
Monday, 17 January 2011

How Do You Get Over a Broken Heart without Therapy?

There is no easy way of getting over a broken heart and there are no easy answers. But there are things you can do to make the process easier so you can manage without expensive psychotherapy. How you tackle this depends on your circumstances. Whichever you may be the dumped or the dumpee there are certain things that are always prevalent and will help you deal with this difficult time successfully.

There is plenty of information on how to get over a broken heart online that can help you cope with the massive upheaval of divorce or a relationship breakdown. There are websites with free articles and even videos that will help you cope with the bereavement phase that you are going through. Because that is exactly what it is… bereavement, when a long term relationship ends. Your heart is heavy and you have trouble breaking the sadness and coping with day to day routines.

Distraction is the key to surviving any emotional trauma and this doesn’t mean going out and partying or doing recreational substances to excess. This will not help anything and just encourages you to avoid rather than resolve the issues in your life. Many people in this situation bury themselves in work and of course this is a very productive thing to do. I did this when my fifteen year marriage collapsed but the problem with this is it can make you unwell and ultimately do long term damage in much the same way as over excess as mentioned earlier.

You need positive distraction rather than negative destruction of your health and mind. Whether you dumped your ex or they dumped you, some things are constant and that is your health and wellbeing. This is a great time to take care of yourself as you have no excuses or relationship distractions to stop you designing a fitter healthier YOU regime. Join or visit the gym and take a look at your diet and see if you are eating properly or exercising enough. Try and entice a friend or relative that you know cares about you to join you. It’s a whole lot easier with moral support. Make sure it’s a positive person whose life is fine as the last thing you need is someone telling you all there problems when you are trying to deal with your own.

Whatever happens in your relationship you will need to be fitter and healthier as you tackle your uncertain future. Make sure you keep positive people around you and keep your mind occupied at all times. Try a new hobby or buy a new Xbox game if that’s your bag and challenge your mind in some way. So that when you lay down at night… your are mentally tired and ready to sleep. Lying there dwelling over what might have been has no use and adds no value to your life and cannot be changed. All you can change is the future.

If you are still in love and feel that your ex still loves you but there are issues getting in the way then you have a good chance of winning them back and this is the best way of getting over a broken heart. If you want to win back your ex, there are many places online where you can get help. is one such place. Remember the future can be re-written but the past cannot. So concentrate on the future and don’t dwell on the past.

Whether you are going to work towards getting your ex back or getting over a broken heart, you need to take care of YOU and make sure YOU are best prepared for the rest of your life. As Spock used to say “live long and prosper”!

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