
Friday 4 November 2011

I Miss My Ex Girlfriend - Take Your Time

Wow, one of the hardest things to deal with in life is losing someone you love. It can really take a long time to move on after a break up and you will most likely find yourself saying "I miss my ex girlfriend" many times during the process.
No one can, or should, tell you how long it will be until you feel 'whole' again. Everyone is different and everyone will take as long as they take to finally get over a lost love and feel like they are ready to move on.
Please do not let anyone badger you into 'getting back out there' sooner than you feel you are ready. No one else can make that determination.
However, if you don't seem to be bouncing back after a few months (and I'm not talking about dating, I just mean finding some joy in your day to day life) than you may want to find a counsellor or a therapist that can help you work through your grief.
That may be one of the most common misconceptions: losing someone you loved to a break up is just as traumatic as losing someone to death. It's still grieving and it will still take time to get over.
There are some things that you can do to make the process go a little smoother and maybe even a little more quickly.
The first thing on your list should be to try to get reacquainted with someone special... you.  It's all too common to stop doing some of the things you liked to do when you are in a relationship. Many times the other person won't enjoy the same activities that you do so you just don't do them.
When you feel really low and you miss your ex girlfriend the most... that is the time to spend time doing the things you really loved to do.  I'm not saying that you will suddenly feel better, but you may find that you will be able to get your mind off of your ex girlfriend at least for a little while.
Another thing that you should do during this time is to try to figure out what you can work on to make yourself a better person.
Now, be careful, you don't want to rehash your whole relationship and take all the blame on to yourself. That is not what I mean. I am talking about improving on the person you are. The changes you make may have nothing to do with what went wrong in your relationship.
What I mean is that since you are on your own for a little while, you might as well just try to make some good, positive changes. Why not? That way when you do meet someone else, you can bring a better version of you to the relationship. It will help you alleviate some of your baggage.
I am truly sorry for the pain and loneliness you are feeling, but remember, that every time you say "I miss my ex girlfriend" that is the time to try to distract yourself with a positive activity. Surround yourself with good people that love you, family and old friends, people that know you well and are generally positive. The last thing you need is to be around negativity so choose the company you keep carefully at this time. Good luck!
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