
Friday, 9 September 2011

How Do I Get My Husband to Love Me Again?

I really don't think that there are many things worse in life than screwing up and ruining a good marriage. It's hard enough when things fall apart and it wasn't your fault (mostly). But when you've done it to yourself that is the worst. The regret, the pain, the shame all combines to make you feel pretty lousy. If you find yourself in this situation and you're saying "how do I get my husband to love me again" then I may just be able to help.
First things first, what went wrong? What did you do or say that pushed him away and, more importantly, why did you do or say those things? It's not uncommon for people to sabotage a good marriage. I know that sounds dumb but many people simply don't know how to react when something good happens to them. They will allow all the negative thoughts inside of them (as well as the negatives in the outside world) to mess with their head.
They will become convinced that this marriage is just too good to be true, too good to last. They will sub consciously sabotage it and ruin it. They don't understand they are doing it, but the end result is the same: they've screwed up a great marriage and now they get to be “right".
You see, if in their minds they are convinced that a marriage can't last, especially a good marriage, and they sub consciously ruin it, then they were right. They can say "See, I knew this marriage wouldn't last" They might be right but they are also lonely and in pain.
What I have just outlined is very, very common. The worst part is you don't even understand that's what you're doing. So if you want to get your lover to be in love with you again, and you understand now just what you've done, you can still fix it.
How do I get my husband to love me again; the first thing you really should do is to find a good (and no, not all of them are good) therapist. You need to work out why you don't believe that good things can happen, or why you believe that good things can't, or shouldn't, happen to you.
Then you should talk openly and honestly with him. Let him know that you now understand that you were the one, even though it was on a sub conscious level that pushed him away. Don't be afraid to be completely honest with him. Tell him that you're sorry and more importantly that you've gotten help and now you are a bigger person who can enjoy the benefits of a great marriage.
It might take a while for him to learn to trust you again. If this is what you want, you have to be willing to give him time. Anyone who has been hurt is going to have a really hard time trusting that person again and risk being hurt all over again. But with time, patience, and a lot of love you can find a way to win him back.
There are many reasons why marriages fall apart. Sometimes the marriage just isn't any good and it's for the best, but other times we can all be guilty of throwing away the best thing that ever happened to us. If that happens and you are still wondering ‘how do I get my husband to love me again’ remember that virtually anything can be overcome with a great strategy and determination.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Thursday, 8 September 2011

How Can I Get My Ex Back – Getting Back Together!

Are you asking yourself the question: how can I get my ex back, I don't want to diminish the hurt and anguish you're going through, but I wish I had a penny for every time I've heard someone ask that question. You see, it's not an uncommon problem. Sometimes we are the ones who end a relationship and then later understand that it was a mistake to let them go. Other times, it's out of our hands and someone we love has let us go. Either way, you can make things work out and have your love back with you, no matter how impossible or hopeless it may seem now.
There is one thing you really need to consider and that is that it's very, very likely that your ex does still love you.  Love can be killed. If you treat someone bad enough, long enough the love they had for you will turn to disdain. But, in a lot of cases, that don't involve out and out abuse, but rather just a slow deterioration of the relationship where you both start to take each other for granted, the love is very likely still alive and well even though it's buried and you can't see it.
It's in these times that it's usually the easiest to fan those flames and reignite the passion and love the two of you once felt.  If you lost your love because you were abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually) do both of you a favour and don't even consider rekindling things with your ex, or finding someone new, until you've spent some serious time with a therapist who can help you figure out why you have the need to hurt another person, especially someone who loves you.
If the problems aren't quite that serious and dire, the first thing you should do is to find out what your ex does feel for you. The best way to do that is to ask. Call your ex and invite them to coffee, dinner, lunch, a walk, etc. You should try to find an enjoyable activity that the two of you can do together that will allow you to talk.
This 'date' doesn't have to be a big deal, as a matter of fact; you're probably going to want to keep things pretty casual at this point. Just have fun. Remind your ex of what a great, fun loving person you are. They probably haven't seen that side of you for quite some time. It's hard to be happy and carefree when your relationship is on the rocks. Remind them.
Pay attention to the way your ex responds to these glimpses of the 'old you'. Do they seem interested and engaged?  If so, it's a pretty good bet that the love is still there. Do they seem indifferent and like they can't wait to get out of there? If that's the case it might just be too late and you may have to be ready to walk away.
If you and your ex have a great time, ask them if they'd like to get together again. Still keep things light and casual. Don't move too fast. Just keep reminding them, by actions and not words, of the person they fell in love with. This will basically allow the two of you to start all over and that is the answer to your question: how can I get my ex back?
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

How Can I Get My Wife to Love Me Again

Are you asking the question: how can I get my wife to love me again? Well if you are it means two things: one you are hurting and two you are willing to do what it takes to make things better again.  There are almost always things you can do that will help you regain a love that has faded.
How difficult will it be you may be asking yourself? Well, that depends on what went wrong in the first place. If your wife and you just kind of 'fell out of love' over a period of time, it might actually be easier than if you did something wrong such as cheat on her or hurt her physically.
If you did either of those things you should seriously consider getting some therapy before you even attempt to get back with her. If you really care about her then you don't want to cause her any more pain. If you don't deal with whatever issues you have that caused you to act that way in the first place, you might just do it again. Take care of you first before you try to get back with her.
If nothing that dramatic happened in your marriage but maybe you both just kind of started to drift apart and take each other for granted, than it will most likely just be a case of letting her know that you still love her, you're sorry that things went wrong and you want to get the spark back.
Step one of the ‘how can I get my wife to love me again’ problem is... call her and ask her out to dinner, or lunch, or coffee.  Talk to her calmly. Have fun. Don't make this 'date' a big deal. Keep it casual and friendly. Remind her of the man you are and the good times the two of you used to have before.
Don't blame her, take responsibility for the things you did wrong. Let her know that you think that the two of you can be happy again. Point out that now you know what went wrong the first time (it's actually kind of an advantage since you can avoid the same mistakes this time around). For now, just be friends and have fun. Let nature take its course... again.
Don't expect to return right back to a physical marriage. Be ready to take time. Act almost as though you are just starting from scratch, like you are dating for the first time. Treat her as well as you did when you first met (and like you should have been treating her during your marriage). 
Doing these things are your best bet for having her back in your arms and not ever having to ask the question: how can I get my wife to love me again?
More than likely, she still has feelings for you. Talking about things out in the open can make a world of difference. That doesn't mean that it will happen overnight, but if the two of you can talk about how things fell apart  and what you can do to not only get the love back but what you can do differently so it doesn't fall apart again, you can work things out and find happiness again.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

How to Get Your Husband to Love You Again

To get an idea just how many women need help with their relationship and ask the question: "how to get your husband to love you again" just check out relationship forums and chat rooms online. This is a very common problem in many types of long term relationships, not just marriage. Feeling unloved by your spouse can really mess with your head and cause you to struggle to find answers.
Even though it's easy to want to fix it all by yourself (or take full responsibility for the problems in the first place) you have to be realistic. You simply can't do all the work yourself. Your marriage is a partnership and until or unless you are both on the same page it will be virtually impossible to make any significant changes in your bond.
In many marriages, there is a slow and steady drifting away that goes on. Each partner slowly starts to drift away into their own life and their own concerns. If that is allowed to go on long enough both partners will 'suddenly' wake up to find that they are living with a stranger. This is a very common issue, and it can be overcome.
It may sound like a cliché, since you've probably heard it many times before, but it's true, day to day life can get in the way making it difficult for you and your spouse to really connect the way you used to. When you have kids, jobs, school, extended family, etc. to deal with it leaves precious little time to unwind and reconnect with each other.
How to get your husband to love you again, change the direction in your marriage the first thing you have to do is to establish new priorities.  Obviously you can't just ditch your kids, but most people can find more free time in their lives if they really try. Freeing up that time will give you and your hubby more time to reconnect with each other and that is the first step to how to get your husband to love you again.
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she told me she hasn't been sleeping well lately. When I asked her why she said that she has just taken on too much, she wants to help people so she volunteers to organizations. That's great, but it doesn't have to be done. Carefully analyze your own life to see where you can make cuts so you can free up more time to spend with your husband, and have him do the same.
If things have really gotten bad don't be afraid to go to a marriage therapist for help. It's best if you both go but even if your hubby won't go, go by yourself. A good therapist can pinpoint the issues as well as provide techniques to overcome those issues.
Just being able to spend time together and reconnect with each other can be enough to remind your husband of what a great person you are and how much he loves you. Once you do that you don't have to find answers to the question: “how to get your husband to love you again", he already is!
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Monday, 5 September 2011

How Do I Get My Girlfriend To Love Me Again?

If you're wondering, how do I get my girlfriend to love me again, the short answer is that she probably still does love you. It's an unfortunate truth but many times couples will still love each other but they just get so caught up in their day to day lives that they kind of 'forget' about each other. It happens all the time and unless you've really treated your girlfriend badly for a long time or you've cheated on her, she probably does still love you. The two of you just need to remind yourselves about that love.
Our society can be very busy and very stressful. There are more distractions around than ever before. It seems people are always texting, tweeting and updating their status. What people don't seem to do as much of anymore is to connect with the people they love. Just sit together and talk (or just sit together and enjoy the moment, the quiet and each other’s company).  Slow down and re-introduce' yourself to your partner.
Doing this one thing can make a world of difference. Words of caution, though, don’t think you can spend this time together once a year and it will be enough. You and your spouse have to connect on a deeper level often in order to keep the passion and the love alive.
If you and your girlfriend have gotten to the point where you are more like roommates than soul mates you really need to disconnect with the outside world and reconnect with each other. There are many ways you can do that but one of the best (other than the quiet time I mentioned above) is for the two of you to spend time doing things together that you both enjoy.
If you and your girlfriend like to play tennis, than by all means, go play tennis. The same goes for playing golf, hiking, biking, bird watching, antiquing, etc. It doesn't matter what the activity is as long as you both enjoy it and it allows the two of you to spend time together enjoying life together. This can really help the two of you bond, you'll always have the memory of that great time you spent together. It's these times and these memories that can hold a relationship together when things get tough, don't under estimate their importance.
If your relationship has really spiralled out of control than you may need the help of an outside source like a therapist. Having an objective third party help steer you and your girlfriend through some of your issues (which can help prevent all the useless fighting) might be the best thing you can do. A therapist can not only help keep the peace, but they can also help both of you recognize what the problems are and how to fix them.
I have good news for you; you can get your relationship back on track. The amount of time and effort it will take will depend on how far apart you and your girlfriend have grown as well as the reason for that disconnect from one another. Step one should be to spend time alone with your girlfriend getting re-acquainted, then you can build from there. Following this advice will help you figure out your question: how do I get my girlfriend to love me again?
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

How Can I Make Him Fall in Love with Me Again Before a Breakup?

If you and your boyfriend seem to be heading for a breakup, he just doesn't seem to be that in to you anymore, you may find yourself asking: can I make him fall in love with me again?  I hear this question more times than I can count; it's a very common problem. The answer, though, might just surprise you.
The first thing I always ask someone when they ask this question is what makes you so sure that he doesn't still love you? Relationships can be confusing. We are never as vulnerable as we are when we let another person in. That person than has the ability to really hurt us. Sometimes we accidentally sabotage our own relationships just because we are so afraid of getting hurt we unconsciously decide we should end it before it goes any further.
Even if that's not what is going on with you, I repeat, what makes you think he doesn't still love you? It's easy to miss interpret the signs especially if your boyfriend suddenly seems a little cool or distant. Sure, this could be a sign that he's ready to bolt, but it could also be a sign that you are sending out some signals of your own and he is responding to them. Confusing, I know. But either one of you can be picking up on the 'vibes' of the other, it happens all the time.
So, let's say, that you were having a rough time about something, it doesn't really matter what, and you weren't as happy as you usually are. Your boyfriend will have picked up on those vibes. If you were unable, or unwilling, to let him know what was going on with you, he might have interpreted it as you weren't in love with him anymore. What you are witnessing from him might just be a 'reflection' of what he picked up from you.
I hope that makes sense. It's a tough concept to convey in an article. One of the best ways you can find out if this is the case is to sit down, calmly, and talk to him. Ask him if there is anything wrong (you could start out by explaining what's been going on with you, assuming there has been something going on with you).
If you don't think that is the problem, is it possible that the two of you have just grown apart and have started to take each other for granted?  Are the two of you so busy and stressed with your lives that you have 'forgotten' to show the other that you love them?
You know, showing your boyfriend that you love him can be as simple as giving his back a rub when you pass by him in the kitchen. Most of us, men or women, love these little signs of affection. In many cases they can mean as much, or more, than the big grandiose displays of flowers, candy and lingerie.  Such a simple act, done almost without thinking about it, let’s your boyfriend know that you care about him and that can go a long way to calming any fears he may be having about the relationship.
So, before you go around asking:  can I make him fall in love with me again; you may just want to make sure that he really has fallen out of love with you. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find out.
How can you mend a broken heart? Check out the best relationship manual on the web... Click Here... and watch a FREE video from an ordinary guy that has helped 50000+ couples find happiness and lasting love!