
Friday, 7 January 2011

Does My Boyfriend Still Love Me 4 Positive Signals to Look For

It is normal to have some doubts about your relationship. Many will feel these doubts as their relationship continues to grow; while they know that their boyfriend is interested, they will question whether or not their boyfriend still loves them. If you find yourself asking 'Does my boyfriend still love me?’ there are a few simple signals that you can look for. These 4 positive signals will give you a better idea of your beau's feelings toward you.

He Cares about your Emotions

Does your boyfriend constantly ask you about your emotions? If you find that our boyfriend asks you if you are ok, or if you are upset, you can know that they still love you. This shows that your boyfriend is interested in your emotions, and your emotional well-being. If they didn't love you, they would not be interested in your emotions or feelings.

He buys you Gifts

Does your boyfriend surprise you with small gifts? Is he paying attention to the things that you want, or the things that you like, and getting them for you? This can be a clear signal for you, highlighting how your boyfriend feels about you. If your boyfriend is buying you gifts, you can be sure that he still loves you.

He Hates Break-Up Talk

You may be questioning the emotions of your boyfriend because of talks that you may have had. If you and your boyfriend have talked about breaking up, it can be easy to feel as though they do not love you.

You need to look into the nuances of your conversation to understand how you should take the conversation. Does the conversation topic bother your boyfriend? If he doesn't like thinking about the idea of breaking up with you, he still loves you.

He's Planning for the Future

It can be easy to question the strength of your relationship. It is normal to wonder about your boyfriend and whether or not he still loves you.  One of the easiest ways to calm these fears is to notice when your boyfriend includes you in his future. If your boyfriend is planning his future and includes you in these future plans, you know that he loves you. He would not think about you and consider you in his future plans if he did not love you.

These 4 signals will all be able to give you a good indication of your significant others emotions. If you want to fully understand these emotions, however, you need to talk to your soul mate. Have a serious talk with them about their feelings and about your relationship. When you find these four positive signals and have a positive talk with your boyfriend, you will feel as good about your relationship as possible.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Does My Boyfriend Really Love Me 5 Tell Tale Signs

It can be hard to fully understand the emotions of your partner. While you may try to get into their mind, you may still struggle to understand how they feel. You may find yourself asking, 'Does my boyfriend really love me?' Each relationship will have different signs and signals that will answer this question. With that being said, there are five different actions that may show that your boyfriend loves you.

He Does the Small Things

People tend to focus about the larger aspects of relationships. They often fail to look at the smaller aspects of their relationship. This is unfortunate, as most of the tell-tale signs of love can be found in the small things. Does your boyfriend work to make you smile? Is he extra-corny just to make you laugh? Is he making you dinner, or letting you pick the movie? All of these small things show that your boyfriend is looking out for your feelings and emotions, and that he does have strong emotions for you.

He's Talking about the Future

One of the biggest indicators of love is any talk that discusses the future. If he is talking about future dates, or future actions, you can know that he sees you in his future. Whether it be the immediate future, or a distant future, you can be sure that he loves you or at the very least cares deeply for you.

He's Taking you Out

Does your boyfriend take you out to dinner, or out on the town? If your boyfriend likes to entertain you, he has strong emotions for you that could be love.

He's Showing you Off to Friends

Your boyfriend would not show you off to his friends if he did not love you. Is your boyfriend inviting you to hang out with his friends? Does he constantly talk to his friends about you? These are clear signs that he values your relationship.

He Wants you to Meet the Family

One of the biggest steps in a relationship is the step that introduces you to your boyfriend’s family. Most men will not introduce a partner to their family unless they see potential in the relationship. If your boyfriend did not see this future, he would not introduce you to parents, brothers, or sisters. If he wants you to meet the family, you can be sure that he loves you.

Your boyfriend may not be the best at verbalizing his love for you. If he does struggle to vocalize his feelings, look at his actions. If you notice that his actions signify a deep emotion, you can know that your boyfriend loves you. If you find yourself asking 'Does my boyfriend really love me?', simply look for these few actions. If you notice one or more of these actions, you can be sure that your boyfriend loves you or cares deeply for you.

5 Types of Love Letters to Write to a Boyfriend or Girlfriend

A love letter can be the perfect way to convey your emotions to the person that you care about. Unfortunately, writing this love letter can prove to be a difficult task. While some people can write down their emotions easily, others struggle with the idea of a love letter altogether. If you want to pen a love letter, here are five different types of love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Things Unsaid

The first type of love letter to consider is the love letter that holds all of the things that you do not say. This is the perfect love letter for those who are shy about your emotions. You can write down all of the positive things you see in your significant other and in your relationship. When you write down the things you never say, you open your lover up to a new side of your emotions. This is a powerful way to show your soul mate how much he means to you.

Things You Always Say

Another love letter to consider is a letter that simply consists of the things that you say on a normal basis. Putting these thoughts and words into a letter will give your sweetheart a simple reminder of your love, commitment and emotion. They can take the letter with them wherever they go, reminding themselves of the things they usually hear from you.


If you are feeling creative, write a poem. You can easily write poems that convey all of the emotions that you feel for your one and only and for your relationship. A poem will show your sweetie that you care enough to take the time to craft something special for them.

Song Lyrics

If you enjoy music, consider writing song lyrics about your lover. You can write lyrics to a song that already exists, or create a brand new song. Either option will show your honey that you are thinking of them and will let them know exactly how you feel about them.

There are some relationships that thrive off of sarcasm and humour. If you have this kind of relationship, consider a humorous love letter. This love letter will still convey your emotions, but will do so in a way that your boyfriend will find enjoyable.

There are multiple approaches that you can take to the love letter-writing process. You simply need to think about the person that you are dating, and the kind of relationship that you have. Certain types of love letters will fit your relationship, while others will not. Take the time to consider what you want to say, and to find the correct way to say it. While it may take a little extra work to take these things into consideration, it will help you to know what love letters to write to a boyfriend or girlfriend

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

4 Ways to Say Sorry to Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend

It can be incredibly difficult to tell your sweetheart that you are sorry. For some, it can be difficult because of the embarrassment that they feel from their wrong-doings. For others, it can be difficult because they are simply too stubborn to apologize for something. Either way, it is important to say sorry to someone that you care about when you have done something wrong. If you are struggling with an apology, consider these 4 ways to say sorry to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

The Simple Apology

Sometimes, all you need to do is give your boyfriend a simple apology. This form of apology is best for those small issues that don't really require serious thought. This can be the hardest apology for those who have issues with their ego, as those that are stubborn often hate apologizing. It is also important to note that the simple apology may not work for bigger issues. If the wrong-doing is somewhat serious, a simple apology will come across as insincere.

The Long Talk

If you have done something wrong, you may need to sit down and have a talk with your lover. Talk to them about how you made them feel, and why they are upset. Apologize, but talk about this apology. Talk to your significant other about what you did, and the steps that you will take to ensure that it never happens again. A long and serious talk is the most heartfelt way to apologize to your soul mate.

Giving Gifts

Gift giving is often seen as a secondary way to apologize for an action. While you have a normal apology, you back the apology up with gifts. The gifts are intended to make up for the problem. While gift giving will not solve your problems, it can help to make your sweet thing feel better. They may be more willing to accept your apology if you are making the extra effort to make them happy.

Going Out

Another way to support your apology is to treat your honey to a night out. Your lover may feel better about the situation if they can enjoy a night with you. While the apology is important, it is also important to remember why you are together. If you enjoy a night together, your apology may be accepted more easily.

You need to think about the action that you are apologizing for before you actually make the apology. There may be some instances that will benefit from a simple apology. There are other issues that may require a more intense apology.

Take the time to fully understand the reason for the apology and the apology method that will be appropriate. While it may seem like a lot of work, you want to make sure that you say sorry to your boyfriend in a way that will mend your relationship.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Can Online Counselling Save a Marriage in Crisis?

Every marriage goes through ups and downs.  A number of marriages also go through times of severe turmoil, such as deaths in the family, chronic illnesses, unfaithfulness, or national disasters.  Some marriages hold strong during any ups and downs; others begin to disintegrate.  For any marriage in crisis, however, online marital counselling can help.

Each couple’s marriage is, of course, unique.  Therefore, the way in which that couple deals with problems and issues will be unique.  However, there are several signs which are common to all marriages, signs which point toward trouble brewing in the marriage.  The earlier a couple begins to recognize the signs, the earlier the couple can begin marriage counselling.  And, the sooner the couple starts counselling, the better the couple’s chances of saving their marriage.

Here are the common warning signs of a marriage that is likely headed toward crisis:

• They bicker, nag, and nitpick a great deal.

• They don’t fight fairly.

• They tend to spend a good deal of time apart, doing activities separately because that is more fun than spending time together.

• They don’t talk about problems together.  One member of the couple may be unaware of household issues or problems with the children that the other couple member handles, for instance.

• They no longer agree on long-term goals and values, either for themselves or for the family as a whole.

• They have a low level of intimacy or none.

• They don’t talk much.  The two members of the couple may be unaware of significant events or happenings at each other’s workplaces, for example.

Online marriage counselling can help couples who are having any of the above issues.  Counselling can also assist couples who are in crisis for other reasons.  There is no reason for a couple to stay in an unhappy marriage; yet people who head straight for separation or divorce without trying to first make the marriage work through the use of marital counselling may be throwing in the towel without giving their marriage a fair chance.

Professional marriage counsellors have experience in working with couples who have gone through all types of difficulties.  Counsellors can assist couples in dealing with infidelity, spending issues, problems with family and children, differences in faith, and much more.

Couples who take part in online marriage counselling learn the following:

• How to resolve conflict through effective listening
• How to state needs clearly and openly without anger or resentment
• How to get what is needed in the marriage without making demands
• How to work through unresolved issues in the marriage
• How to understand the needs of both members of the couple and how to meet those needs

Online marriage counselling works best if couples start as soon as they begin having problems in their marriage.  A marriage in crisis can be helped with online marital counselling; however, if a couple waits too long to seek counselling, their chances of saving their marriage may not be as great. Good luck!