that get on your nerves when you are already mad or upset about something else. But what was it that led to that resentment? It was probably more than one thing. In many cases a couple just starts to drift apart. They get focused on kids or work and do not connect with each other.
When they finally do try to connect they find that they are almost strangers. They just do not get the other one, they are not on the same page the way they once were.
If that is the case than it can be changed; the two of you can reconnect but only if you are both willing to spend the time and try.  It probably won't be easy, but as long as you both want it badly enough you can do it.
I know we all like things to be settled quickly and if you are in pain you no doubt would love to find best ways to get your girlfriend back quickly. The truth is though, that there are no quick fixes.
Another thing you can do while you are working all this out is to try and breathe. Try to take some time and calm down. Live your life. It is important to find the problems and find the solutions to those problems but it is also important to give yourself permission to slow down and be calm.
Actually, that can be vital to the success of your plan to get her back.  If you act desperate you will only scare her off further. You have to let her see the strong, confident, yet humble man that she fell in love with.
That coupled with your new found insight can really make her want to get back with you and that can be one of the best ways to get your girlfriend back.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!

Tips To Get Your Wife Back That Work

Chances are if you are reading this article you are in pain and you are suffering.  Many fella’s need to find some new advice tips to get your wife back, and even though it may seem impossible and it may be a challenge, many fella’s succeed at getting their wife back every single day.
Some of the best things you can do may seem deceptively simple and you may be inclined to ignore them, but don't. They really can help. One of those things is to live your life with a positive attitude every single day.
It is easy to lose sight of the good things in your life when you are in emotional misery, but don't let it take over your life. If you do you will not only be even more miserable but to be honest, you won't be someone that your wife will want to be around.
If you give in to your misery you may actually just push her away more. A better and more productive tact is to focus on finding solutions to the problems that plagued your marriage.
This may not be easy. The bigger of a jerk you were, the less likely you are going to want to face up to that fact.  But if you don't, if you stay in a state of denial about the things you did wrong, you will never make things better and you might as well ignore this new advice tips to get your wife back because it won't work anyway.
Your marriage is over because something went wrong. If changes are not made than those things will just continue to go wrong or your ex simply won't want to go through the pain and get back with you.
If it is hard for you to be honest with yourself ask your friends for their opinion, or better yet ask your exes friends. That is probably the most honest opinion you will get and it can be a real eye opener.
Of course, if you just fly off the handle and get mad if you hear something you don't like not only will you have ruined any chance you may have had to get back with your wife, but you probably shouldn't even try.
If your first response is denial and anger do your wife a favour and leave her alone. Let her find a fella who is mature enough to face up to his flaws and who is willing to fix them. Harsh, but honest!
If you were the one who dumped her and you now regret it, it may actually be harder to work things out. If you tell her you were wrong she may be happy to hear it and take you back with open arms. But she may also be really pissed at all the pain you put her through and may not trust you again.
Whatever situation led to your breakup, these are some good tips to get your wife back and if you follow them you have an excellent chance of being back with your wife in no time.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!