
Saturday, 24 September 2011

Regaining Trust In A Marriage

Regaining trust in a marriage is going to be an uphill climb. I'm not saying that it can't be done; I'm just saying that you better be willing to put in some serious time and effort if that's what you want. If you're not, you might as well walk away right now and save both of you a lot of extra pain.
Of course, there are many reasons trust can be lost. Sometimes it's fairly 'small' like when your spouse belittles you in front of others. Other times it can be even worse such as in the case of infidelity. This can be virtually impossible to overcome.
If you're willing to try, step one is to figure out what you did to break the trust in the first place. Obviously, if it was infidelity that will be pretty clear. But if it was something a little less extreme like ridiculing your spouse or making fun of them all the time, it might take some digging to figure out why you felt the need to hurt the one person you're supposed to love above everyone else.
Sometimes the more subtle betrayals can be a sign of some deep seated resentment against your spouse. You need to get to the bottom of that issue to figure out what it is before you can make any kind of change.
If you've cheated than you will also need to figure out why. In many cases it's about a lot more than just being attracted to another person. It's often a sign that you're unhappy with your spouse and / or a severe character flaw of yours. Whatever the case may be the first step to trying to rebuild trust with your spouse is to identify the problems so that you can fix them so you never repeat your mistake.
It's going to take a lot to get your spouse to trust you again, the last thing you want to do is to repay that trust by hurting them and betraying them again. Before you ask for a second chance you better make darn sure you're up to the challenge of never betraying them again.
Once you've identified the problem and have taken steps to make sure it doesn't happen again, it's time to talk to your spouse. Explain to them that you've been working on yourself and fixing your issues. Ask them for another chance. Even if they say 'yes' you have to understand that you'll essentially be on 'probation' for a long time.
You have to be willing to overlook a little paranoia on their part. It's going to be very difficult for them to completely let their guard down again and it's likely to take quite a long time before they do. They'll need to see a lot of proof that you've really changed first.
Regaining trust in a marriage will take a lot of time, love and patience. It's not impossible if both parties are willing to try, but making sure that both of you enters into the process with your eyes wide open and don't expect a quick fix.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Trust In a Marriage - You Need a Leap of Faith!

Building trust in a marriage can take time; it can take even more time rebuilding that trust a second time. I mean, come on, face facts, the first time around you give someone a really big benefit of the doubt. If they make a promise to you it takes a real leap of faith to let yourself open up and trust them, but if they break that trust, it can be almost impossible to do it again.
The reason for that is simple: they've already proven through their words or actions that they can't be trusted. The first time around you had no way of knowing one way or the other, but now you do. Now you know that they can't be trusted, why in the world would you set yourself up for that kind of hurt and pain again?
That is why it's so difficult to overcome any kind of cheating in a marriage. You know the old saying: "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me", that's the whole point. Few people would take such a big risk of being hurt by letting someone who has already proven that they can't be trusted, into their lives again.
It's best to make darn sure you don't do anything to make your partner lose their faith in you in the first place. I know, a lot of people may be thinking that that is easier said than done, but not really.
While it's true that sometimes you find yourself becoming attracted to someone you see on a day to day basis, someone that you may not be able to avoid seeing like a co-worker. In a case like that you just have to keep as much distance as possible and not allow yourself to spend more time with them, or spend time with them outside of work, than is absolutely necessary.
A lot of times though, we do it to ourselves. We'll see someone out at a club when we're with our friends and one thing leads to another and before you know it you've done the very thing you promised you'd never do. In cases like that, you're just a jackass.
Sorry, rough I know, but true. Just because you're out on your own for a night with friends is no excuse to hook up with someone. If you can't stay faithful for one night then you need to really spend some serious time figuring out what is wrong with you because that's not normal behaviour.
Some will consider themselves 'the man' or a 'playa' but really those are just ways to make them feel better about their own shortcomings. A real man would live up to his word and if he promised his girl that he would be faithful than that's what he'd do... period.
And I'm not picking on fella’s, ladies the same exact thing applies to you. If you really want trust in a marriage make sure that you don't do anything to betray that trust. It's very hard to risk being hurt, open up or trust someone, it's virtually impossible to do it a second time when that person proves to you that they can't be trusted.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Successful Marriages - Don’t Complicate It

Like a lot of people, I'm in my second marriage. The first one ended in divorce. When people said they were sorry about the divorce I couldn't help but think "don't be sorry, it's long overdue". The marriage was not good. This time, though, I made a much better choice with my spouse, and this time I'm happy to say that this is one of the most successful marriages I've ever known.
People wonder how they can have a successful marriage. There are all kinds of private clinics and writers who are more than willing to share the 'secrets' to having good marriages, if you buy their books. However, I'm going to tell you some simple things to do... for free.
You see, as humans we tend to make things so much more complicated than we need to. I honestly believe that you know exactly what you need to do to have a good marriage; you just aren't willing to do it.
Take my sister for example; she calls me at least once a week to complain about what her husband has done. I'm not talking about little annoying things (like leaving the toilet seat up or not putting the paper away when he was done reading it) either, I'm talking major things like screaming at her and treating her like crap.
She has even said that she should break up with him, she knows she should, she just doesn't have the guts to do it. I try to tell her that she would probably be happier once she did it, but she's just not willing to do it. Again, she knows what she needs to do, she just won't do it.
I think that's the case for most people. In a lot of cases people are just in a marriage with the wrong person. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but more often than not you either picked the wrong person to start with or you have both grown in different ways and are no longer compatible.
So the one big key to having good marriages is to not settle and pick someone who you know in your heart isn't right for you just because you don't want to be alone. Instead be a little pickier and find your version of the perfect person. Be willing to overlook some smaller things that you don't like but don't turn a blind eye to things that will be real trouble such as lying, cheating, or abuse.
If you figure out what things you absolutely don't want to have in a marriage and then hold your ground when you meet someone who displays those traits, you'll greatly increase your odds of finding your 'perfect' partner.
Anyone can have a successful marriage as long as they remember that it starts with them. Take some time to get yourself to the point where you are confident enough to hold out for someone who will treat you the way you should be treated and you'll find yourself in a great marriage sooner than you'd have thought.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Save Your Relationship - It’s Not Rocket Science

If you're to the point that you're asking how you can save your relationship, I'm sorry. I know how painful this type of situation can be. I also know that it may not be too late and it's often not as hard as you may think to revive a dying relationship.
It's not rocket science, actually if you can remove the emotion (I know, easier said than done) then it's much easier in a lot of cases than you may realize. Just remember that pretty much everyone wants the same basic things from a relationship: companionship, love and respect. How we go about asking for those things, or showing those things, can vary from culture to culture and among genders, but that's pretty much it.
Most of the time when a relationship is falling apart it's because one or both of the partners don't feel like their needs are being met. We often boil relationship troubles down to sex, but sex is really only a 'by product' of the basic need to feel loved.
So, step one to pull your relationship back from the brink is to try to objectively analyze the way you and your partner treat each other. Do you talk to each other with respect most of the time (we all have our bad days when we're a little rough around the edges and may take that out on others, as long as these days are kept to a minimum it's not that big of a deal) or do you talk to your partner like you hate their guts?
Once you've thought about it you may realize that you take a lot of your general frustrations out on your partner. If you've figured that much out all you have to do is talk to your partner, explain that it isn't about them and that you are sincerely sorry for taking the day to day aggravations you face out on them. Follow that apology up by making sure you stop doing it.
That one simple thing can make a ton of difference in a lot of relationships. If the behaviour has gone on for a long time, it might take more than this to fix things. If it's gone on for a long time it's likely that both of you are now in the habit of talking to each other that way, that can lead to a lot of built up anger and hurt which will take longer to work through.
If that's the case you may be better of finding a good therapist to walk you through the healing process and help each of you re-train yourselves when it comes to communicating. It may take some time to 'unlearn' your bad communication habits and learn new ones.
There are a lot of things that can go wrong in a relationship, and just as many ways to fix them. But in almost all cases it will boil down to poor communicating. Some simple changes in the way you and your partner talk to each other may be all you need to save your relationship.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Sunday, 18 September 2011

How to Apologize To Get Someone Back For Good

It does not have to be all that hard to get somebody back after they have walked out on you. Furthermore, it doesn't make all that much difference if they left you three days ago or three months ago, the principles of how to get someone back remain the same. The main thing is for you to be willing to do whatever it takes to get them back and to stay committed to it.
Before you do anything else, you will have to spend some time and do some soul searching to find out what went wrong, and what you did that contributed to your break up. The purpose of this is not to place blame on each other for different things. Instead it's meant to give you a chance to look at things more logically and to find out what you may need to apologize for.
You are both human. That means both of you made mistakes, and a lot of them. Of course you don't want to apologize about every tiny detail. If you do that you may come across as being sarcastic or obsessed; neither of which will help you to get someone back. A better approach is to be selective with what you apologize for.
So what are some of the things you should be apologetic about? There are two main categories. The first are those things you did wrong that hurt your ex in any way, including emotionally. The second are those things you did that led to your relationship coming to an end. Granted, there may be other things you'll need to say you're sorry for, but these are the biggest.
Saying you're sorry isn't always easy. You are going to have to swallow your pride, but as long as you focus on getting someone back, it will be easier. When it comes to apologizing, how you say it is more important than what you say. You will have to specific, and you will have to be sincere. That's why it's so important to take the time to do some soul searching.
It would be great if you could just apologize and be done with it, but that's not the way it works. You not only have to say you're sorry in the right way, but you also have to show that you are sorry. The only real way to show you're sorry is to not make the same mistakes again. This isn’t always easy, but promises to do your best.
At the same time, you have to be willing to accept any apology your ex offers to you (though your apology is not dependent on whether or not they choose to say sorry to you). Once they ask for forgiveness, it's up to you to accept their act of contrition and forgive them. Remember, by knowing how to apologize, you can get your ex back. The key is to be honest, specific and sincere. That way you will get back together and for good.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

I Left My Wife Now I Want Her Back

Nobody likes going through a break up, it's just a fact of life. However, there are times when it seems as though we are in a marriage that's so bad, that we decide it's better to end it than it is to try to carry on. If you are reading this article, then it's a safe bet that you left your wife but now you want her back. Getting her back won't be easy, but it is possible if you go about it the right way.
The first thing you're going to have to do is act fast, but not too fast. There is a fine line here. If you wait too long, then there's a good chance she will find somebody new. On the other hand, if you don't wait long enough you will come across as being too pushy and she will pull even further away from you.
Perhaps you have already done a few things to try to get your ex wife back. One of the most common things fella’s do is buying their exes things like flowers, stuffed animals, cards and jewellery. This often backfires as women can perceive it as if you are trying to buy their affection. There is a term for paying for affection, but it's not a nice word. Even if you are doing it with the best of intentions, it may be taken the wrong way, especially if you have not yet reopened the lines of communication. This is exactly what you should do.
Sure, you left your wife and now you want her back, but you won't get anywhere by just thinking about it. You are going to have to talk to her about it at some point. However, you don't want to come on too strong right away. You should have only one goal when you talk to her, and that is to be able to talk to her again. The best way to do this is in small steps. The first time you talk to her, keep it low key, and don't talk about anything too serious; keep the conversation light and positive. This will make it so she'll be willing to talk to you again, and that's your goal.
Now, it's only fair to warn you: your ex wife is probably going to try to make you prove yourself. She may test you in various ways, and won't make it easy for you. After all, you were the one who left her, and she needs to be sure that you are serious about wanting to get back together.
Over time, she will start to see that you are serious, and will take you back. Pay attention to any signals she gives you, and respond accordingly. Be sure to talk about things, and discuss how it will be better this time. Talking about it is great, but it's not enough. You also have to be doing whatever it takes to make it work. How to get your ex wife back after you left her... a great strategy and determination is all you need!
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!