
Tuesday, 18 January 2011

How Do I Get My Girlfriend Back

If you are wondering ‘how do I get my girlfriend back’ you are not alone. This is something that almost everyone goes through in their life. Almost all circumstances can be altered with the right strategy and a little determination. In this article I will give you a better understanding of what’s going on and what you need to do in order to get your girlfriend back.

First of all, don’t pester her or stalk her. Give her space and make sure that when you bump in to her it appears to be exactly that… pure chance and fate. Girls are great believers in fate and things happening for a reason. They are much deeper thinkers than us and because of that, more sensitive and aware than us. Don’t lie to her or string her corny lines. Women see right through that stuff.

You have to be aware that although most of us are very advanced and sophisticated, we are still human and consequently organic. A lot of what we do and the way we react is controlled by instinct and nature. For instance we like symmetry and find it attractive. Simply because it means that everything is where it should be and there aren’t any defects so the more symmetrical your face the prettier you are and the more likely you are to have healthy babies. We find chaos unattractive because it doesn’t make for a stable life and we feel that we have no control and that makes us nervous and insecure. Insecurity is just our subconscious ringing little alarm bells of danger.

So order and symmetry are essential in life and this is why a lot of especially young men upset there better half without even knowing it. Young men are generally chaotic and unreliable. To win back your girlfriend you will have to show that you are not chaotic and that you can provide a stable relationship, security and fulfilling future. This is why most women go a bit wobbly over a big strong man. He is only attractive because he offers security and he looks like he would protect them against anything. When you have been around as long as I have, you know this of course isn’t necessarily so. I have met some quite scary little men in my time.

You do need to be aware of what your girlfriend needs from you and if you tick those boxes you will make her feel great. We stay in relationships because our partner makes us feel great. This is why you will sometimes see guys that are pig ugly but have a gorgeous little woman on their arm, because they know how to make that girl happy. It’s not always money although that is part of security so obviously it is attractive to some women.

The answer to the ‘how do I get my girlfriend back’ question is simple… make your girlfriend feel special like you did when you met her. Resolve any issues standing in the way and show her what a great life you can make together. That you are an adult that can be trusted and relied on and don’t be lazy, take care of yourself and remember it’s the little things that matter. Taking out the trash and putting an arm around them when they need it without needing anything in return. Let her know you really care for her and not just lust after her.

Of course I can’t help you get her back in one article but if you take in what I have said and get a greater understanding of what is actually going on you will have a better chance of working out a strategy that will get your girlfriend back for good.

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