
Saturday, 1 October 2011

Is Saving Your Marriage Worth It?

It's a fact of life, there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Sure, some of them may be wonderful, but perfection is a myth. Now that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for perfection; for constant improvement, because you should. However, there are also those marriages that are in so much trouble that you have to wonder is saving a marriage worth it.
Maybe you are in such a situation yourself. You have tried reading books about making your marriage better. You have been to a therapist; you have been to a retreat that promised results. You have done all of those things but yet you're wondering if saving the marriage is worth it, or if it's even possible at all.
Don't worry if you are thinking that way, it happens a lot more often than you think. It doesn't make you a bad person. Some people may question whether or not the even care, but here's the thing: the very fact that you are asking such questions is proof that your marriage can be saved, and that it may be worth it.
Before you get too excited, however, you need to talk to your spouse. This will take some preparation. You need to know why you want to turn things around for the better, and be able to explain your feelings in a calm and rational way. It won't be easy, but it will give you the best chance of success.
If things are really bad, your spouse may not be interested in saving the marriage. Can you blame them? After all, what they don't want to save is a bad marriage. In other words, they don't want to save the marriage in the state it's currently in. That makes sense, doesn't it?
So, it stands to reason that the marriage needs to change into one that is worth saving. You already know that it is, but you need to show your spouse that that's the case, too. You can't do this through promises, you can't do it through force; you can only do it by making real changes. Remember, the only person you can change is yourself, so that's where you will have to start.
Once you have started changing yourself, it's time to work on the marriage. This will also take work. You need to treat the marriage with the care and respect it's worthy of. Look for the problem areas and work to get rid of them. Ignoring the problems won't work, so be willing to face them head on.
Make changes for the positive, and over time your spouse will notice. They won't change right away. They may also want to see if the changes you are making are for real, so do your best to stick to them. Do all of these things and the next time you ask if saving your marriage is worth it, you can answer with a great big "Yes!"
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Friday, 30 September 2011

How to Stop a Separation

A break up is a tough thing to go through when you are dating. But when you are married, a break up is much more than just a break's a separation. When this happens it's quite common for one of the spouses to want to know how to stop a separation, with that in mind, here are some things to help you do that.
Before you actually try to stop your separation, you need to ask yourself if it's really the right thing to do. Perhaps you still love your spouse and you would like to make things work. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. However, it's in your best interest to take plenty of time to think things through. Why do you really want to stop the separation? Is it because you are in love, or is it because you feel more secure, being married? The main thing is to be honest with yourself, regardless of where that honesty leads.
From here on we will assume that you have the right motivations for wanting to stop your separation. If you have only been threatened with separation, try to find out how serious the threat is. That's not to downplay it as an idle threat. Any time the D-word is brought up, it should be taken seriously. At the same time, sometimes people get frustrated in the heat of an argument and say they want a separation. But deep down, what they really men is that they don't know what else to say and they just want to be away from you until you both calm down.
So, take some time to find out what's really going on. If your spouse still says they want a separation even when you are not mad at each other, then you need to start taking action right away. Whatever you do, don't get mad. Treat it in as calm of a manner as possible and find out what is at the root of them wanting to be separated.
Once you know why they want a separation, you will be in a better position to stop a separation from happening. However, you also need to ask yourself what changes will have to be made to make things work, and if you will be willing and able to make those changes.
Now, what if your spouse has already seen a lawyer to start separation proceedings against you? This will make things that much harder, but it's still possible to stop a separation even after the papers have been filed. You will need to be at the top of your game and ready to do some serious work. However, if you really want to be with your spouse and restore your marriage, then doing whatever it takes is what you'll have to do?
These things are never easy, but don't lose hope. Total honesty, being open and making the needed changes will give you the best chance to stop a separation.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Dealing With Marriage Break Up - Sort It Out!

One of the worst things to have to go through is the breakdown of a marriage. It may not seem like you'll ever feel like you again. In most cases it will take time to get back to the 'normal' life you had before. The longer and more intense the marriage the longer it usually takes dealing with marriage break up.
There are no hard and fast rules about how long it should take to move on after a breakup. Everyone is different. Sometimes friends and family may mean well when they tell you to 'get back out there' but in reality, they may be depriving you of the opportunity to get your head around everything that has happened.
This time to regroup and sort everything out is very important, if it's done right. It's not about wallowing in 'what if's' or stalking your ex, or spending weeks on the couch convinced that your life is over. If you spend this time analyzing the marriage, good and bad, try to figure out honestly where you went wrong, you'll stand a much better chance of being able to move on with minimal baggage.
Now, no one is saying that you'll be able to look at things logically and clearly in a few weeks. In most cases it will take a month, or months, to get enough distance to be able to start deconstructing where the marriage went wrong, and that is one of the reasons you don't need to rush the 'moving on' stage.
On the other hand, you should be making at least small, consistent strides forward after a month or so. If not, you may need some extra help. If you're just not moving on, even in baby steps, you should seek help. The same thing holds true if you find yourself engaging in self destructive behaviour such as having sex with anyone you can find or drinking too much.
Don't think of this as being a sign of weakness, as a matter of fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It takes enormous amounts of strength and courage to admit you have a problem and ask for help.
If you are doing o.k. on your own than one of the things you should be doing is spending time doing positive things with positive people. Most of us have that one friend who seems to be able to make us laugh no matter what is going on in our world. Spend time with that person.
It's also a good idea to rediscover yourself, those parts you put on hold when you were with your spouse. Those things you like to do but didn't do because your spouse didn't want to do them. Now is the time to re acquaint you with those activities.
Breakups suck! I'm sorry but there's just no polite way to say it. The nice thing is that if you approach it the right way, you can find constructive ways of dealing with marriage break up that might not only help you move on a little more quickly, but that also might help you out in your next relationship.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

How Do I Save My Marriage? Save Yourself!

Author: Clare Price

How do I save my marriage?  That is probably one of the most common questions you can find if you do a search for marriage advice online. It's a sad situation to be in. No one wants to stand idly by and watch their marriage crash and burn. You don't have to.  There are many things you can do to not only save your marriage but to even improve it and maybe make it better than it ever was before.
One thing I always tell people is a good marriage starts with you.  It may seem odd but most people look to their spouse when they are trying to find or fix a marriage. If you start with you, you'll have a much better chance of having the kind of marriage we all dream of.
You see that nothing dooms a marriage, or dooms you to choosing the wrong person, more than being insecure.  True, we all have insecurities but some of us have more or deeper ones, than others.
If you want to find someone who is confidant and willing and able to treat their spouse with love, respect and friendship than you have to be someone who is confidant and can treat your spouse with love respect and friendship.
If you are insecure you will only attract insecure people to you. In this scenario it usually goes a little like this: you have a woman who doesn't feel really good about herself. Maybe she's a little overweight or maybe she's beautiful but has just had too many people undermine her sense of self so she doesn't believe it.
What kind of man do you think she will attract... a confidant successful man or an insecure clown who always acts like he has something to prove? You guessed it, the clown.
That's because a confidant man would get bored with her neediness and insecurities. Those aren't attractive traits. An insecure man, on the other hand, would love to have a beautiful woman on his arm that he can boss around. It makes him feel like a big man, he can brag to his friends, etc.
So if you want to have someone worthwhile in your life, you have to become someone confident enough to 'demand' that.  It might even take some therapy but it's worth investing the time in you.
Trust me; I know what I'm talking about. My first marriage was to an insecure man like I described above. I was unsure of myself and he took every opportunity he could find to reinforce my insecurities.
After that disaster ended I took some time for me. I became the woman I always wanted to be. And of course, I still have some insecurity, but they're minor and they don't rule who I am. Now I'm in a fantastic marriage and I can honestly say that my spouse truly is my best friend and always has been.
So if you're asking: "how do I save my marriage?"  You may just find that you have to save yourself first.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Healthy Relationships - Remove Your Blinkers

We all want healthy relationships, but how do we go about finding the right person so that we can have a great relationship? Well, to tell you the truth, it might be easier to tell you what not to do, than what to do if you want a great loving relationship.
Of course, we want all the relationships we enter into to be healthy, not just the romantic ones. We want good relationships with friends, families, children, siblings, etc, but for the purpose of this article I'm going to concentrate on the romantic variety (though much of this advice will work for other types of relationships too).
People make a lot of mistakes on their quest for love. They overlook very obvious signs of trouble in the beginning. Its' much easier to end a relationship when you start to see signs that the person you're involved with isn't really right for you, early in the relationship. The further the relationship progresses, and the deeper the feelings become, the harder it is to end things.
That's why it's so important to take off the blinkers right from the start. Now, a word of caution, you can't get too caught up on every little thing and set your expectations so high that you're being unreasonable either. No one is perfect, not even you. The trick is to find someone as close to your definition of perfect as possible.
Someone who lies, especially early in the relationship when everyone is supposed to be on their best behaviour, should be a deal breaker. Someone who is always a few minutes late, while annoying, might be something you will be able to overlook if everything else is wonderful.
You do have to pick and choose, just like they will have to do with you and your foibles. The point is that things that are a sign of a serious character flaw such as lying, cheating, or being abusive are not the kinds of things that should be overlooked. More often than not, these traits tend to get worse with familiarity which means the longer the two of you are together, the worse things will probably become.
So the next time that 'great' new fella you just met makes a 'joke' about how fat you're getting you really need to stop and think. If his 'jokes' bother you, tell him. The way he responds will tell you all you need to know. If he sincerely apologizes for hurting your feelings and follows that apology up by not doing it anymore he was probably really just making a joke and meant no harm.
But if he turns it around on you and blames you for being 'too sensitive' and then continues to do it over and over again (or some variation thereof) he's an abusive person and you should kick him to the curb before it goes any further.
There is a lot of information available on how to find and have healthy relationships, and a lot of it can be helpful. But in the end, you'll have to rely on your own common sense and if you don't ignore the warning signs early on you'll greatly increase your chances of finding someone who can make you happy for the long haul.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Marriage Advice The Truth Is Sometimes Painful

There are probably thousands of places online and off where you can get marriage advice. Some of the sources will make a lot of sense and resonate with you... others, not so much. Sometimes it's best to go to the one place you know that will give you the best advice, your own heart and soul, as long as you don't ignore the stuff you don't want to face.
I've often said that we all know what the issues are in our marriage. We just don't want to face them so we push those unpleasant truths so far down that they just don't seem real anymore.
We convince ourselves that we were wrong and the reason our marriage is bad isn't because our husband is a nasty drunk. We tell ourselves the real problem is that he has a bad leg and is in a lot of pain, or that he's under a lot of stress at work, etc. In other words, we lie to ourselves.
 The best marriage advice I can give you is to be brutally honest with yourself. Stop lying to yourself and face the truth. I tell that to my sister all the time. The fella I described above is her husband. She calls me at least once a week complaining about some nasty thing he has said or done. It gets old.
I've told her that she has two choices: she can kick his useless ass to the curb or she can shut up and accept him for what he is (which isn't much!).  Sorry to sound so harsh, but that's really all there is in many cases.
Now, true, sometimes good people and good marriages just run into trouble. But in my experience with my friends I have to say that to me it looks more like they've just picked the wrong person for the wrong reason and don't want to face it.
Sometimes therapy can help. It's going to depend on how committed each of you is to working things out. It's very likely that you are both going to hear things about yourself that you may not want to hear, if you're not totally committed to the process you'll shut down once that happens.
In a lot of cases though, you really need to face the cold hard truth that you may not be with the right person. On the surface that may sound like a tragedy but I have to ask you, do you know what it's like to be in a marriage that is loving and kind? To really be with someone who you like and trust completely? It's sad but I know a lot of people don't honestly know what that's like.
If you don't know what that's like you are doing yourself a big disservice clinging to a bad marriage. You might just be able to find real happiness, I know I did and it wasn't with my ex. That is the best marriage advice I've got!
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Effective Communication in Marriages, What Do You Mean?

I know you've heard it so often that it probably sounds like a cliché, but effective communication in marriages is the number one way to make sure that your good marriage stays good. It's not just about being able to talk about your problems, it's also about being able to share your hopes, dreams and goals and letting the other person know how much you care.
It never ceases to amaze me when people are on the phone with their spouse how they'll end the conversation with a casual ‘love you too'. I'm not saying that's bad, but I am saying that this 'habit' is just one example of how we think that we're telling our spouse how we feel when we're really not.
Its way too easy to say what you're expected to say with no real meaning behind the words. We all do it. That is at the basis for poor communication skills in a marriage. If I asked one hundred people if they talk to their spouse as openly and candidly as they do their best friend, I'll bet around 90 of them would say 'no'.
That's because many of us just hold our tongue because we don't want to rock the boat. If things are going well you don't want to bring up uncomfortable subjects and ruin the good mood. And if things are going bad you've got enough to deal with without bringing up more issues. So the 'bad' things never get talked about.
Or at least they never get talked about until you're really angry at your spouse and then it all comes out like a tsunami and your spouse is likely feeling a little blindsided. I think we've all been guilty of doing that at one time or another.
It's important for the two of you to be able to talk to each other in a safe environment. Your spouse has to know that if they want to talk about something that you're not going to 'attack' them. Whether it's getting mad and yelling, or trying to make them feel guilty because they hurt your feelings. It's all an attack and it's all very manipulative. The point is you have to be willing to listen to it all, good and bad.
Of course, the same exact thing holds true for your spouse too. It's got to be give and take. You should both be willing to listen to the issues the other one has and you should both be able to talk about the issues you have, without being punished by getting the cold shoulder or being yelled at.
Most of this will start with each of you having enough self confidence to not take everything personally. If your spouse tries to talk to you about a problem and all you hear is "you're not good enough" or "you're not smart enough" or "I don't love you" than the issue is with you, not them. Get that fixed first.
Do yourself and your spouse a favour; take the time to learn the skills to effective communication in marriages.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Understanding Men... The Rules of Engagement!

Author: Clare Price
Oh, please, like I'm going to be able to give you information on understanding men in this short article!  Women have been trying to figure them out since the dawn of time, and we still can't quite get a handle on it.  I guess there are a few things that I've kind of figured out over the years that might just help you out a little bit.
I'm not someone with a fancy degree or a lot of initials behind my name. But I am someone who pays attention and has come to a few conclusions about men. Some of my insights might help clarify these strange beasts. Some of my insights aren't all that complimentary about these strange beasts, no offense is intended.
I was married for 16 years to a 'man'. I put the word man in quotes because my ex acted a lot more like a spoiled and scared little boy than what I always thought a man should act like and not because he was a cross dresser, though that might have made him more interesting!
Anyway, my ex was abusive. No, not in the extreme way most people think of when they hear the word abusive, his abuse was a little more subtle than a slap in the face... but just barely. He loved to ridicule me and cut me down in front of his family. I thought it was more than a little pathetic how he curried favour with his mommy by treating his wife like crap.
After the marriage was over and I had some time to think about things it occurred to me that it wasn't really about me at all. He was lashing out at me for some insecurities he had (probably related to his mommy, but that's a whole other article).  So once I realized that he was just fundamentally flawed, and I should never have married him in the first place, things began to make more sense.
It wasn't that there was anything wrong with me (except the aforementioned shouldn't have married him part) it's just that he was so riddled with insecurities and doubt that he had to try to make me feel as bad about myself as he did about himself... and it worked. I felt like the biggest failure as a wife and mother for a long time.
I went to a therapist after my marriage to try and make sense of it all and that's the conclusion I came to. The fact that he has since remarried (I kid you not, an ex stripper) just reinforces the conclusions I came to. He finally found a woman who had less confidence than he did, a match made in heaven!
The bottom line is this ladies: pick the right guy. That may sound simple, but it's true. I think most of us can look back on a bad relationship and, if we're honest with ourselves, realize that there were warning signs from the start. Signs that we chose to ignore. If you don't ignore the warnings you won't need any more help understanding men, most of it will just fall into place!
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!