
Tuesday 9 November 2010

How To Keep Your Man Happy By Being Confident

Author: Dave Islington

Most men do not like needy women or women with low self esteem. Men don't have the patience to keep reassuring someone nor do they notice the signs that someone needs a confidence boost. It's all a bit complicated and a bit of a turn off for most men. So if you need to know how to keep your man happy it's by being confident.

Unfortunately, there is a fine line between confident and arrogant. Don't go over the top as this will be counter productive. Being confident means being positive, giving it your best and being prepared to fail but willing to try again and laughing in the face of adversity. Arrogance is thinking you are the best and not caring about how your actions affect others. Don't get the two things confused.

So how to keep your man happy by being confident… you may need to boost your self esteem. There may be reasons from your childhood why you have low self esteem and insecurities. You need to exorcise these demons. Kids that are constantly told they are useless or stupid end up being adults of low self esteem. There are many ways of boosting your confidence and creating that confident self assured appearance that everyone finds attractive.

What we tend to forget is that we are animals and a lot of what we find attractive and appealing is to do with creating the best off spring. We find strength, self assurance and physical perfection attractive because that is what makes the best mate and should we have children; the best children. So what we are dealing with is nature and it's always there in all we do. Now most of us aren't perfect and consequently what we find attractive is a person that ticks most of the boxes of the ideal mate.

This is your aim… to tick as many boxes as possible and you will feel more confident and self assured. Write a list of your strengths and those things you are really good at. No matter how important you consider them to be. Sit and ponder the list and think of at least three more. Trust me you will find them. We are all better and stronger than we realise. Because day to day we get bogged down with what annoys us and what stands in our way. These are negatives and should not be allowed to damage your confidence.

No body expects you to be good at everything, no one expects you to always get it right. If there are things in the past that have damaged your confidence, leave them there where they belong… in the past. Life is too short to dwell on negatives be they from the past or the present. We cannot change what has happened we can only change what happens next and how we approach to life from now on.

If there are things you are afraid of, confront them head on and get counselling if need be. There is nothing worse than living a life in fear. Surround yourself with positive people. If you have friends or relatives that are always moaning or whining, avoid them and if you can't, be strong and cheer them up. You will be amazed how much confidence you can gain from cheering someone else up. Try and keep company with those people that make you feel positive and cheerful.

We come this way only once so make sure you enjoy it. We are all better than we realise and we all take too much to heart sometimes. By being strong and confident you will make yourself more attractive to everyone not just your man. So how to keep your man happy… be strong, be confident and let him know you love him everyday.

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