
Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Is Your Boyfriend Having an Emotional Affair?

Is your boyfriend having an emotional affair, or are you just worried that he is? In some ways emotional affairs may even be worse than the physical kind, though no one wants to have to deal with the aftermath of either. No one wants to think that their boyfriend can actually be in love with someone else, at least if it was just physical you could console yourself with the idea that "didn't mean anything" but you have no such solace with an emotional affair.
It's often said that a man rarely leaves his wife for the other woman, but when love is involved the odds of him leaving to be with the woman he loves are a lot higher. That is part of the reason an emotional affair can be so damaging to a relationship and it is not something to be taken lightly.
It can be quite easy for anyone to get caught up in an attraction especially if they are spending a lot of time with someone, say a co-worker.  When two people who have a lot in common are thrown together day in and day out (not to mention over night business trips and the occasional weekend retreat) it's no wonder that an emotional romance can happen.
Once that attraction and affection grows, it's often not long until the relationship turns physical and they act on the feelings they are having for each other. It's not uncommon for the people involved in the relationship to be in a state of denial, they don't even know that they are having feelings for someone other than their partner or that what they are doing really is cheating.
Here are some signs that your boyfriend is becoming too involved with a co-worker:
1. If your boyfriend suddenly starts taking more time with his appearance before heading off to work. Or, he starts working out. Of course, you don't want to jump to any conclusions he might just have finally gotten fed up with his spare tire, but it is certainly something to keep an eye on.
2. If he seems to be working a lot of extra time, going to more after work meetings and gatherings. This is really something to worry about if he used to take you to afterhours office functions but now he tells you that you would "just be bored" and he'll go alone.
3. If he suddenly starts acting differently; things like leaving the room to take a call, or closing the door when he is on his computer. These are definite signs that he is doing something he doesn't want you to know about. Further discussion between the two of you is in order.
4. This is probably the biggest sign that whatever is going on is emotional and not physical and that he may not even realize it: he talks about a certain person, female, from work a lot. If your boyfriend suddenly starts a lot of sentences with "So and So said this" or "So and so did that" you might have a problem brewing.
Is your boyfriend having an emotional affair? If you're not sure, there are some things to look for.  Hopefully nothing is wrong but if it is, there is nothing to be gained by ignoring it.
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Tips on How to Get Over a Divorce

You may be wondering if there are any tips on how to get over a divorce more quickly. The answer is yes, there are. But, that doesn't mean that it will still happen overnight, but it can happen a little more quickly and with a little less pain.
The very first thing to do is to acknowledge that you are hurt and that you will miss your ex and that you will go through some pain. No point in trying to pretend that everything is ok, it's not, yet, but it will be. Trying to ignore your pain or pushing it so far down that it doesn't seem real is only going to make things a lot worse in the long run.
For the first couple of days or weeks, give yourself permission to whine, wallow and wail. If you want to cry, scream, obsess and eat ice cream it's perfectly ok. The only things you should not do are those things that may cause more problems down the road. You know self destructive things like drinking too much or having sex with lots of other people.
While we're on the subject of things you shouldn't do - you shouldn't listen to people who tell you that you should be over your pain in a certain amount of time. These people probably mean well, but it's just plain dumb to set a time limit on your grief. Everyone is different and it will take as long as it takes.
Once you've spent this much needed time venting, it's time to pull yourself back up and start living again. Now just to be clear, I'm not talking about dating. It's much too soon for that, I'm just talking about doing positive things that made you happy in the past and can, if not make you happy; at least lessen some of the pain you are feeling now.
Now is not the time to be alone either. You want to surround yourself with positive people, friends and family, who you can lean on and who will encourage you to pursue positive things that can help you heal a little faster.
If you really want to focus on things that make you feel better focus on doing the things that you have always wanted to do but never got around to. If you have always wanted to travel to another country, or take a class or learn to paint, whatever it is, do it now.
Learning a new skill or trying something new can be like a balm to your damaged soul. These activities may not make the healing go any faster but learning something new and keeping your mind off of your ex and your pain may make it seem like it went faster.
So, to recap, the best advice on how to get over a divorce: stay positive, stay away from negative activities and negative people, allow yourself time to grieve, try new things, and take care of you. These things can help you feel a little better a little quicker and they can also help you avoid going into your next relationship with a lot of baggage.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

How to Spot the Warning Signs of an Emotional Affair

If you are worried about your partner and fear that you see some warning signs of an emotional affair than there are a few things that you can be on the lookout for. Just remember that it's very easy to let your imagination run away with you. You have to be careful to not see things that aren't really there.
Many of the tips I'm about to give you can be signs of an affair but they can also be innocent and may not mean a thing. Just don't risk making things worse by assuming something that may not be the case. If something seems wrong don't accuse your partner, instead open a dialog with them and ask them about your concerns.
In some ways emotional affairs can be the most damaging. It may actually be a little easier to forgive a physical indiscretion since it didn't mean anything anyway, but an emotional connection with another person is particularly upsetting and hard to get over.
Here are a few possible indicators that something is going on:
1. Your partner suddenly starts working out or has a sudden interest in wearing new and nicer clothes. Again, this might be totally innocent but if it seems like it is coming out of the blue than it may be a sign of trouble.
2. If your partner seems to be spending a lot more time at work than normal. A lot of sudden overtime may be a sign that something is going on. Keep your eyes open and don't accuse, but it can't hurt to talk.
3. If your partner suddenly starts talking about a co worker a lot. If all of a sudden you are hearing your partner talk about the same person and there is a lot of affection in their tone, it may be a sign of an emotional affair. Sometimes an emotional affair can sneak up on people. Even if your partner is starting to have feelings for someone, they may not realize just what is going on yet; all the more reason to not jump down their throats.
4. If your partner is suddenly very private about their phone conversations and computer habits, it is a strong indicator that they are doing something they don't want you to know about. You need to find out what that "something" is (or who it is).
It's all too easy to slowly have an attraction grow between two people who spend a lot of time together and have a lot in common. That's why work place affairs happen so often. But before you run off and accuse your partner of something that you think they have done, you had better be sure or you can really make a mess of your relationship.
Looking for warning signs emotional affair? If you are at that point it's very likely that something has happened to make you suspicious. You know the saying "where there's smoke there's fire" so assuming that you aren't just overly paranoid and jealous, by the time you start to get suspicious it's likely that there is something happening.
But before you run off and accuse your partner of something that you think they have done, you had better be sure or you can really make a mess of your relationship.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!

How to Know Mr Right from the Charlatan

Many a women has been fooled by a fella who has put on a good show, pretended to be very interested in them and as soon as he got them in to bed, he was gone. If you want to be able to tell the difference between a smooth talking fake and the real deal, and how to know Mr Right, keep reading for some helpful tips.
Guys like to say that they don't understand women, but the truth is many guys have women pegged. They have made it an art form to know just how to act and just what to say to convince the woman that they are really interested. The problem is that it's all a show. They are only acting that way because they want to get her into bed and afterwards they're gone.
That can be truly devastating to a woman who thought she may have found Mr. Right only to discover that he is just another charlatan.
There are many signs that the fella you are dating may not be the person who is claiming to be. Most of them are just common sense, and if you don't ignore your gut instincts you will be fine:
1. If you have a feeling that your Mr. Right is a cheat or a liar than he probably is. Trust your instincts. If you've heard stories about how someone is a player, don't ignore them, where there is smoke there is fire. When we ignore our instincts is when we get in trouble.
2. If the fella is interested in you, he will call you... often. If he is interested you will be on his mind all the time, it won't be a chore to talk to you.
3. A fella who is only interested in one thing and who is trying to pretend to be something more than he is, won't work that hard. If you pay attention he will let things slip, he will show his true colours. Like I said above, as long as you don't conveniently ignore the warning signs, you can be just fine.
4. When you are just falling in love, your instincts may be compromised, but your friends instincts won't be. If your friends don't like your new fella, don't just dismiss them. They are probably picking up on something you're just not able to see.
5. Watch carefully how he reacts when things don't go his way. If he gets really mad and has a hard time laughing at himself when he does something dumb, he really isn't going to be a lot of fun to be around.
How does he treat waiters and waitresses? Is he rude and abrasive or is he kind? He will tell you all you need to know, all you need to do is to keep your eyes open and don't ignore the warning signs.
Even though there are guys out there who like to lie and pretend to be something they aren't, learning how to know Mr Right isn't that hard, keep your eyes open, trust your instincts and listen to your friends.
How does he treat waiters and waitresses? Is he rude and abrasive or is he kind? He will tell you all you need to know, all you need to do is to keep your eyes open and don't ignore the warning signs.
What if you could recapture your ex lovers mind, heart and soul?...Wipe the slate clean? Turn back time? Even if you feel right now that your situation is too far gone…too screwed up …or just plain too darn complicated?
Click Here and find out how an ordinary guy has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love even though they thought it couldn't happen!