
Thursday, 18 November 2010

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart?

I am assuming that if you are asking the question ‘how can you mend a broken heart?' that you are still in love with your ex. What you need to work out is do you fight to get them back or lick your wounds and soldier on without them?

The first thing you need to do is work out your own feelings. Are you hurting because you have split from your partner or are you just missing having someone? We often pine for things to be as they were because we are all a little insecure and some more than others. Some people just hate change of any kind. This is not a reason to stay in a relationship as many people find out. How many times have you spoken with friends who left a relationship after many years and now wonder why they stood it as long as they did?

If you are hurting because you are genuinely in love and this person is the one for you then the next question is do you fight to win them back? With the right strategy and determination you can almost certainly win anyone over. They loved you once and that doesn't go away, circumstances or changes in your life can alter things and put a strain on your relationship but there are all sorts of reasons and the reasons are as individual and unique as each of you.

The best way to mend a broken heart is by getting the person who broke your heart, back in your life. Even if you have done something outrageous like had an affair well… that just makes it more of a challenge when deciding to win your partner back. No matter what has gone on, there are things you can do to win your partner back and make them fall in love with you again. There are many ways of doing this and I can't go through them all in this article but below are a few tips to get you in the right place to win your lover back and mend your broken heart.

Firstly, don't hassle them or keep texting, let them have some space and let the dust settle. Emotions run high when a relationship has collapsed so be patient and have some self control. This will show how adult you are and help win respect. All good relationships are built on mutual respect and it is vital that this is maintained no matter what happens or how hard it becomes. Especially if you were the cause of the split and your partner is angry. If this is the case, this part will take longer because you are not going to get anywhere until you ex calms down.

Let your ex know that although you are not together and not even communicating that you still care and are there for them should they need anyone, no strings attached. You can do this with flowers and a note or writing a letter. Do not send flowers to their work place. These should be sent to their home. Don't text or wait outside work to tell them this as this is known as stalking and will make matters worse. You need to become their friend again and work from there onto a relationship.

We give our heart to someone because of how great they make us feel and we stay for the same reason. If that person stops making us feel great, we either wonder why we bother or look for someone that does make us feel great. You need to get back in to a position where you can make them feel great again. This won't be easy but is possible if you give it your all. So… how can you mend a broken heart? Simple… win your love back again!

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Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Is It Too Late To Get Back Together With Your Ex?

There is no time limit to reconciliation as we know from history and factual literature; there is no time limit to love. People have got back together after years apart and had great and long relationships. Each situation is different but the best way to get back together with your ex is to work on it right away.

The last thing you want is for your ex to meet someone else or get used to being independent. These are both things that can happen and you will have to deal with that should it happen. So you need to work on reconciliation straightaway but you do need to give it time at the beginning as everything is too raw and emotions run high.

You need to be cool and let the dust settle or you will never make it back together, I know this sounds like a contradiction but there is no other way. They can't miss you if you are always there and they need to miss you a little for you to get back together. Plus all the emotional noise needs to quieten down before you can both think rationally and sort out what went wrong.

This will give you both time to reflect and decide whether you are made for each other or if you just went along the relationship train track as many people do. You met, you went out, you moved in together and then what? This is what happens to most relationships and it's because you aren't aiming towards something. We are as humans programmed to head towards something. To be building something or creating something depending on your personality. What happens if two parts of the train pull in different directions? It crashes!

So how do you get back together with your ex and get back on the relationship train and stay on it. Only if you are both pulling in the same direction will this or any partnership ever work. So you need to show your ex that getting back together is the best thing for you both and that you are both heading in the same direction. That you support them and that you are always there for them, no matter what.

Your time apart will give you time to work out… what is the next stop if you both get back on the train? Relationships go through stages and you have to follow these stages and grow together through them. Would the next step for you be children? If so are you both going to want them? How many and how soon? There is much to think about with relationships and the relationship train never stops for long. If you both have a future goal that involves you both and both support that goal… you will make it together.

So you need to work out what your ex wants the future to hold for them and whoever they spend their life with. Because… if you don't fit that profile, then you will not be the one on the train, someone else will. If being just a good friend for a while helps you find this out then so be it. As an old friend you might find out more about your ex's needs and wants than as someone trying to get back in their life.

Once you find out where they are heading and what they want from a long term relationship you can get back together with your ex and get back on the train and enjoy a long and exciting journey together. It's so worth the effort. Good luck!