
Saturday, 29 October 2011

To Win an Ex Partner Back - Know Your Enemy

Learning the tricks on how to win an ex partner back might be tougher than you think. No, it's not impossible. As a matter of fact it's probably more achievable than you may realize. The real problem is that in order to make things work this time around you may need to face someone that can really be difficult to face, and that someone is you.
There are issues in any relationship. Some issues are big and some are small. Sometimes the issues are fairly evenly divided between the two partners and even though it seems like only one person is to blame for the whole mess it really does take two to tango. You both need to work on things together.
In order to learn how to win an ex partner back you have to be willing to face whatever issues you brought to the relationship, and that's not always fun to do.  If you're strong enough and determined enough to get them back then you'll find the strength you need to face what you need to face.
One thing to look out for though, do not make the mistake of thinking that just because you make changes everything will be great for the two of you. It might be if you were 100% at fault with everything that went wrong and your ex was perfect, but of course, we both know that is not the case. You can't change your ex, only they can change themselves but if they are not willing to fix themselves the way you are fixing yourself, it might be all for naught.
So, how do you go about making changes?  Well, you figure out your issues and if you are completely honest with yourself you can figure out why you have the issues you have.
For example, if you get jealous easily, it could mean that you have either had someone cheat on you or you just do not feel worthy of love. If you do not feel like you are worthy, it is only natural that on some level you would think that he has made a big mistake loving you and that sooner or later he will realize his mistake and leave you.
So you try to sabotage the relationship and make them leave you. Sounds stupid, I know, but it usually is a subconscious thing and you really do not know that you are doing it until someone points it out to you.
This may not apply to you, but if deep down that's how you feel then that is how you are going to react.  This could be the big problem why you can't seem to stay in a relationship. The best thing you can do for yourself is to find someone who can help you work through all of this. Do not be afraid of the idea of working with a therapist. Just find one that you like, feel comfortable with, trust and who can point you in the right direction.
It is really not all that hard learning how to win an ex partner back. It will take time and persistence on your part and if you can find the ability to see it through you will be able to have great relationships for the rest of your life.
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Friday, 28 October 2011

Do I Want My Ex Wife Back For Keeps?

The answer to the question 'do I want my ex wife back?' is if you are thinking that you do then you probably do. You see if your ex wife still loves you, no matter how much you've messed up in the past, she will more than likely be receptive to you if you can prove to her that she won't be wasting her time and that she won't get hurt again.
No one wants to be hurt and no one wants to set themselves up to be hurt by trusting someone who has already proven they can't be trusted. For this reason you will probably be able to win her back but you had better expect an uphill climb. 
The first step is to give her a little time and space. Don't rush her or expect everything to happen quickly. It takes a lot longer to rebuild trust than it took to tear it apart.  More than likely by the time you've gotten to this point you've let her down more than once. Please don't think that all that past hurt and all those mistakes will go away and she'll forget about them just because you say 'I'm sorry' or you tell her that 'I've changed'. She'll probably need to see some proof that that is true.
It is important for you to concentrate on yourself instead of just trying to convince her you have changed. It will take you time to truly change the person that you are and you do not ever want to make the mistake of thinking you can somehow trick her into believing you are a different man.
Even if you could what would that accomplish? Eventually she will just see that you have lied to her again and she will just leave you again and the two of you will truly be done. It is much better to do the work and actually make the changes and make them permanent. It will not only give you the answer to the question 'do I want my ex wife back' it will also help you to keep the relationship strong and just make you a better person overall.
Depending on how much time has passed since the two of you broke up, you may want to start all over with your ex. Pretend like the two of you are just getting to know each other. Take it very slow. The worst thing you can do at that point is to try and talk her into trusting you again. Do not just pay more lip service to it. Instead try to spend time with her, just as a friend, and let her see that you've really changed. When she sees it with her own eyes it is much more likely that she will learn to trust you again.
Remember, if you want to know 'do I want my ex wife back' the answer really lies mostly with you. Love does not die that easily so unless you really treated her badly it is very likely that she still cares for you. It is up to you to prove to her that she's not a fool for taking you back.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!

Get Your Ex Husband Back - Hot Tips That Work

Want some great advice on how to get your ex husband back? Well, here are some things that may just work for you. Of course, getting your husband back depends on what happened between the two of you and how you have handled things since the breakup. If you've been a screaming Mimi it will take a little longer. The best thing to do is to just get started.
Give your ex husband some space. Don't hassle him with phone calls, emails, or texts. None of those things are very attractive and it's unlikely that if you act like that he's going to come running back to you. Do not get obsessed with getting him back; instead live your life and figure out how to make yourself a better person. What part did you play in the relationship breaking apart?  Figure out what you did wrong and then make it better.
No one is perfect and not only one of you is completely to blame for your relationship falling apart. Figure out what you can improve on and what you may have done that contributed to the breakup of your relationship. Then address those issues so if you and your ex do get back together you can make it work the next time around.
Even if you and your ex are not able to work things out, at least you will have learned what not to do and you will bring a better you to all the other relationships you will have in the future. You really can't lose.
I know it will be hard for you to admit to some of your faults but it is absolutely necessary. Do not think that you can fix all the problems all by yourself either. Many women make the mistake of thinking this way and thinking this way can get you into more trouble. It's enough for you to fix you right now but if the two of you do get back together then it will have to be a mutual effort.  Unless you were with a total saint and you are completely responsible for the problems both of you will have to work on things. But that's something that will come later, for now it's all about you and learning how to get your ex husband back.
Once you've given your ex husband some space and had some time to take a deep breath, the next thing you should do is try to find your ex and see if they want to get together.  Do not do anything drastic. Do not act like the two of you are already back together, just get together as friends. This time together will tell you a lot about what your chances of making things work out really are.  For example, if the two of you meet and you’re ex husband seems really happy to see you, take this as a good sign. Do not get your hopes up too high but it is definitely a good start.
On the flip side, if your ex spends the whole time talking about his new girlfriend, it's not a very good sign.  Again, no matter what happens at least you can walk away knowing that you tried and that you didn't make a fool of yourself. Not only that, but you've spent some time improving the person you are. No matter what happens, these tips will help get your ex husband back.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Cheated Wife Move On With Your Life!

If you have become a cheated wife, I am sure you are wondering what you should do now to try to get over your ex. You are more than likely feeling hurt, anger, and resentment over the situation, and you need someone to talk to or someone to tell you what to do. 
First off, that's the wrong approach, you do not need someone to tell you what to do but you do need someone to listen. There's nothing wrong with hurting when someone you love is no longer in your life. I'm not saying you should break down and sob in front of your friends, but unless your friends are complete witches they should be able to support you while you're going through this tough time.
Sometimes, in any given situation, it's just as important to know what not to do as it is to know what to do.  For example, do not hook up with other fella’s. I know, this could help your wounded pride heal and it may take away some of the hurt for a little while, but what about that other fella? Does he really deserve to be treated like a stand in for your ex? What has he ever done to you?  No, it's best to just resist the urge to sleep with other fella’s at least for a little while until you can do it for the right reasons and not just to build up your own ego, or ease your hurt, or get back at your ex.
Another thing you need to avoid is the dumb move of going out and getting wasted. Ask yourself what have you really accomplished? Probably just the biggest hangover you have ever had, that's what. If you want to go out with your friends and have some fun to keep your mind off of things, be my guest. But if you want to drink yourself into a stupor then avoid doing it in public, stay home where you won't make a fool of yourself and where you can't hurt anyone.
Instead of wallowing in self pity when you're a cheated wife, try doing something positive that won't leave you feeling even worse. How about joining a gym and getting in shape?  Why not take a class or go back to school?  Go cry on your mommy's shoulder.
It doesn't matter what it is you do, as long as the things you choose are healthy and will eventually move you forward in your life. They can help you take your mind off your ex, and your anger, and concentrate on something that is worthwhile.
Avoiding the destructive behaviours after a breakup and improving the woman you are will enable you to move forward in a positive way and will greatly increase the odds that your next relationship will work out better than your last one did. So if you're a cheated wife take stock of the woman you are and make improvements while you are healing your broken heart.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!

Monday, 24 October 2011

How to Get Your Ex Husband Back Fast

Before you learn how to get your ex husband back, it's important that you stop yourself for a minute and ask yourself why you want him back. I know, you'll say it's because you still love him, and you might, but are you sure that really is the main reason? Look, it is really easy to feel your life has been shaken to its foundation after a breakup and we find ourselves scrambling to get back to anything that feels normal. This could be a big reason that you want him back but it's not a good one.
You really need to not only be completely honest about the reasons you want him back, you also need to be totally honest when it comes time to evaluate if the relationship was even healthy enough to continue with. So the question should be not about how to get him back but whether or not you should get back with him at all.
You should not get back with him if there was any type of abuse at all; physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional. You absolutely should not get back with him even if he promises he will change. He won't! 
If he has been in therapy for some time and has shown a commitment to changing then maybe you could consider reconciling with him but keep in mind that the two of you fell into a certain dynamic when you were together and it's very likely that you will fall back into that same dynamic if you get together again. Therapy or no therapy?
If, after careful consideration, you both decide that the relationship is worth another chance, here are some things that will show you how to get your ex husband back:
1. First of all, try to contact him to see if he is even receptive to the idea. Stay casual; do not let him know right away that you want to get back together with him. Keep the conversation easy and light and just suggest meeting as friends.  If he says no, then you have your answer. If he doesn't even want to meet for coffee as friends, it's unlikely that he will want to get back together as a couple with you.
If he says yes, keep everything very casual, just talk, have fun, most of all be yourself and do not try too hard. You will only succeed in turning him away. Everything will probably progress from there if he is interested in getting back together with you too.
2. If he shows no interest of reconciling with you, walk away with your head held high.  Be proud of yourself that you tried. Nothing ventured... nothing gained, it is important though, to know when to call it a day.  Do not get angry or threaten him in any way. Just wish him well and say goodbye. At least that way you won't feel like a fool every time you remember the meeting.
These are simple things you can do to find out if he is receptive to reconciliation and if not you can move on knowing that you tried.  Please take the time, first, to make sure that you really know how to get your ex husband back and why; because not all relationships should be saved.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

How To Win Love Back For Good

My marriage has been a little rocky lately and I decided to do some research on how to win love back. The first thing I learned was we need to learn how to communicate better. How hard could this be really, we used to talk about everything all the time. I am going to follow the tips and steps I learned and start as soon as we both get home tonight. We can cook dinner, have some wine and start talking while we eat.
I learned that I have to be honest with myself and that no matter how much I want my marriage to work I may not be able to save it. My husband needs to want to save it, too, and be willing to work on everything that needs work. I can't do it all by myself and I can't force him to want to work on it if he really does not want to.
I also realized that we don't have a clue on how to communicate correctly. Sure, we talk, but we don't really 'get' each other most of the time. So often when I try to tell him how I feel he gets mad and thinks I'm attacking him. I am not trying to attack him in any way, I am just trying to tell him how I feel and express my worries or fears. 
I am going to suggest we talk about why we haven't been getting along lately, and try to get his take on things, too. He may have a different way of looking at everything that I do and maybe we can compare notes, so to speak, and come up with a good strategy. I know this is going to take some time and work on both our parts but I want to win love back.
Hopefully if dinner goes well we can start to figure out how to spend more quality time together. I will tell him that I think we should have a date night every week. We get so caught up in the day to day managing of the house we forget we need to just feel connected to each other. I need to feel in love with him again and stop feeling like we are two people living in the same house. Maybe if we both agree to try to fix what is wrong, maybe we can find our happily ever after.
Then there is the subject of making love. The research said that if you and he have not made love for some time then one of you needs to seduce the other. On that note, I bought some sexy lingerie and some patchouli scented oil. After dinner I will go put on the lingerie, dab on some oil, light some candles, and put on some romantic music, too. Then I will lead him into the bedroom.
If we make these changes starting tonight and maybe, just maybe, we will be able to win love back.
Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love! Remember... Strategy + Action = Results!