
Saturday, 22 October 2011

How To Get Your Ex Wife Back Without Driving Her Further Away

I have got some advice for you if you are serious about learning what to do to get your ex wife back. The first thing you need to understand is that she no longer trusts what you say or do. She may still love you even though since she broke up with you she has been trying hard not to and no one understands how she could still love you when you treated her so badly.
Your first step should be figuring out the reason, or reasons, why you treated her so badly in the first place. Now, I'm no therapist but I do know that everything that happens... happens for some reason and everything has its own special set of consequences... cause and effect. If you really want a second chance with your ex wife, you need to figure out why you act and say the things you do. Then, when you have things figured out you need to find ways to change your behaviour and that will probably take some time.
Usually, when someone behaves badly, it is their insecurities coming to the forefront because they do not know how to handle a situation correctly. No one ever wants to admit when they are insecure, usually not even to themselves, but more often than not that is the reason. I've often said that money is not the root of all evil, insecurity is.
If you are over-compensating because you feel inadequate and you think that by acting like a 'big man' and letting your girl know 'who is the boss'; you are somehow "more of a man" you need to think again. This is one of the surest signs that you are actually not 'the big man' and that you are in fact a scared little boy who desperately wants the love of your woman but are too afraid to let her know that or ask for it.
She probably already does know that, on some level at least. Everyone can see when someone is trying to over-compensate. It's very common; you see it all the time. The fella with the really loud motorcycle, or another fella will treat his girl like garbage, still another fella will try to prove he is a man by sleeping with every woman out there but none of these things is the way to get your ex wife back.
If you really are a secure man, you won't need to work so hard to try and prove it. If you concentrate all your efforts on being a decent, caring, honest human being those around you will have more respect and trust for you and if you really want to be the 'big man' that is a much better way to go about it than all the other BS.
Even after you've faced up to your own BS don't expect your ex wife to trust you right away. No matter how hard you may try to convince her that you've changed, actions speak louder than words and if you're really serious about getting her back you will have to show her that you have changed. That will take time.  If you're not willing to invest that time it is best that you just let her go to find someone else who can treat her the way she deserves to be treated and forget about trying to get your ex wife back.
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Friday, 21 October 2011

Marriage Breakup Advice

If your marriage is about to breakup advice is out there to show you how to get it done right. There are many things you should and shouldn't do. Let's start with some shouldn't do's.
You shouldn't ever breakup with someone over the phone or by text or email. This is just about the tackiest thing you could do, breakup with them in person, in private. Don't humiliate them by breaking up in public. You will have more respect for yourself and they will have more respect for you.
Obviously, if your spouse has a tendency to become violent this advice will not apply to your situation. Stay safe and handle the breakup over the phone or in a very public place.
Being honest is vital, but if the reason you need breakup help is that you have met someone else, keep that information to yourself. If they ask, don't tell them.
I know this sounds contradictory but you will hurt them more if you tell them. There is no point in causing them more pain than they feel already. Go ahead and start your new relationship, but do yourself a favour and try to go to different restaurants and clubs, at least for a while.  Make your new memories together in new places, special to just the two of you.
Plan out what you want to say beforehand because no matter how you feel you will be nervous when breaking up with them. Stand your ground. You have made this decision for a reason so stick to it. You will sound less convincing if you try to let them down easy. They will be just as hurt either way so state your reasons calmly and confidently. The respect thing comes in to play here again.
After the breakup, don't call your ex for any reason and don't take their calls. This will only give them false hope and keep the hurt fresh in both your minds. Don't kid yourself; you will feel a sense of loss after the breakup, too. Change the habits the two of you had.  Go to a different coffee house to get your morning coffee and find a new spot to eat your meals. You do not want to run into your ex accidentally. 
If you haven't already met someone new, it's probably best to hold off on dating for a while. Rebound relationships almost never work and you do not need any more drama or grief. You may have had more time to process the breakup, but you should still give yourself additional time to adjust to your new single life. Even if you're the one who ended the marriage, you can be susceptible to getting into a rebound relationship too, so give yourself some time.
Most people do not realize that things can be tough no matter which end of the breakup you are on. Unless your ex was a real jerk, you'll want to find a way to end the marriage as gently and firmly as possible. Following these tips will give you all the marriage breakup advice you need.
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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Healing a Broken Heart – Keeping it Real!

Having your heart broken is a very painful and difficult experience.  Both men and women can experience the pain of a broken heart when a relationship ends.  It doesn't matter if you are the one who initiated the break up or not, you will still feel some pain and sadness at the end of something that had been wonderful.  Some breakups are expected after a relationship has been having troubles for a while, and other breakups can come unexpectedly and these can be the most heart breaking ones.
The worst thing that you can do after a relationship breakup is to sit around feeling sorry for yourself and telling all your friends and family your 'victim story' of how you have had your heart broken.  If you continue to long for that lost love that can no longer be, you are headed for trouble.
If you don’t allow yourself to grieve for the relationship and then accept that it is over then you won't be able to move on with your life.  If you don't get over your ex then any future relationships are doomed before they even start.
You can't run away from your heartache either, if you run it will just follow you.  You need to face life head on and a break up is a life experience like any other that must be dealt with.
You can't stop a broken heart by running away from it or suppressing it with alcohol or other substances.  Your grieving heart cannot heal unless you work your way through it.  You need to accept that you will feel sadness and pain during this time and that is a natural response to a busted relationship.  Use the pain and sadness that you feel to learn and grow from the experience.
There are no quick fix solutions to a broken heart but getting your feelings and thoughts out in the open can help. You can do this by talking to a friend, a counsellor or even writing your feelings and thoughts in a diary.  Talking about your feelings is part of the process of getting over a break up.
You can use this relationship experience to learn from and avoid making the same mistakes in a future relationship.  Of course this will depend on what mistakes, if any, that you made and what the reason was for the relationship ending.  Sometimes relationships just run their course and people fall out love.
If you did make any mistakes in the relationship then don’t act as though you didn't and don’t act like you are the victim.  Take responsibility for any mistakes that you did make and move on and learn from them.  There is a good chance that you both made some mistakes along the way and there is no point playing the blame game.
If you don't handle your break up responsibly, then you may continue to hold the pain in your heart and never completely get over it.  If you don't get over your relationship or your ex then you can never have a completely happy and fulfilled relationship with someone else.
If you handle your breakup responsibly with the goal of working through your feelings and letting them go, then you can heal your broken heart and move on with your life.
Healing a broken heart takes time and takes work.  It is difficult to lose someone who has been such a major part of your life, but you will get over it and you will become a stronger person because of it.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!

Monday, 17 October 2011

How To Win Your Partner Back

Is your heart breaking as the result of a recent break up?  Do you wish you could turn back time and change what happened?  If you are missing your partner and want another chance, here is how you can win your partner back.
Firstly, do not put too much pressure on your partner to rethink their decision.  Give them some space to think things through and with any luck they may regret their decision and give you another go.
Give them some space for about a week or so, and this means no calling, emailing or texting during that week.  Just chill out and play it cool, don’t go looking desperate by sending flowers every day and begging them to come back to you.
If you haven't heard from your partner after a week or so then contact them, but remain cool, calm and collected.  Don’t overdo it and become desperate, just give them a quick call or even an email just asking how they are doing.
There needs to be a good balance of power in a relationship and this also carries over into a break up.  You need to stay strong and keep your level of power, if you give up that power by desperately chasing your partner, then your chances of getting them back will be poor.
If the cause of the break up was something minor then there is a good chance that if you give them some space for a few days, you will then be able to work things out when you make contact and talk things over.
Some breakups are over bigger issues and it could be a harder battle to win your partner back.  If a month has gone by and you are still apart then you might need to step up your game and try some new tactics.  Your partner may have even started thinking about dating other people by this time so you don’t want to leave things too much longer.
Even at this stage, you do not want to seem overly desperate and put too much pressure on your partner.  If you begin to stalk your partner then you will only result in looking silly, desperate and weak and this is not the way to win back your partner.
You can contact your partner and invite them out for a coffee just to have a chat.  Chat about the good times you had together and pick particular moments that were good and you both enjoyed.  Let them know you miss those times and let them know that you still care for them and are interested in trying again.
Another method used to win back an ex is to date someone else, perhaps even one of their friends.  If your partner can see you with someone else it might make them jealous and rethink their decision.  If they see that you are moving on with their life they might also question whether they really did make the right decision when breaking up with you.  It might get them thinking that they need to resolve things quickly before it's too late.
You have every right to date someone else if you have broken up with your partner but you might want to seriously think about taking it any further than that.  Your partner may take you back when you have dated someone else but they may not take you back if you have slept with someone else.  So if you really want to win your partner back you should remain faithful to them even though you have broken up.
I hope that this article has given you some ideas on how to win your partner back.
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Is There A Way To Get Your Ex Wife Back

Sometimes women may overreact and end up saying or doing something that they don't really mean.  Sometimes a girl might overreact to a situation and break up with you and when she has time to calm down and really think about the situation she might realize that she has made a mistake.  However, the way that you react to the break up could make a big difference in whether it is possible for you to get back together.
So if you think you're wife might have overreacted and you think that your relationship is salvageable then these tips might help you win her back.
Firstly, give her some space.  While she is still angry about the situation you won't be able to talk rationally to her, so give her a little time to calm down.  When she calms down she may realize her mistake and call you.
If you’re ex wife has made a mistake then she will soon realize that life without you isn't what she wants.  When she is sitting at home on her own on a Saturday night and missing you then she will begin to rethink things.
If you don't rush in and call her then she will begin to worry about her decision and think that you don't need her.  If she thinks that there is a chance that you might just move on without her, then she needs to think long and hard about what she wants and if she wants you back she needs to act before you move on.
Even though are probably missing her just as much as she is missing you, you don't want to seem too desperate to get her back, you need to stick with the tactic of giving her space.
You don’t want to start doing desperate things like singing love songs to her outside her bedroom window, or sending hundreds of texts or sending flowers every day.
However, if you haven't heard from her after a week or so then you may need to be the one to make first contact.  Just call her and ask her how things are going and keep it cool.  Don't act desperate now that you have a chance to speak to her, you still want to sound casual and laid back about the whole relationship issue.
If she still isn't calling you or trying to win you back, then you might want to take things a bit further.  You can call her up and ask her if she would like to go out to dinner so you can talk about things.  Don't become possessive and follow her and constantly bug her, just make that phone call and ask her out.  If she rejects you then maybe she has decided that the relationship ending was in fact what she wants.  You can't put too much pressure on her to go out with you again or you might just push her further away.
One thing that will impress her and may make her think twice about her decision is if you remember an important date that might be coming up.  Men are not the best at remembering birthdays, anniversaries or other such dates so if there is an event coming up then let her know that you are thinking about her on that day by sending her some flowers or a card. Keep it short and sweet, just enough to let her know you are thinking about her and still care about her.
If a month or so passes and there is no sign from her that she wants to get back together with you, then you might need to accept that it is over.  There is no point in chasing after a dream that can never happen, if she has made up her mind and has no intention of changing it then you need to move on.
Don't let your relationship end completely without trying to talk about it and let her know that you still care about her.  Be prepared to be honest and let her know your true feelings.  But if that isn't enough then be prepared to walk away and get on with your life.
These tips might help you to get your ex wife back if it is what she wants, so don’t give up too soon but don’t seem to desperate either.

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