
Friday, 17 December 2010

Top 5 Ways to Get Over a Broken Heart

When people get into a relationship, they put their entire heart into the relationship. They put all of their emotions into that relationship. When the relationship ends, they feel stuck. It can be hard to figure out how to deal with the broken heart that comes from the end of that relationship. If you are trying to get over a broken heart, you need to make a conscious effort to heal. While every person will find success with different methods, these 5 tips can help you to get over a broken heart as fast as possible.

Have a Rebound

Some people see a rebound as a small escape from their overall heartbreak. Others see a rebound as an opportunity to be done with their broken heart altogether. This rebound can be a great short-term or long-term way to get over someone who has broken your heart.

Call Old Flames

Talking to people that you used to be in love with is a great way to mend a broken heart. Talking to people that you used to know will simply help to remind you that you have dealt with heartbreak before, and that you prevailed. It can be a good confidence boost for anyone dealing with a broken heart.

Treat Yourself

If you are dealing with a broken heart, treat yourself to some of your favourite things. Splurging on some of your favourite items, activities, or foods will help to give you some enjoyment during this rough time.

Surround Yourself with Friends

If you are dealing with a broken heart, you need to surround yourself with loved ones. Hang out with friends and family more than usual. Being around people who love you is a great way to slowly get over someone who does not love you anymore.

Talk to a Counsellor or Therapist

At first, the idea of talking to a counsellor or therapist for a broken hearts seems to be a little much for the situation. In all honesty, these professionals can seriously help those with a broken heart. Therapists simply help you to work out the issues that you have. You can talk openly and freely with these therapists. Many feel as though they open up more to them, as they know that they will not judge them. This back-and-forth conversation with a stranger will help you to deal with your broken heart.

It is important for you to realize that each and every person will find success in a different way. While some may find that a rebound is the best way to get over a broken heart, others will find success when they surround themselves with friends. You need to think about your own personality to choose the best method for your life.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

5 Tips For When Your Ex Wants To Get Back Together

Some people end their relationship with a clean break. Both parties agree that they should not be together. Others will simply end the relationship on their terms. While they are done with the relationship, the other person will still want to stay together. This relationship can be difficult, as the person who ended the relationship must deal with the ex who wanted to stay together. There will come a time when your ex wants to get back together. Instead of making an irrational decision, follow these 5 tips. These tips will help you to make the best decision.

Consider Your First Relationship

If your ex wants to get together again, you need to consider the relationship that you had. Why did you break up in the first place? You need to consider the end of your first relationship before you consider another one. If the issue is something that cannot be repaired, you should not even bother with a reconciliation attempt.

Consider Your Life Now

You need to make sure that you consider your life now when considering getting back together with an ex. You may be willing to give it a shot, but do you have the time? Are you in a place in your life where you can handle a full relationship? The answers to these questions will help you in your final decision making process.

Be Patient and Kind

It is important for you to be patient and kind to your ex. They are dealing with a lot of emotions. You want to make sure that you do not make these emotions stronger. Be patient with them and listen to what they have to say. This conversation may be useful to you, as it may help you to make up your mind.

Talk To your Friends

Talk to your friends about the situation. Talk to them about how your ex feels, how you feel, and all of the different factors that will affect your decision. It will be good for you to say these things out loud to someone, as it can be helpful to talk it through with someone.

Make the Decision On Your Own

In the end, you need to make sure that you are making the decision on your own. You should not make this decision based on your ex, or on your friends. Take yourself and your own feelings into consideration. This should be the basis for your final decision.

You need to make sure that you are looking out for yourself. While you should take the words of your ex and your friends into consideration, you need to make the decision on your own. Think about what is best for you when your ex wants to get back together. When you think about your best interests, you will always make the right decision.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

4 Easy Steps to Getting Over a Break Up

Author: Dave Islington

When dealing with getting over a break up we often dwell on things we can't change. There is no point going over and over in your mind things you cannot change. You need to focus on what you can change. There are several things you can do to deal with getting over a break up but in this article we will deal with the four best and least painful ways.

Let it All Go

Deal with your emotions, don't bottle anything up. If you feel angry, let it loose at the gym or in the garden on some project that would benefit from your aggression. Do not let it loose on people. If you are upset, have a good cry, it's all part of the healing process. If you are frustrated, write your thoughts down, you will be amazed how better you feel after. Keep a journal or let rip on a forum or blog. But the main thing is to let your emotions out; they are all part of the grieving process.

Get Out and About

You need to force yourself to go out and socialise. It won't be easy for some people but it is necessary. Spend time with people that love you, good friends and family, anyone that cares about you and will help you deal with this part of the process. Go out to restaurants, wine bars, clubs anything to get you out the house and with people that care about you.

Explore Your Freedom

Meeting new people is something you will have to do eventually so why not give it a go now. You never know what might happen and think positive; you may meet some really great people. I'm not talking about dating but pressure free conversations with new people. New people will be more interesting than the people you already know and will act as a great distraction from the getting over a break up feelings you are experiencing.

Allow Yourself Time

Everyone is different and so are the circumstances that create rifts between people. Give yourself adequate time to deal properly with getting over a break up. It's not easy and there are no easy answers sometimes but trying to do this quickly may cause more damage than good. You need to build your future on sound emotional foundations so that you can deal with anything that life throws at you in the future.

When I was growing up in London, England the old Cockneys used to say ‘what doesn't kill you, makes you strong' and getting over a break up is exactly what they mean. You fold or you get on with life and grow in character and become a better person because of it. We learn in life from every event that befalls us. We tend to learn more from the painful ones so use this negative event to be a positive and stronger person. Misery or happiness can be around any corner so we have no choice but to keep walking.

I hope this has helped and as we say in London... ‘be lucky'!

5 Ways To Write Getting Back Together Letters

There are a million different ways to try to win back your ex. One of the best methods to getting back with an ex is to write getting back together letters. These letters can help your ex to better understand your emotions. You may be able to talk them into giving your relationship a second chance through these emotions. If you are thinking about writing a letter to your ex, you have a few different options and methods to choose from.

Write Emails

If you are trying to get your point across to your ex as fast as possible, use email messages for your letters. These messages will reach your ex faster than any other method. There is an issue with this method, however, as some exes may see an email as impersonal. Be sure to be sincere and thoughtful in your message, as this will overshadow the impersonal nature of an email.

Write Hand-Written Notes

If you want to be romantic, write a hand-written note. These notes are seen as incredibly thoughtful and romantic. Your ex may see these as thoughtful and romantic because you took the time to make something for them. Handwritten notes are also seen as more personal. This could be a signal to your ex that you are taking time out of your life to get them back into your life.

Give With Gifts

Some people see gifts as thoughtful and cute. Others see gifts as unnecessary bribes. If your ex is someone who enjoys gifts, consider a gift with the letter. This small gift simply shows your ex that you are thinking about them. It shows that you are interested, and that you’ve paid attention to the things that they would enjoy.

Deliver Without Gifts

It can be easy to throw the kitchen sink at your ex. You want to give them everything, and show them all of your emotions at once. You may want to consider avoiding gifts with the letters. Use the letters as a starting point. If your ex is responding to these letters, gifts may be an important and powerful next step. By starting without gifts, you are getting a feel for their thoughts on the situation as a whole.

Use Song Lyrics

If you want to try something different and unique, compose a letter that is comprised of nothing but song lyrics. This is a time-consuming project that will show your ex that you are taking your tie to be thoughtful and unique as you try to win them back.

You need to take your ex’s personality into consideration when you choose your method. The method should speak to their emotions. While some will see an e-mail as impersonal, others will see it as thoughtful. While some will see a gift as a bribe, others will see it as a nice gesture. Choose the method that is the best communication method for you and your ex. If you are going to write getting back together letters, you will want to make sure that they hear your message loud and clear.