
Saturday, 16 April 2011

How To Get Back With Your Ex For Good

Have you been agonizing over how to get back with your ex? What most people end up doing is just getting over it, and moving on to a new life without their ex. But some feel that being with their ex is the only way to go, and they will do what it takes to get them back. The bad news is that it is really not up to you to decide whether your ex will come back to you or not. It is up to him or her. The good news is that there are ways that you can lead your ex into wanting to get back together, and then enjoy a happy, healthy, and strong relationship from here on out.

The first step in the "How to get back with your ex" plan is to maintain your distance. This is counter-intuitive and it may be hard, but it is necessary. If you've been begging and pleading your ex to come back to you, or just to hear you out, stop now. Back off and take this time to think about why your relationship went sour. Often, it is something that occurs over a long period of time as the two of you changed and failed to communicate. Avoid all contact with your ex if at all possible. If you must keep contact because of kids, work or administrative types of things, then keep it cordial and as limited as possible. Don't be purposefully mean or angry. On the contrary, smile, and be on your way as quickly as possible.

In this time that you are separated from your ex, try to build up your confidence and self-esteem. You want to prove to your ex that you are perfectly fine by yourself, but more than proving it to your ex; you want to prove it to yourself. Take care of yourself, go out with friends, take up some activities or hobbies you didn't have time to do before, etc.

Remember that showing yourself and your ex that you can stand fine on your own does not mean trying to make him or her jealous. All this will accomplish is to make your ex think that you have moved on without him or her and that he or she should do the same thing. You want to build your confidence by being on your own, not by replacing your ex with someone else. And you want your ex to realize that he or she is not easily replaced. If you find that your ex is seeing someone else, do not let this bother you either. It doesn't necessarily mean anything.

When you are feeling more confident and sure of yourself, it's time to ask your ex to meet for coffee. Keep the meeting short, keep the talk trivial, compliment him or her on how well he or she looks and then excuse yourself to go to another appointment. End the meeting with once again saying how nice it was to see your ex again. These are the first steps in how to get back with your ex.

For more information visit the Magic of Making Up!

Friday, 15 April 2011

Don’t Despair! Simple Things Can Save Marriage

Contrary to popular belief, simple steps can save marriage. If you're in what you consider to be a bad state in your own marriage, often you feel that there is no way to make things well again. If you and your partner have been having trouble for a long time, you may feel miserable, irritated, and afraid. You may even feel that you have tried everything to put the marriage back on track.

But many times it is just the day to day slight changes that can bring your marriage back to a state that you are at ease with, just as it is often the day to day changes that gradually took their toll on the marriage to make it what it is now. When you first start out in a loving relationship, everything seems easy. You're in love, you spend a lot of time together and you make plans and have dreams. Why is the relationship so easy then? Not only because you are in love. You can still be in love and have a challenging relationship, as you may be dealing with now. One reason that it is easier is because you are more willing to compromise. Indeed, you don't even really see anything as a compromise.

If your partner likes you to do certain things, or act a certain way, you do it without even thinking about it. And you are happy to do it because it makes him or her happy. As time goes on, though, you may start to begrudge those things that your partner is asking you to do. Or maybe it's not that you begrudge them as much as you resent the fact that you will do things for him or her (willingly or unwillingly, but you will do them), but he or she does not return the favour.

If this type of situation is affecting you and you haven't spoken about it, now is the time. Communication can save marriage, even if it is about apparently little things like this. Talk about what you would each like from each other. It doesn't have to be big. It can be as simple as giving you a call at work, or saying hello when you come in the house, instead of just turning on the TV. Start with these little things. And do them. If you think that they are little and daft, then it should be easy for you to stick to them. As time goes on, add more.

Another important point to note is that you are giving the other person what he or she would like… not what you would like. Even if you don't understand why something is crucial to him or her, you need to realize that it is essential to him or her, and take it seriously. Simple things like this can save marriage.

For more information visit The Magic of Making Up!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

How to Win Ex Girlfriend Back Tips

These How to Win Ex Girlfriend Back tips will help you do just that, regardless of the situation or your current circumstances. You may have lost your girlfriend gradually over the months or years, or maybe you cheated on her, or she cheated on you or maybe you were the one who decided to call the relationship off and now you are regretting it. Most people do not understand that 90 percent of lost relationships can be re-established, as long as you go about it properly.

First of all, you need to agree to the break for a while. Go about your life without your ex. Make sure that you take care of yourself and try to look good (eat right, exercise, and do not dress like a slob), go out with friends, and have fun with them or even on your own. This does not mean that you should take up a relationship with someone else just to make your ex jealous. That will probably only backfire and cause her to jump into someone else's arms, or reaffirm her belief that you really don't care about her. While you should not be moping or pining away, you should also not be living it up with other women. Take the how to win ex girlfriend back goal out of the top priority spot in your head and instead put "how to better myself" in there.

It's really important that you remain out of contact with your ex during this time. If she happens to seek you out, then you should respond. But don't encourage anything further. And by no means should you instigate any calls, text messages, or emails. Keep as far away as possible so that you can focus on your new goal without having any distractions. She is now off-limits in your head. This works especially well if, until now, you have been constantly calling and begging or pleading her to come back to you. It will really make her inquisitive to know why you have sort of "dropped off the face of the earth", as they say. And this will give her a chance to actually miss you.

There is not set time period that will tell you when you are ready to go to the next step and get in contact with your ex. It can take weeks or even months for you to feel confident enough to approach her again. When you start to feel comfortable with yourself, and your new life, this is the time to approach her. But the ironic thing is that this is also the time that you may decide you really don't want her back. Once you've taken the time to step away, you'll find that you see things more clearly, and your feelings may have changed. Hopefully these how to win ex girlfriend back tips will make a difference in your life and your relationship.

Get FREE Advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples get back together... The Magic of Making Up

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Is There Ways To Get Ex Back That Really Work?

Are there ways to get ex back? Often people do not realize what they've lost until it's gone, as the saying goes. While relationships can be hard to uphold, it often doesn't measure up to to the hardship suffered after the relationship is seemingly over. Some will go through months or even years of what they consider a bad relationship before ending it, and others will do so prematurely, before the relationship has even had time to solidify. Whatever the case may be, there are ways to get ex back.

Take a time-out.

Avoiding all communication might seem like the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. But if you have been begging, pleading, and irritating your ex up until now, ask yourself, was that working? Probably not. Taking a break will allow you to get out of your rut and let the other person have a chance to miss you. While you are constantly hounding them, they will only be more convinced that breaking up was the right option.

Better yourself.

In order to be in a state that will win your ex back, you need to feel good about yourself. You might not feel very good about yourself right now. And you might not feel like taking measures to change it, but you need to force yourself at first. It will then come naturally. Start with the concrete steps. Make sure you are putting the right things into your body. Certain foods will make you feel worse, or heighten your sense of anger or depression. Others will help to keep your mind positive and your body healthy. Definitely make sure that you are getting enough sleep. This is often over-looked but not getting enough sleep in the cause of many maladies and discomfort. On the other hand, getting adequate sleep boosts your health and your appearance.

Get out.

This is really part of the better-you stage but it is important so it gets a section of its own. While you might not be in the mood to go out, you'll also have to force yourself to do this. Join a club, take up a hobby, and make sure you meet with friends when you can. This does not mean you should be diving into new meaningless relationships either. This will do nothing for your self-esteem and it will not do anything towards you getting your ex back. If your ex finds out, they will just be more convinced that the breakup was the right decision. It shows your ex that they really were unimportant to you.

Take action.

Once you feel more at ease with yourself in your "separation stage", you can then think about contacting your ex. This is a topic for another article, but suffices to say that if you are looking for ways to get ex back, these are the first underpinning steps, with the goal towards improving your self-image and your image to others.

Get FREE Advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples get back together... The Magic of Making Up

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

How do I get me ex back?

Have you been dealing with the thoughts of "how do I get me ex back?" Whether this has come as a sudden revelation, or you've known it since the time you split up, it is definitely not impossible for you to get your desire. It may seem impossible to you… especially if you've been on the warpath and doing everything you can think of to bring him or her back into your arms and have only been met with stubborn rejection.

If you are like most people, your strategy includes calling, emailing, messaging, or even sending letters. It includes sending gifts or surprises. It includes begging, and promising, and crying. The bad news is that this type of desperate behaviour is actually pushing your ex further away and confirming in his or her mind that it was the right decision to split up.

After all, who wants a whiney, weak, desperate partner, right? But the good news is that the real strategy to get your ex back will work much better, and maybe even faster, if you have been displaying the previously described type of behaviour.

So, it's time to turn things around in order to meet your goal of "getting me ex back". First and foremost, you need to stay away from your ex. This means leave him or her completely alone. No more phone calls, messages, or notes.

One of the purposes of this is to give her the time to miss you a little bit. But the main purpose is to get you back into your tip top shape. The focus in this phase is on you… not your ex.

You need to forget about him or her as much as possible. This can be hard but many find that it is actually a relief. It's easier to forget than to continuously think of what you will say when you call him or her next and to brace yourself for the inevitable rejection. Thinking of yourself means that you will start eating the right foods, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Try to cut down on junk food and alcohol.

Make sure you get enough sleep. This is also hard when you're going through emotional turmoil. But getting enough sleep will make you feel calmer and make you look better. Not getting enough sleep makes you look haggard.

Also, make sure that you are not staying pent up in your home. Try to go out with friends, join volunteer groups, or take up a hobby that gets you out of the house. While it's important to have some time on your own, you don't want to dig yourself into a depression by being alone all the time and going over and over the events which led up to your breakup or the aftermath, etc.

This is the first step in the "how do I get me ex back" campaign. If you do it right, you will be on your way to having your ex back in your arms.

Get FREE Advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples get back together... The Magic of Making Up

Monday, 11 April 2011

Im Still in Love with My Ex

"I'm still in love with my ex." Is this you? This is not a comfortable position to be in, especially if your ex is already in another relationship, or has made it very clear to you that he or she no longer wants you to be a part of his or her life. There are basically two routes you can take if you are still in love with your ex... you can try to forget him or her, and to move on with your life, or you can try to get him or her back. There is really no right or wrong to this… either way might be the road for you. But in order to decide which path to take, and as part of the first phase of whatever direction you will go, you need to take a physical and mental break from your ex.

Unless you have to come into contact because of kids, work, or other obligations, make a break from your ex. The more you can stay away from your ex, the better. But if you must meet, or exchange words on the phone, email, etc. and then limit it to whatever task you must accomplish, be cordial and professional, as if you were in a business relationship. Use the rest of the time to concentrate on yourself.

Turn it into a sort of boot camp in which you will everything to make yourself feel and look better. Make sure that when you leave the house, you are dressed in flattering clothes, and you do not look unkempt or sloppy. If you're used to an unhealthy diet, it's time to change that around too. Eating the right foods can make you feel calmer and happier, and make you look better. If you can't get the right amount of vitamins and minerals from your everyday diet, take a Vitamin supplement which rounds things out. You'll be amazed how much better you will feel in just a couple of weeks if you can stick to healthy eating. The next crucial element is sleep.

Not getting enough sleep has been linked to several disorders and conditions. It can also lead to overeating, depression, and just a general feel of not having control in your life. If you don't get enough sleep, you will not make sound decisions. Incorporate a new social activity into your life. Besides just getting out with friends or attending family gatherings, try to get involved in some sort of activity that you haven't had time to do until now, or take up a new hobby that you've always wanted to do.

The only social situation that is best to avoid is another relationship. If you jump into another relationship, it will negate the work that you are trying to accomplish on yourself. If you find that you are still thinking "I'm still in love with my ex", then you can move to the next phase of getting him or her back.

Get FREE Advice from the man that has helped 50,000+ couples get back together... The Magic of Making Up

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Best Ways to Get Ex Back That Really Work

The one thing you don't want to ever have to go through is the realization that the relationship you just ended was the perfect relationship for you.  It happens a lot, people get caught up in the day to day of living and they let their relationship go a little bit and before they know it they just don't feel the connection with their partner that they used to feel.  It can be easy to mistake this common issue with lost love.  If that has happened to you and you want to set things right, here are the best ways to get ex back.

Before we get into the steps, I want you to carefully consider a few things.  One thing you need to consider is what is the reason you want to get your ex back.  This is extremely important because its way too easy to decide you want them back for the wrong reasons.  You may be able to convince yourself that you want them back because you love them, and maybe you still do, but if you were ok with the breakup until you heard they started dating someone else than suddenly you decided they were your soul mate, that's the wrong reason.

Another common reason, which many people don’t admit to themselves, is that they just don't want to have to go through the hassle of finding someone new. Both of these things can be in the background without you really being aware of them so you need to take a minute, catch your breath and honestly analyze your motives.

You also have to have realistic expectations. While even the most impossible situations can work out, every situation is different and the people in the relationships are different. While this strategy has worked for many, many people it may not work for you. If your ex simply doesn't care for you anymore, there is nothing more you can do but to walk away with your head held high.  Don't make things worse by trying to hold on to your ex beyond all hope or reason, learn when it's time to move on and let go.

If you really want the best chance possible for getting back with your ex, your best approach is to give them some space while you live your life.  This is hard to do.  For one thing, you'll miss your ex and want to talk to them. Another common issue is that it's easy to worry that they will meet someone new and get over you.  Though that may seem viable, it's not really.  It takes time to fallout of love with someone. If your ex still loves you, they won't fall for someone else soon after you've broken up. When I say 'soon' I mean for months, maybe longer.  It takes time to get someone out of your heart and head.  So give them space and don't worry about what they're doing, you've got your own life to live.

While you're giving your ex space you should be spending a lot of time with your friends and family, only the happy positive ones.  Live your life to the fullest.  This will show your ex that you are still the fun loving, emotionally free person they fell in love with.  It will also allow you some much needed peace from your own thoughts. While you won't totally forget about your ex, if you're spending fun times with friends you may just be able to get a little relief from your pain.

If you and your ex have any shot at reconciling, both of you will need to commit 100% to working on the issues in your relationship. It's common for one person to want it more than the other so they'll be willing to put in more work; the problem is that that approach doesn't work. You both made the problems you'll both have to solve the problems otherwise there isn't any hope. After you've spent some time apart from your ex, call them and ask if they want to get together. When you meet, keep things easy going, and when you talk about your relationship, pay very close attention to the way they respond. That will tell you all you need to know.

These steps are the best ways to get ex back, they don't work all the time but they do work most of the time.  Go for it, see what happens.